Parts of Speech
Nine Parts of Speech Nouns Prono uns Adjectives Adverbs Conjunctions Prepositions Verb s Interjections Articles
A noun is a word that names A noun is a word that names b A b A Person b An b An Idea b A b A Thing Place
Kinds of Nouns
The pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns. It may stand for a person, place, thing, or idea. The pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns. It may stand for a person, place, thing, or idea. Personal Pronouns Singular: I, me, mine you, your, yours she, her, hers, it, its, myself, yourself Plural: we, us, our, ours they, them, their, theirs Indefinite Pronouns anybody anything each either everybody somebody no one none someone, one, etc. Interrogative Pronouns who whom what which whose Demonstrative Pronouns this that these those
Singular Plural each their several its everyone our someone either his/her somebody anyone neither everybody them us
All, some, any, and none may be either singular OR plural, depending on their meaning in a sentence.
Why is this important? * A pronoun must be singular if its antecedent is singular. *A pronoun must be plural if its antecedent is plural. Everything must match!
If a pronoun is singular, it takes a singular verb. If a pronoun is plural, it takes a plural verb.
Check: Pronoun/antecedent agreement. Every one must do their homework. –Correct or incorrect? Incorrect! Correct: Everyone must do his or her homework.
Check: Each of the girls ate their dessert. –Correct or incorrect? Incorrect! Correct: Each of the girls ate her dessert.
Now check the pronoun/verb agreement: Each of the team members practice alone. –Correct or incorrect? Incorrect! Correct: Each of the team members practices alone.
Every sentence must have a VERB! Every sentence must have a VERB!
Kinds of Verbs 1. Action verbs : express mental or physical action. express mental or physical action. Examples: He rode the horse to victory. She studied for the test. - Think, shout, remember
. 2. Linking verbs: Definition: Linking verbs do not tell about an action. They LINK the subject with a word or words that describe or rename it. Linking verbs: is am arewere was been being seem She was sick.
The following can be either action or linking verbs: appear remain became appear remain became look feel smell look feel smell taste grow sound taste grow sound For example: For example: John feels sick. He appears tired. John feels sick. He appears tired. vs. vs. vs. vs. He feels the blanket. The sun appeared He feels the blanket. The sun appeared in the sky. in the sky.
A preposition shows the relationship of a noun to another word in the sentence. The word or word group that the preposition introduces is its object. They received a postcard from Bobby telling about his trip to Canada.
The preposition never stands alone ! preposition noun pronoun object of preposition object There can be more than one object: You can press those leaves under glass. Her telegram to Nina and Ralph brought good news.
Some Common Prepositions aboard about above across after against along among around at before behind below beneath beside between beyond by down during except for from in into like of off on over past since through throughout to toward under underneath until up upon with within without
He reached across the table. He came from New York City and moved to California when he was twelve. “Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom…”
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases b prepositionalphrases/ prepositionalphrases/ prepositionalphrases/
Definition: Describes a noun or pronoun.. Answers these questions: Which? What kind? How many? How much?
Examples: b Did you lose your red jacket? b Is that a wool sweater? b That was a quick nap! b Just give me five minutes. b She is a happy girl.
Definition: Describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Definition: Describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Answer the questions: How? Examples: He ran quickly. Examples: He ran quickly. She left yesterday. When? We went there. Where? It was too hot! To what degree or how much?
The Adverb b adverbs/ adverbs/ adverbs/
#7- Conjunctions b Definition: A conjunction is a connecting word- a word that joins words or groups of word that joins words or groups of words. words.
Examples of Conjunctions: Coordinating conjunctions: For For And And Nor Nor But But Or Or Yet Yet So So b Correlative Conjunctions… b Both…..and b Either…..or b Neither….nor b Not only…..but also b Whether….or
Lucy and Roger came to the partyLucy and Roger came to the party Todd will call his mother or father.Todd will call his mother or father. I did my homework, but I left it at home.I did my homework, but I left it at home.
Both the chorus and the orchestra will perform.Both the chorus and the orchestra will perform. Either you or I will have to go.Either you or I will have to go. Neither the girl nor the boy knew where they were going.Neither the girl nor the boy knew where they were going. You have to, whether you like it or not!You have to, whether you like it or not! We need not only to study for math, but also for English.We need not only to study for math, but also for English.
More conjunctions… However Whenever Whereas Although Unless Since Because Furthermore As a result of Hence Meanwhile Also Therefor Unless Nevertheless
8) Interjections Definition: An exclamatory word that expresses emotion. Aww! What a cute baby! Wow! Look at the time! Hey! Watch out! Ouch!
9) ARTICLES 9) ARTICLES b An b A b The b When you see these words, a noun is very near by!