Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Mandeep Saini TNC15, Porto, Portugal Virtual organisation Authorisation Management Practices in Research and Education VAMPIRE 16 th June 2015 Task Leader, GN4-1 SA5 T6 – AAI in GÉANT Senior Software Engineer, GÉANT Task Leader, GN4-1 SA7 T3 – Service Delivery and Adoption
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GN4 - a 7 year project under Horizon 2020 Requires a robust and efficient solution for all aspects of identity management. GÉANT Community Virtual Organisation VO Authentication eduGAIN service Successfully addresses authentication in heterogeneous environment. VO Authorisation Multiple services, each with local database to store groups and authorisation attributes. 2 Introduction
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 3 GN3Plus Intranet 1. Access Protected Page GN3Plus Intranet 2. User not authenticated, redirected to IdP Authenticates User 3. Returns SAML Assertion via browser Retrieves Unique Handle 4. fetch group membership 5. Display content Identity Provider GÉANT Active Directory
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Distributed authorisation leads to … Duplication of data Duplication of effort Increased risk of stale data Complex centralised user provisioning and de-provisioning process Audit ineffectiveness 4 Problem Statement
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Central Authorisation Management System (CAMS) Centralises authorisation data Decentralises the management for authorisation data Defines workflows for the effective data and people management Makes use of following tools: Gropuper Comanage 5 Proposed Solution
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GÉANT Service 2 GÉANT Service 3 6 High Level Architecture SP Proxy Discovery Service IdP 1 IdP 2 IdP n GÉANT Service n Attribute Authority Grouper LDAP COmanage GÉANT Service 1
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Bootstrapping using delegation model Adding/Removing a project participant Change of Affiliation Change of group membership Project participant accesses a service for the first time, who is not registered in central system. Revalidating project participants Managing exceptions Auditing 7 Workflows
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Bootstrapping using delegation model GÉANT Project Start-up Registration of all project participants with appropriate groups and authorisation data. Defined automated process using delegation model. To reduce IT overhead Includes features such as: invitations Enabling participant’s self-registration A delegation model to fit in the distributed management environment. IT invites Activity Leaders Activity Leaders invites Task Leaders Task Leaders invites Team Members The workflow is not only useful at the start of the project but also every time a new service or organisation is added to the central authorisation system. 8 Workflows … (Part 1)
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 9 User Provisioning Sequence Diagram GÉANT CAMS 3. Redirected to Discovery Service 5. Authenticates User 6. Returns SAML Assertion via browser Identity Provider SP Proxy DS 1.User receives invitation via 2.Click on invitation URL 4. User selects Idp, redirected to the selected IdP via browser 7. Generates Unique Internal Id, if not already exists for the user. 9. Provisions user - maps grouper memberships to EPPN, SP Proxy generated unique user Id and COmanage generated unique user Id 8. Returns user attributes, in the form of SAML assertion via browser
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Adding/Removing a project participant: Defines project participants’ provisioning and de-provisioning using delegation model. Preserves history when a project participant is de-provisioned. Change of group membership: The need arises: if user needs to be added or removed from a specific group or if user’s role has changed within project/home organisation etc. Change of Affiliation: Migrate the project participant’s profile to a new ID, affiliated to a new organisation. 10 Workflows … (Part 2)
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Project participant accesses a service for the first time User doesn’t exist in the CAMS. Focuses on creating a positive user experience Automated process for self-registration. Project participant presented with a webpage Pre-populated fields Principal Name, First Name, Last Name, Address, Affiliation, Scoped Affiliation User to specify why they need access Request sent to group owner Verify and validate the information provided Assign user to the appropriate groups. 11 Workflows … (Part 3)
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Revalidating project participants To ensure that the project participant accounts are still active, defines automated and periodic revalidation. Managing exceptions Handles scenarios that deviate from “standard” practices e.g. a project participant might not hold the role of Task Leader (TL) but still be required to have all the same access as TLs. Defines the workflow, while taking care to provide the correct information as well e.g. list of TLs should not return ‘like TLs’ project participants. Auditing Defines verification of all the processes that are carried out at the central authorisation system to ensure their effectiveness and correctness at regular intervals. 12 Workflows … (Part 4)
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 13 Detailed Architecture COmanage Grouper WS Grouper UI Tomcat Apache HTTP Server Grouper PSP Attribute Authority Grouper WS Tomcat Apache HTTP Server Tomcat Attribute Authority Grouper WS Tomcat Apache HTTP Server Web Browser Load Balancer MySQL replica Master LDAP Master MySQL LDAP replica MySQL replica LDAP replica VOOT SAML LDAP Virtual Machine SP Proxy / Service Provider SAML VOOT LDAP
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 14 User Login Sequence Diagram [ User found] 9. Display content 1. Access Protected Page 2. User not authenticated, redirected to DS 3. User selects Idp, redirected to the selected IdP via browser Authenticates User 4. Returns SAML Assertion via browser Locates user’s unique internal Id Attribute Resolving 5. Request attributes 6. Returns attributes SP Proxy DS Tools Portal IdP AA alt user’s self-registration 8. Authentication success Response [ else ] 7. Authentication success response + attributes
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GÉANT CAMS rolled out in production in April Used bootstrapping workflow to register GN4 Phase 1 project participants. GN4 Intranet (SharePoint 2013) using CAMS for authorisation Doesn’t use any local database for AA SP 2013 Grouper Claim Provider Uses VOOT Connector Queries Grouper to add search capabilities to the people picker. ADFS LDAP Attribute Store Provides user’s authorisation data at login time. Grouper Attribute Store implementation in progress. 15 Current Status
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People No single product covers all use cases out of the box. All VO’s are unique with different requirements. Product usability needs improvement. User training is important. Define group & OUs structure in advance. Decentralisation requires user buy-in. 16 Challenges and Lessons Learnt
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GÉANT SP Proxy’s integration with CAMS. GÉANT Wiki GÉANT Tools Portal GÉANT JIRA Other GÉANT Services Automation of remaining workflows: Project participant accesses a service for the first time, who is not registered in CAMS. Revalidating project participants Managing exceptions Auditing Complete Grouper Attribute Store implementation Feedback given to Comanage and Grouper developers Bugs and feature requests 17 Next Steps
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Thank you Networks ∙ Services ∙ People This work is part of a project that has applied for funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No (GN4-1). 18