Key Request Project
Mission To maintain an efficient key record system that documents access to locks on campus Vision Public Safety strives to continually improve the safety and security of the Berea College campus
Charter 1.Mission 1.Mission –Public Safety strives to continually improve the safety and security of the Berea College campus 2.Burning platform 2.Burning platform – Inefficient process that has low customer satisfaction 3.Process Description 3.Process Description – Public Safety enables faculty, staff and students to access building and rooms upon request by providing the with keys 4.Problem Statement 4.Problem Statement –The key request process had never been reviewed from a continuous process improvement point of view and therefore container excessive waste and many nonvalue added steps. 5.Sponsor 5.Sponsor – Dr. Reid & Richard Smith 6.Process Owner 6.Process Owner – Lavoyed Hudgins 7.Team Lead 7.Team Lead – Shemekia Hampton 8.Facilitator 8.Facilitator – Cameron Cohran 9.Team 9.Team – Erin Powers, Damon Rosenbarker, Aaron Beale, Brad Cole, Richard Smith
SIPOC Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers. Faculty Staff Students Keys supplied to requestors Accurate data of key holders Matrix of security level for buildings Approve key Request Cut Keys Deliver Keys Internal Policies Distance between PS and FM Key Request forms Work order Forms Purchase orders Key Vendor Student Staff Faculty
Hi-Level Process Map Requestor picks up key Key request is approved Key is made Key is delivered to Public Safety for pickup Request for key is submitted to Public Safety
Current State
Intermediate State
Ideal Future State
Kaizen Events Inventory - Complete Key waiting period - Complete Post Key storage - Complete Validation - Incomplete Yellow Card - Incomplete
Kaizen Event: Inventory Status: Completed Problem Statement: Blank key inventory can run out in times of high demand and be excessive in times of low demand because inventory level doesn’t match demand. This inconsistency is caused by lack of a standardized process of control over the inventory. Waste Observed : Waiting, Inventory, Motion Solution: Standardize procedure of storing key in store room, setting up a buffer stock, coordinating forecast with supplier Waste Eliminated: Waiting, Inventory, Motion
Kaizen Event: Key Waiting Period Status: Completed Problem Statement: Processed keys would be delivered to Public Safety and never used because the requestor never picked up the key. The keys were not picked up because of user decided that the key was no longer needed. Extra time was needed to reorganized keys after deliver because of the lack of standardized inventory control process. Waste Observed : Waiting, Space, Inventory, Over Processed, Motion Solution: Create a standard of work which included disposing the key after two weeks. Eliminate one of the inventory files so the keys would not need to be reorganized. Waste Eliminated: Waiting, Over Process, Motion
Kaizen Event: Post Key Storage Status: Completed Problem Statement: Unused keys were being held in an overflow inventory but these keys were not stored in a good inventory control process consequently the keys were never reissued. This resulted in inventory that is constantly growing. Waste Observed : Waiting, Inventory Solution: Create a standard of work which included disposing the key after two weeks Waste Eliminated: Waiting, Inventory
Kaizen Event: Validation Status: Incomplete Problem Statement: Validation of key request is not timely because of poor room labeling, multiple forms, and miscommunication with customers Waste Observed : Waiting, Over Process, Defects, Motion Solution: Relabel campus to match Keystone, Waste eliminated: Defects, Over Process, Motion
Kaizen Event: Yellow Card Status: Incomplete Problem Statement: Public safety keeps a record of who has a key in Keystone and on paper. The paper copies are kept just in case PS needs to know who checked out a key. Additionally, PS finds it difficult and timely to use Key Stone. Waste Observed : Over process, Inventory (yellow Cards), Motion Solution: Remove the need for yellow cards and only use Keystone key management system to manage keys.
Process Improvements Current StateAfter Kaizen Events% Change Cycle Time44,773 min5,820 min-13% Process Time2,057 min1,984 min-4% Wait Time 42,716 min/ 6,611 min 3,836 min-91%/-72% Total Touches % Non-Value Added Touches %
Project Savings Reduced cycle time from 24 days to 3 days Hard savings key inventory reduction = $50 Soft savings for labor reallocation = $18,007 Unrealized savings from remaining kaizens Hard savings from the elimination of printed cards = $40 Soft savings from reallocation of labor = $9,250