Appledore Community Primary and Nursery School
The Starting Point Autumn Term 2004 New Y4 class of 33 children. 20 boys and 13 girls. Many of the boys have summer birthdays. Boys reluctant to write. New format of planning which links areas of the curriculum together. Booking making at the start of each term. Y1 teacher visited Liverpool with members of the Bideford Learning Community and Jo Turner.
Autumn term 2004 – Y4 The shared experience Theatre visit – Just Remember Two Things (play about two young boys who were evacuated to Devon during WW2) Visit to the North Devon Museum (dressing up in army clothes, rationing of food, Anderson shelter, local ladies talking about their experiences of the bombing in Plymouth) Children’s own family experiences (photographs, ration books, service papers, letters, stories etc)
Preparation for role-play Gas mask boxes made Ration books designed Dressing-up clothes Setting up the Anderson Shelter
The Anderson Shelter
Spring Term 2005 Inset using the ‘Excellence and Enjoyment’ materials – ‘learning and teaching in the primary years’ Linking the key aspects of learning to the revised medium term planning. Units linked together to create effective learning. Week allocated to each topic. Stand alone units timetabled. All members of staff attended a day planning role-play, project within the Bideford Learning Community, with Jo Turner. All staff have attended a drama/role-play course with Joe Winston.
Classroom before
Preparation time
Shared experience Visit to the Eden Project in Cornwall Children experiences in the tropical biome Role-play area reviewed on return to classroom
At work
Impact on writing Boys wanting to write Both boys and girls producing more written work Choosing to write in the role-play area Enthusiasm to research all areas of the curriculum on the topic
Role-play across the school Nursery/Reception – The wedding Y1 – The garden centre, The castle, The Doctors Surgery Y2 – Indian shrine Y6 – The solicitors office
In the Y2 classroom
The Shrine
Year 6