In pairs, take it in turns to name a feature of a Catholic church Write down the features you and your partner come up with Rally Robin
L/O: To identify the different features found in a R.C church To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features Why Catholic churches have certain features Learning outcomes: Compete a table listing five features of a Catholic church and explaining their purpose Completed an evaluation question explaining your own and other peoples’ opinions on the features of a Catholic church Peer assessed a partners’ work
Look at the following signs and get ready to say what they mean. What do they signify?
Signs and symbols are important in our lives. We are constantly affected and influenced by them. Many convey messages about the identity of a community, place or person. Catholic Churches are designed to have certain features to assist in spiritual development and worship L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
Here are some of the features of a Catholic church. You have 3 minutes to name them and write a sentence about what they represent/why they are important L/O: To identify the different features found in a R.C church
The church faces east This reminds Catholics of the belief that Jesus rose from the dead bringing new life just as the sun rises from the east EAST L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
The Altar This is the focus of attention in the Catholic church. It is prominent because the priest offers Mass on the altar as a symbol of Christ offering himself as a sacrifice to God on the cross. The altar is positioned so that the priest can face the congregation as he celebrates the mass. On or near the altar are candles that shine and give light representing the Christian belief that Jesus is the light of the world. Did you get it right? L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
The Crucifix In Catholic churches, there is always a crucifix, a cross with an image of the crucified Christ on it. This may be on or near the altar. It is a visual reminder of the suffering and death of Jesus. It reminds Catholics that if it wasn’t for the death of Jesus we could not receive eternal life. Did you get it right? L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
The tabernacle Catholics believe that Jesus is really present in the blessed sacrament reserved in the tabernacle for distribution to the sick. Catholics show their reverence (respect) for Jesus by genuflecting towards the tabernacle whenever they walk past it. Did you get it right? L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
The baptismal font The baptismal font is usually at the entrance (the back) of the church to remind Catholics that baptism is what makes a person a member of the Church- it is the first sacrament. The font contains holy water and it is where Catholics are baptised with the water. Did you get it right? L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
The confessional This is a small room in which the sacrament of reconciliation may take place. The fact that there is a room set aside for this shows the importance of the sacrament of reconciliation: by penance and absolution, Catholics are reconciled (brought back together) with God. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned! L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
The lectern This is a book stand where the priest/deacons and ministers of the word stand to read to the congregation. It is the focal point for the congregation when the Word of God is being read L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
The stations of the cross These fourteen pictures from the Passion of Christ are a reminder of the importance of the death and suffering of Jesus for the salvation of us. They are especially used during Lent when Catholics focus their worship on the suffering of Christ. Some people pray to the stations of the cross each Friday during Lent to remember Jesus’ death on Good Friday L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
So far…… Do any of these features appear on your list from the start of the lesson? L/O: To identify the different features found in a R.C church
Statues Different churches will have a variety of different statues. They are visual aids to assist worship, and remind the congregation of various beliefs about Mary and the saints. They are to help the congregation in their prayer. Catholics do not pray TO the statues. L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
Water stoop When Catholics enter the church they bless themselves with water from the holy water stoop and make the sign of the cross. This reminds them of the trinity AND the death of Jesus AND of their baptism into the Church. It also puts them into a respectful frame of mind as the enter the church L/O: To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
Watch the virtual tour of the Catholic church- which features can you identify? Why are they there? s/george/ s/george/tour.htm L/O: To identify the different features found in a R.C church To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
“The features of a Catholic church are essential for Catholic worship” i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion ii)Give reasons why some people may disagree with you REMEMBER TO REFER TO ROMAN CATHOLIC CHRISTIANITY L/O: To identify the different features found in a R.C church To explore and understand why RC churches have certain features
Swap books! Using the mark scheme mark your partners’ evaluation question. Have they given reasons for their point of view? Have they explained why some people may disagree with them? Have they referred to RC Christianity?
KNEWNEW Copy the above table into your book and fill in what you knew at the start of the lesson and the new things you have learnt throughout the lesson
Learning objectives: Have we: Identified the different features found in a R.C church? Explored why RC churches have certain features? Understood why RC churches have certain features? Learning outcomes: Have you: Competed a table listing five features of a Catholic church and explaining their purpose? Completed an evaluation question explaining your own and other peoples’ opinions on the features of a Catholic church Peer assessed a partners’ work?