When a Strong Man Doubts When a Strong Man Doubts 1 Peter 5:8-9; Luke 7:18-28
Can a Strong Man Doubt? John questioned the identity of Jesus. (Luke 7:19-20) John had already seen the Holy Spirit’s identification of Christ at His baptism. (Mark 1:10-11; John 1:29-34) He had preached His conviction! (John 1:35-37)
Why Doubt? Two Possible Reasons Jesus had not done what John expected. (Matthew 3:11-12) John was in prison -- isolated and discouraged. (cf. 1 Kings 19:4)
Things that may cause us to doubt today Ignorance of God’s ways. Isolating ourselves from God’s word. Suffering from the actions of others. Allowing sin to harden our hearts.
The Removal of Doubt John sought more information from Jesus! (Luke 7:19-20) –Always take your doubts to the Lord! (Habakkuk 1:2-4) Jesus removes John's doubt with signs that fulfilled Scripture (Luke 7:21-23) –Jesus refers to two OT prophecies. (Isaiah 35:3-6, 61:1) –John knew the Scripture!
Lessons for us during times of doubt Renew your faith by revisiting the evidence for it in God's word. (1 Peter 3:15) Do not let doubts linger! Take your doubts to God in prayer!
Lessons for us during times of doubt Try to distinguish between the actions of men and those of God. Deal quickly with sin in your life. (Luke 8:14; Revelation 3:1-2)
Understand the True Nature of God How did Jesus respond to the doubts of John? (Hebrews 2:17-18) What was Jesus’ evaluation of John? (Luke 7:24-28) –John was not a reed blown by the wind! –Of all the prophets who had come, he was the greatest!
Understand the True Nature of God Our God does not give up on us due to a momentary lapse in faith. –How many great men of faith sinned? –We should never think that we are above sin. (1 Corinthians 10:12; 1 John 1:8) –Are we quick to repent and confess our sin to God, or do we run and hide?