Argumentative Writing 02/24/15
Warm-up You have 5 minutes to complete 4 questions. Please begin when the bell rings.
Argumentative Writing Purpose: to convince others to agree with our facts and ideas Parts: Claim- Which side are you on? Evidence to support the claim- factual information either from research or from events in a novel. Counter-argument- the anticipation of your reader’s objections, this makes you sound reasonable
Read & Annotate Article Use CATCH C- Circle unfamiliar words A- Acknowledge the confusion & wrestle with it- paraphrase the chunks of the text T- Talk with the text: comment, predict, observe, connect, and react- write in the margins C- Capture the main idea H- Highlight the main idea- at least four sentences
Claims A claim is the main argument of an essay Defines your paper’s goals and direction and is supported by evidence, quotations, argumentation, expert opinions, statistics, and details. Must be argumentative and specific.
Example Claim Opinion: The governor is a bad man. Argument: The governor has continually done the community a disservice by mishandling money and failing to listen to his constituents.
Warm-up 2/26/15 You have 3 minutes…
Pop Quiz No Talking You have 10 minutes
Introduction Hook your reader in Give them some background State your claim :::::::::EXAMPLE::::::::: Long before the internet, hackers were breaking codes. In the movie The Imitation Game, a group of hackers in London break the Nazi code called Enigma. With the information they decode, the hackers predict where German forces will be and eventually bring the war to an end but at a heavy price. The only way for the hackers to win is to strategically decide who lived and who died.
Now It’s Your Turn Quietly read and annotate both sides of the issue presented in the article “Should rap lyrics be used as legal evidence of criminal activity?” Read the two excerpts provided as well. Then write an introduction paragraph only answering the prompt.
Switch with a Partner Read their introduction and provide polite feedback Do they have a hook? Did they provide background? Do they state their claim?
Reflection Please Complete the Reflection and turn in the following papers before you leave: Warm-up 2/24, 2/25, 2/26 CATCH Article
Argumentation March 2, 2015
Warm-up Please attempt the entire warm-up in 4 minutes. 1. Greek’s 2. city’s 3. winners’ 4. leaves 5. inches 6. photos
Reminders Thursday is a minimum day Friday- meet at the theater for Counseling
Introductions Feedback Hook, background, claim- stick to this order until you master it! Don’t use “I” pronoun- formal writing is written in 3rd person NOT 1st person Don’t reveal too much background in the introduction or then it might sound like you are summarizing the articles
Argumentative Essay Issue: You must decide whether or not the School Board should vote to have stricter rules with “personal belief” waivers when it comes to parents opting to not vaccinate their children in order to send them to school. Part 1: Evidence Collection Read through 2 articles for vaccinations and 2 articles against vaccinations Collect evidence for both sides- this is necessary for your claim and counterclaim in your essay
Types of Evidence and Rhetorical Appeals Charts Read over the charts quietly. Highlight/Underline important phrases in the definitions that signal what the terms mean.
Practice: Advertisement 1
Practice: Advertisement 2
Practice: Advertisement 3
Study Skills Writing Activity: Gandhi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” What does this quote mean to you? If you could go back in time and change one thing about your life, what would you change? How would your life be different because of this change? Please answer each question. Put thought into your responses. Answers should be between sentences. This writing activity is due on Friday.
Warm-up 3/3 Please complete the warm-up in 3 minutes. Refer to the chart and example if you need help. 2. enemy enemy’s enemies’ 3. farmer farmer’s farmers’ 4. uncle uncle’s uncles‘ 5. wife wife’s wives’
Reflection Questions Why is it important to understand the types of evidence and rhetorical appeals as a consumer or reader? How can mastering the types of evidence and rhetorical appeals help you as a writer?
How do I get a 4 on the rubric? Annotate the articles for the following: Main argument Summarize Identify the author’s TONE (how the author feels about the topic) Find two pieces of evidence to back either your claim or counter-claim
Warm-up 3/4 Please complete in 4 minutes 1. Independent clause 2. Subordinate clause 3. Subordinate clause 4. Independent clause
Annotation Expectations Circle and define unfamiliar words Paraphrase- Highlight in paragraph and write summaries in the text boxes provided Evidence Collection- Specific Quotes that you plan to use in your paper- should be exact words Explanation of the quote What does it SAY? What does it MEAN? Why does it MATTER?
End of the Week Reflection What do you need me to review on Monday in order for you to be successful? What questions do you have for me?