Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits ISA Standards for Automation An Overview.


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Presentation transcript:

Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits ISA Standards for Automation An Overview

2 Standards A standard is a document that sets forth requirements that a process, system, product, and/or material must satisfy if it is to be stated (or advertised) as meeting that standard. The requirements in a standard typically pertain to safety, performance, interchangeability, and the like. ISA standards are developed in a collaborative and consensus-based process that is balanced by participation from interest categories including end users, suppliers, and others. ISA standards are not government regulations, but rather voluntary documents. However, it is not unusual for contracts made between private entities to include requirements to follow specific ISA standards.

3 Standards Have Many Benefits Direct return on investment –enabling design with less "custom" effort –lowering installation and startup costs –reducing need to maintain large inventories –enabling interchangeability of components –increasing safety –increasing security

4 Benefits of Standards (cont.) Use of standards in industry –improves communication –provides practical application of expert knowledge –harnesses years of experience and avoids the necessity of starting each project from the ground up

5 Benefits of Standards (cont.) Standards help achieve operational excellence by –improving performance –lowering maintenance costs –reducing downtime –enhancing operability –saving money

6 Benefits of Standards (cont.) Standards development enhances the work and careers of those who directly participate by –expanding knowledge base –identifying potential resources –enhancing leadership skills –developing professional networking

7 ISA Standards ISA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to develop industry standards following approved processes. ANSI accreditation does not prevent participation in ISA Standards by those outside the US. –100 committees and subgroups –> 2000 participating organizations –> 3500 participating individuals from over 40 countries –Extensive use of teleconferences and web meetings The current ISA standards portfolio: –>150 published standards, recommended practices and technical reports.

88 Key ISA Standards committees include: Process Instrumentation Symbols & Diagrams (ISA5) Management of Alarms (ISA18) Instrument Specification Forms (ISA20) Fossil & Nuclear Power Plants (ISA77 and ISA67) Functional Safety for the Process Industries (ISA84) Batch Process Control (ISA88) Enterprise-Control System Integration (ISA95) Industrial Automation & Control Systems Security (ISA99) Wireless Systems for Automation (ISA100) Human-Machine Interface (ISA101) Commissioning, Loop Checks, & Factory/Site Acceptance (ISA105) Procedure Automation for Continuous Process Operations (ISA106) Intelligent Device Management (ISA108)

9 ISA Standards: Global Impact Several original ISA Standards are the basis of major International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards, including: –IEC 62682: Management of Alarms (ISA18) –IEC 61511: Functional Safety (ISA84) –IEC 61512: Batch Control (ISA88) –IEC 62264: Enterprise Control-System Integration (ISA95) –IEC 62443: Industrial Automation & Control Systems Security (ISA99) ISA manages two international secretariats for IEC TC65, Industrial Process Measurement and Control; and hosted the IEC TC65 International Plenary in 2012.

10 ISA Standards Program ISA develops consensus standards in accordance with its ANSI-accredited procedures. Those accredited procedures define balance and other due process requirements to ensure that the standards developed represent consensus across broad categories of end users, suppliers, government, and others.

11 New Standards Projects A proposal for a new standard or committee may be submitted to the ISA Standards & Practices Board. The Board assesses the proposal and may vote to form a new ISA standards committee, including its scope and purpose. The Board assigns one of its members as managing director to oversee a newly approved committee. The managing director assigns a chair of the committee, who then begins recruiting committee members. Idea for an ISA Standard? Send it to

12 Standards Committees ISA’s accredited procedures define Main (oversight) Committees to develop ISA Standards in their topic areas. A Main Committee may form working groups or other subgroups of experts to develop specific standards for approval by the Main Committee. Main Committees include Voting and Information (non- voting) members. Voting Members must be balanced across interest categories including users, suppliers, government, and others.

13 Standards Committee Members Voting members must meet participation requirements to maintain that status. Non-voting members are observers who may submit review comments on documents and participate in committee communications. They may apply for voting status if they can commit to a required level of participation. Committees may hold periodic face-face meetings, sometimes in conjunction with ISA leaders meetings or symposia -- but rely greatly on web meetings and electronic communications to accommodate worldwide participation.

14 For more information Visit – Contact: Charley Robinson ISA Standards & Technology Idea for a new standard, topic, or training that ISA should develop? your idea to: