Visions February 28, rd Sunday of Lent
cover Read the seven situation and choose if the person deserves second chance
Gospel: What cycle and who is the author? Five Parts: Narrator, Jesus 1, Jesus 2, Man, Gardener Any questions? 3/2 4 th Period Conversion – Turning toward God and others people. Conversion happens throughout our lives. It is like learning and growing Discus Talk Questions Theme: We have time to change and grow c.htm?utm_source=lmom&utm_medium= &utm_content= &utm_ campaign=Lent2016 2:42 c.htm?utm_source=lmom&utm_medium= &utm_content= &utm_ campaign=Lent2016 Homework: Using this passage Luke 13: 1- 9 make (2) two 1 point questions and one 2 point question. Do this on loose-leaf and leave room someone to answer your questions. Write your answers on the back of the loose-leaf
“ Moses Learns God’s Name” p. 5 Read together and underline important information prepares us to understand the even greater gift of God in Jesus Fire represent God’s awesome divine presents in natural world Burn away all other gods Cleansing fire Yahweh – I am the one who causes to be 4 Parts for “God Speaks in a Burning Bush” Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Moses, God
Explore Catholic Prayer Traditions Read pages 6-7 The Rosary – meditating on one of the mysteries of Jesus life that point to who he is Jesus Prayer – is a way to pray always – walking prayer “Jesus Christ son of God, have Mercy on me a sinner”, in rhythm with our steps Litany – a form of prayer in praise of Jesus 3/7 6 th period Adoration – praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament