Youth Outreach 2016 Event Sponsorship Opportunities Plant Sale Festival – April 15, 16, 17 Earth Day Festival – April 24 Into the Wylde: A Tour of Gardens & Greenspaces – May 14 Wylde Center’s Beer Garden – June 25 Wylde Center has over 6,000 visitors per year and hosts some of Decatur’s most popular events. From the huge Plant Sale Festival, to the Decatur Garden Tour, to Wylde Center’s Beer Garden, Wylde events are cherished in the Decatur, Kirkwood and Atlanta communities. Become an event sponsor and support our mission of cultivating vibrant greenspaces and inspiring communities of environmental stewards, while gaining valuable exposure for your business to an audience of thousands of Wylde supporters and event attendees. 1
PLANT SALE FESTIVAL April 15-17, 2016 For 3 days, 2,000 attendees from all over metro- Atlanta come to shop Wylde Center’s wide selection of vegetables, annuals, herbs, fruit trees and native plants and take part in free lectures and educational workshops. BRONZE Sponsor ($500) Company may use 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business name on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Plant Sale event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Banner hung at Plant Sale checkout ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Event postcard (4,500 pieces) Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees Sponsor may set up & staff display during the event Inclusion in Facebook posts & tweets about the event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events SILVER Sponsor ($1,000) Company may use 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business logo on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Plant Sale event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Banner hung at Plant Sale checkout ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Event postcard (4500 pieces) Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Sponsor may set up & staff display during the event Dedicated Facebook post and tweets about sponsor with link Company banner provided by sponsor hung at event
PLANT SALE FESTIVAL April 15-17, 2016 For 3 days, 2,000 attendees from all over metro- Atlanta come to shop Wylde Center’s wide selection of vegetables, annuals, herbs, fruit trees and native plants and take part in free lectures and educational workshops. GOLD PRESENTING Sponsor, Industry Exclusivity ($3,000) Company may use designation as 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Top tier positioning of business logo on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Plant Sale event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Banner hung at Plant Sale checkout ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Event postcard (4,500 pieces) Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees Sponsor may set up & staff display during the event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Dedicated Facebook post and tweets about sponsor with link Company banner provided by sponsor hung at event Company banner provided by sponsor hung on perimeter fence of Oakhurst garden for 2 months Special recognition at Plant Sale Checkout Opportunity to print & brand 1,500 give-away bags (subject to availability
EARTH DAY: BEE WYLDE! April 24, 2016 The Earth Day celebration for the City of Decatur takes place at the Wylde Center’s Oakhurst Garden, co-hosted by the Oakhurst Neighborhood Association. This free, family event brings together over 500 people to enjoy music, crafts, food, and more! BRONZE Sponsor ($500 ) Company may use 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business name on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Earth Day event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Back of Earth Day t-shirt ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities Sponsor recognized by emcee during event Sponsor may set up & staff display during the event Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees Inclusion in Facebook posts & tweets about the event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events SILVER Sponsor ($1,000) Company may use 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business logo on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Earth Day event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Back of Earth Day t-shirt ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities Sponsor recognized by emcee during event Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Sponsor may set up & staff display during the event Dedicated Facebook post and tweets about sponsor with link Company banner provided by sponsor hung at event
EARTH DAY: BEE WYLDE! April 24, 2016 GOLD PRESENTING Sponsor, Industry Exclusivity ($3,000) Company may use designation as 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Top tier positioning of business logo on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Earth Day event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Back of Earth Day t-shirt ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees Sponsor may set up & staff display during the event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Dedicated Facebook post and tweets about sponsor with link Company banner provided by sponsor hung at event Sponsor recognized by emcee during event Company banner provided by sponsor hung on perimeter fence of Oakhurst garden for 2 months Special recognition at Plant Sale Checkout Opportunity to print & brand 500 give-away bags (subject to availability) The Earth Day celebration for the City of Decatur takes place at the Wylde Center’s Oakhurst Garden, co-hosted by the Oakhurst Neighborhood Association. This free, family event brings together over 500 people to enjoy music, crafts, food, and more!
INTO THE WYLDE: A TOUR OF GARDENS & GREENSPACES May 14, 2016 Back by popular demand! This 25 year old event brings over 200 people to tour Decatur’s most beautiful and interesting gardens. BRONZE Sponsor ($500) 2 tickets to the Decatur Garden Tour ¼ page ad inside Garden Tour program Company may use 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business name on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Garden Tour event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Sponsor page inside Decatur Garden Tour program ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees Official sponsor of one garden on the tour Inclusion in Facebook posts & tweets about the event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events SILVER Sponsor ($1,000) 4 tickets to the Decatur Garden Tour ½ page ad inside Decatur Garden Tour Program Company may use 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business logo on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Garden Tour event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Sponsor page inside Decatur Garden Tour program ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities Official sponsor of one garden on the tour Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Dedicated FB post and tweets about sponsor with link Company banner provided by sponsor hung at event
INTO THE WYLDE: A TOUR OF GARDENS & GREENSPACES May 14, 2016 Back by popular demand! This 25 year-old event brings over 200 people to tour Decatur’s most beautiful and interesting gardens. GOLD PRESENTING Sponsor, Industry Exclusivity ($3,000) 6 tickets to the Decatur Garden Tour Full page ad inside Garden Tour program Company may use designation as 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Top tier positioning of business logo on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website, Garden Tour event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Sponsor page inside Decatur Garden Tour program ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees Official sponsor of one garden on the tour Sponsor may set up & staff display during the event Dedicated FB post and tweets about sponsor with link Company banner provided by sponsor hung at event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Company banner provided by sponsor hung on perimeter fence of Oakhurst garden for 1 month Opportunity to print & brand 150 give-away bags (subject to availability
WYLDE CENTER’S BEER GARDEN June 25, 2016 With 450 attendees, this annual, sell-out event features some of the area’s best breweries, local restaurants and a silent auction. PATRON Sponsor ($250) 2 VIP tickets Company may 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business name on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Beer Garden event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Event media, including: Ad in Wylde Center magazine Inclusion in Facebook posts & tweets about the event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events BRONZE Sponsor ($500) 2 VIP tickets Invitation to the Plant Sale Festival preview event in April Company may use 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business name on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Beer Garden event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Ad in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities May set up & staff display during the event (5 vendor passes) 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Sponsor recognized by emcee during event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees SILVER Sponsor ($1,000) 4 VIP tickets Invitation to the Plant Sale Festival preview event in April Company may use 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Business logo on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Wylde Center website Beer Garden event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Ad in WC magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities Sponsor recognized by emcee during event Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events May set up & staff display during the event (5 vendor passes) 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Company banner provided by sponsor hung at event Dedicated Facebook post and tweets about sponsor with link
WYLDE CENTER’S BEER GARDEN June 25, 2016 With 450 attendees, this annual, sell-out event features some of the area’s best breweries, local restaurants and a silent auction. GOLD PRESENTING Sponsor, Industry Exclusivity ($3,000) 8 VIP tickets Company may use designation as 'Official WC Event Sponsor' in their media Top tier positioning of business logo on marketing/media materials, including: ‐Pint glasses provided to all attendees ‐Wylde Center website Beer Garden event page (with link) ‐Event banner hung on Oakhurst Garden fence ‐Advertisement in Wylde Center magazine, 3 E-blasts to 2,500 contacts, press releases ‐Event poster distributed in/around surrounding communities Sponsor recognized by emcee during event Sponsor may provide branded giveaway item for all attendees Dedicated Facebook post and tweets about sponsor with link May set up & staff display during the event (5 vendor passes) Company banner provided by sponsor hung at event 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Opportunity to print & brand 400 give-away bags (subject to availability) Sponsor may have time at podium during the event Company banner provided by sponsor hung on perimeter fence of Oakhurst garden for one month
WYLDE CENTER’S FARM TO SCHOOL PROGRAM A year-round program Decatur Farm to School (DF2S) is a Wylde Center program that works to improve nutrition, knowledge of where food comes from, hands- on outdoor education, environmental awareness, and appetite for fresh fruits and veggies by leading efforts in the classrooms, cafeterias, communities, and gardens of the City Schools of Decatur. Printed 3 times a year, the Wylde Center’s Farm to School newsletter is sent home or ed to every parent of the over students enrolled in the City Schools of Decatur. The newsletter is also sent nationally to more than 250 individuals with an interest in Farm to School. BRONZE Sponsor ($500) May set up & staff display during two DF2S events Inclusion in Facebook posts & tweets about DF2S 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Business name in marketing/media materials, including: o DF2S event posters o DF2S event e-blasts, sent 2x, to 2,500 contacts o Wylde Center website DF2S page o DF2S newsletter published 3x per year (15,000 copies) SILVER Sponsor ($1,000) May set up & staff display during two DF2S events Inclusion in Facebook posts & tweets about DF2S 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Business logo in marketing/media materials, including: o DF2S event posters o DF2S event e-blasts, sent 2x, to 2,500 contacts o Wylde Center website DF2S page o DF2S newsletter published 3x per year (15,000 copies)
WYLDE CENTER’S FARM TO SCHOOL PROGRAM A year-round program Decatur Farm to School (DF2S) is a Wylde Center program that works to improve nutrition, knowledge of where food comes from, hands- on outdoor education, environmental awareness, and appetite for fresh fruits and veggies by leading efforts in the classrooms, cafeterias, communities, and gardens of the City Schools of Decatur. Printed 3 times a year, the Wylde Center’s Farm to School newsletter is sent home or ed to every parent of the students enrolled in the City Schools of Decatur. The newsletter is also sent nationally to more than 250 individuals with an interest in Farm to School. GOLD PRESENTING Sponsor, Industry Exclusivity ($3,000) May set up & staff display during two DF2S events Inclusion in Facebook posts & tweets about DF2S 2 invitations to Growing Circle donor events Top tier positioning of business logo on marketing/media materials, including: o DF2S event posters o DF2S event e-blasts, sent 2x, to 2,500 contacts o Wylde Center website DF2S page o DF2S newsletter published 3x per year (15,000 copies) Sponsor may provide branded giveaway for attendees during twice annual dine-outs Company banner provided by sponsor hung on perimeter fence of Oakhurst garden for 1 month