FIBER OPTIC INTERNET Tierzero has been serving businesses in Southern California since 1997.
INDEX Fiber Optic Internet Fiber Internet Fiber Optics Internet Metro Ethernet Business Fiber Internet
FIBER OPTIC INTERNET Metro Fiber Internet for businesses that need extra bandwidth Expands from 10 Mbps up to 1 gig per second quickly and easily without the time and expense of additional equipment.
Secure your Internet data line Don’t compromise your data privacy with Cable or DSL. Metro E is not shared with other subscribers. It is a point to point private data connection between your company and the Internet. Get 100% of your Internet speed Unlike shared services like cable, DSL or FiOS that slow down during peak hours, Metro Ethernet gives you your full speed 24/7. Replaces copper lines Metro Fiber Internet bypasses the phone company's old copper lines with state-of-the-art fiber technology. Web-based dashboard Don't get caught off guard. Track bandwidth usage and monitor network status from your browser.
FIBER OPTICS INTERNET Metro Fiber Internet Installation Metro E is a end to end fiber connection and is not available in all locations. The installation process takes 90 to 120 days depending on whether fiber has already been brought to your building or construction is needed. Installation is generally included with the monthly price of your Metro Fiber service. However, in some cases some additional charges do apply if additional construction is needed at your location.
In customer survey one the things that businesses said made the biggest difference with Tierzero was proactive monitoring. Time after time we notify our customers of problems and solve them before they even know they are a problem. Tierzero does not charge extra for Proactive 24/7 Monitoring like some of our competitors. We include it with your service because it makes sense you would expect it as part of your service. Our Customer Care Specialist monitor your circuit around the clock 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Not only do we respond if your circuit goes down, we can tell if the line is having problems and may go down. In both these cases we immediately spring into action and take proactive steps to insure your up-time.
We offer one of the most generous referral programs in the business. The Tierzero Partner Program allows qualified Partners to earn income from Customers referred to Tierzero for Voice and Data for the life of the service provided. As long as the Customer makes a monthly payment to Tierzero, the Partner earns income. Partners do not have to close sales, handle contracts or billing. Tierzero recognizes the value of the trusted relationship between the Partner and Customer. Partners make the introduction to the Customer and recommend Tierzero services. We handle the rest. Refer a customer for any of these services.
FIBER INTERNET Our customers liked our approach so much, they urged us to add state-of-the-art business voice to our world-class data service. In 2003 we added a Broadsoft switch to our network, the world leader in business voice services. Today, we are still focused on one goal – delivering “no hassle” voice and data to Southern California businesses.
We provide simple solutions to technical hassles. We take full responsibility for the service we provide, leaving customers free to grow their own business. We don’t draw a line in the sand with our customers. We are more interested in making the service work than being right. We are friendly (some say that’s refreshing). We answer the phone the minute they call and act quickly and effectively to address their needs. We treat all our clients with the respect they deserve. We proactively monitor all of our services and usually beat our customers to the punch if there is a problem. We have the same high-tech infrastructure as the Phone Company, without the Phone Company run- around.
METRO ETHERNET Tierzero is the largest wholesale customer with one of the largest telephone companies in California. That means we can get trouble resolved in minutes that takes others hours or days. Many times we do this work in the early hours of the morning before your team gets to the office saving you lost time in productivity. If the problem is with a Tierzero provided router or the inside wiring leading up to the router we will dispatch one of our field techs to quickly resolve the problem. We know your business Internet access is critical to your operation so we do everything we can to minimize downtime.
With your Metro Fiber service you get a login and password to your Usage Monitoring Portal. This portal lets you view the usage and statistics of your Metro Fiber service. It is very useful in helping you detect trends in your bandwidth usage allowing you to upgrade before it becomes critical. Tierzero is staffed around the clock with real people based in our Los Angeles office. Our technical support professionals are smart, friendly, and eager to solve your problems.
FIBER OPTIC INTERNET For more information visit our site: