Necessity is the mother of invention
The Digital Compact Disc Chester F. Carlson Alexander Graham Bell Telephone James Russell Photocopier
in Alexander G. Bell invented the in was invented in The was invented in What happens to the subject. - Who or what causes the action is unknown or unimportant. - What the subject does.
Alexander G. Bell invented the in Alexander G. Bell invented the in The by Alexander G. Bell in The by Alexander G. Bell in was invented Main Verb S. Past Aux. Verb S. Past Main Verb Past Participle To be + Past participle (main Verb)
James Russell invented the digital compact disc. Chester F. Carlson invented the photocopier. The photocopier The digital compact disc was invented by James Russell. was invented by Chester F. Carlson.
Microsoft is developing new software. New software is being developed by Microsoft. Main Verb Present Continuous Aux. Verb Present Continuous Main Verb Past Participle
Scientists have made great improvements in technology lately. Great improvements in technology have been made by scientists lately. Necessity forces people to invent new gadgets. People are forced by technology to invent new gadgets. Robots will control mankind by the year Mankind will be controlled by robots by the year 2025.
Samuel F. B. Morse developed the electric telegraph. The electric telegraph Computers have created an illusion world called Matrix. An illusion world called Matrix was developed by Samuel F. B. Morse. has been created by computers.
was invented by was created by was designed by S.Korolyev A.G.Bell J.L.Baird B.Gates P.Spencer Inventions & Inventors
1. Did Ruth Handler invent … ?
2. Did Levi Strauss invent … ?
3. Did John Logie Baird invent … ?
4. Did Alexander Graham Bell invent … ?
5. Did Alfred Nobel invent … ?
6. Did Orville and Wilbur Wright invent … ?
7. Did Ezra Warner invent … ?
8. Did Dr Washington Sheffield invent … ?
9. Did Dr John Pemberton invent … ?
10. Did William Painter invent … ?
11. Did Akio Morita invent … ?
12. Did John Montague invent … ?
13. Did Morris Michtom invent … ?
14. Did Dr John Kellogg invent … ?
15. Did Alexander Fleming discover … ?
16. Did Thomas Allbutt invent … ?
Explorers Fill in each sentence with the correct word from the box Cartier Florida riches Spain England new LawrenceNewport 1._______________ was from France and explored Canada 2.Christopher Columbus wanted to find the ______ world, but instead landed in San Salvador. 3.Explorers often want to find new land, _______ and fame. 4.Christopher ___________ explored Jamestown. 5.Ponce de Leon was a Spanish explorer who landed in ________ to find riches and land. 6.Jaques Cartier also explored the St. _________ River. 7.Columbus and de Leon were both from _____________. 8.Christopher Newport was sponsored by ____________.
FERDINAND MAGELLAN …the first explorer to lead an expedition around the world. 1,5 million BC erectus produces a simple tool of chipped flint BC production and agriculture appear in the region of Iraq and Syria BC. The comes into use in Mesopotamia BC. The first are erected in Egypt using human labor and sleds BC. The age begins in Europe and spreads to China by 600 BC. 400 BC. Greek engineers invent the , exploiting gravity. 214 BC. The Great of China is completed. It reaches the height of 9 meters and extends 6400 km. 100 BC develops in Syria. 500 AD production develops in Europe, though it is used primarily for laundry rather than personal hygiene The magnetic is in use in China and the Mediterranean Marco polo returns from China, carrying information about Chinese to the West. DNApersonpenicillinrailatomicpyramidsradio automobilePotteryironsatelliteHomoSoaptelegraph phonographastronautDollyglassblowingtelephoneInternetwheel mooncatapultcompassfingerprintsWalltechnologiesballoon submarinesprintingvoyages
DNApersonpenicillinrailatomicpyramidsradio automobilePotteryironsatelliteHomoSoaptelegraph phonographastronautDollyglassblowingtelephoneInternetwheel mooncatapultcompassfingerprintsWalltechnologiesballoon submarinesprintingvoyages Johannes Gutenberg develops a hand-operated press Prince Henry the Navigator sponsors of exploration to the Madeiras and Western Africa Leonardo Da Vinci designs , airplanes and bicycles French brothers Montgolfier stage the first flight The first line for passengers begins operation in England First electromagnetic developed by German physicists Alexander Graham Bell patents the Thomas Edison patents the German designer Karl Benz produces the first English scientist Frances Galton establishes that human are unique Italian engineer Marconi patents the wireless system Alexander Fleming discovers It revolutionises the treatment of infectious diseases.
DNApersonpenicillinrailatomicpyramidsradio automobilePotteryironsatelliteHomoSoaptelegraph phonographastronautDollyglassblowingtelephoneInternetwheel mooncatapultcompassfingerprintsWalltechnologiesballoon submarinesprintingvoyages American Manhattan project develops and builds the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in The USSR launches the first artificial , Sputnik I Soviet Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space American astronaut Neil Armstrong commands the Apollo 11 mission and becomes the first man to walk on the is developed by British geneticist Alec Jeffreys The , the computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information, becomes a widely used tool The birth of , the sheep The six billionth on earth is born in Sarajevo.