DOM Thermal Test Sept X.Bai, D.Swarnkar,
26”(L) X 28(1/4)”(W) X 20”(H) blue board box filled with fiber glass insulation blue board insulation 2” Gel level D.B. M.B F.B. Water level 2 ~½” ¾” 1(3/8)” (B-1) t2 t3 t0 t1 Water level 1 3(1/4)” t0 – MB sensor t1 – laser T-meter t2 – J type T-sensor t3 – K type T-sensor (taped on glass) 1” Photo-cathode (1/8)”~(1/4)”
Other configurations: HV was off all the time Only the temperature was read out from the DOM during the test The software: modified Kael’s Python codes using iceboot
(without the bottom blue board B-2: see setup picture on slide 2) t1 t2 t0 10.5C ±0.9C (±1.0C) Water level - 1 Due to the difference Among 3 different T-sensors: t0, t1, t2 Due to the room Temp fluctuation During the 3 runs
t1 t3 t2 t0 13.0C ±0.9C (±1.0C) In air (with the bottom blue board B-2: see setup picture on slide 2)
t1 t3 t2 t0 11.3C ±0.9C (±1.0C) Water level - 2 (with the bottom blue board B-2: see setup picture on slide 2)
The Power goes to the DOM Here are the numbers: DOM-MB DORCard 50V Power supply Watt Meter 33.9Watts~34.6WattsON & reading 29.8Watts~30.5WattsOFF Delta = 4.1 Watts (50V Power Supply Efficiency=TBD% ~ 2.75/4.1=67%) Another measure: 0.055amp ON 0.0amp OFF 50V 0.055amp = 2.75 Watts Power to each functioning DOM ≥ 2.8 Watts* Linux Box DOM 110V power 110V power
Heater for To use the configuration of test With a linear extrapolation MonthWeatherno-moreIf +0.92Wattsif +2.2Watts (monthly*) January-27C-15.7C≈-12C(if not turned off)≈-7C(if not turned off) February-45 March-56 April-55 May-56 June-59 July-60C-48.7C≈-45C≈-40C August-60 September-59 October-47 November-31 December-27 *) The monthly average surface temperature at the Pole is from *) try in four 0304 DOMs: each with an extra heater of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 2.5Watts?
Some Uncertainties How much does the temperature inside the insulated/buried tanks differ from the monthly averaged temperature on the surface. How much does the environmental temperature change the insulation property and the thermal behavior at the interfaces. How much does the linear extrapolation bias the fact. >>> Analyze the data from 3-04 tanks. How does the shifted temperature affect the ice property and the DOM/detector performance. >>> Monitoring tanks; Bit-7 simulation; …