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Kitchen Tools Measuring Skills Mixing Skills Microwave Skills More Cooking Skills 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Cutting Skills
Used to shred cheese, potatoes, and carrots. Can also be used to zest citrus peels
What is a grater?
Used to lift solid pieces of food from cooking liquid or sauce.
What is a slotted spoon?
A flat flexible blade used to scrape batter from containers.
What is a rubber scraper?
An all purpose knife used to cut and slice many foods.
What is a utility knife?
U-shaped wires capped with a handle. Used to cut fat into flour for making pastry dough.
What is a pastry blender?
This type of measuring cup is used to measure shortening.
What is Dry Measuring Cup?
It is important to check the measurement at eye level when using this type of measuring cup.
What is liquid measuring cup?
The equivalent to 1 Tablespoon.
What is 3 teaspoons?
______ quarts = 1 Gallon
What is 4 quarts?
___ oz. = 1 lb.
What is 16 ounces?
To cut out the center part of a food.
What is core?
To cut into 4 even pieces.
What is to quarter?
To cut with an up and down motion into very fine pieces- as with garlic.
What is to mince?
To cut into the surface lightly with straight lines- as with ham.
What is to score?
To cut into thin match like strips.
What is to julienne?
To make a mixture smooth by using brisk over and over motions- can use whisk or electric mixer.
What is to beat?
To combine two or more ingredients until they are soft and smooth.
What is to blend?
To put dry ingredients through a fine sieve.
What is to sift?
To work dough with the hands by repeatedly folding, pressing, and turning.
What is to knead?
To soften a fat with a mixer to make light and fluffy.
What is to cream?
Microwave ovens cook food by _____ food molecules.
What is vibrating?
Covering food during microwave cooking helps avoid the release of _____.
What is moisture?
When removing covers from food, watch out for _____.
What is steam?
For even cooking, ____ foods during and after cooking.
What is stir?
The period when the food continues to cook after being taken out of the microwave.
What is standing time?
To rub with fat.
What is to grease?
To moisten meat during cooking by covering with liquid periodically.
What is to baste?
To add a small amount of one food to another for decoration.
What is to garnish?
To remove film from the surface of a liquid.
What is to skim?
To cook quickly in boiling liquid.
What is to blanch?
Make your wager
The system of measurement most commonly used in the U.S.
What is customary units of measurement?