Rina Visser-Rotgans, INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands Anne Karin Larsen, Bergen University College, Norway 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development Hong Kong.
Content SW-VirCamp – aims and content Development of a module in Community Work About the students Teaching and learning principles Presentation of the course and content Presentation of the Virtual Learning Material: The Virtual Book – Community Work from an International Perspective
Questions Q1: Is it possible to teach and learn Community Work in an online course? Q2: How can this be done?
Social Work – Virtual Campus (SW-VirCamp) Funded by grants from the Lifelong Learning Program – Erasmus – Virtual Campus Partner institutions from 9 European Countries Leading institution: Bergen University College Project leader: Associate Professor Anne Karin Larsen
Social Work – Virtual Campus: Aims and Content Virtual Campus for International Social Work including: – Internet based studies, practice places and studies abroad, – An international specialisation, quality assurance systems, a common agreement about institutional cooperation over years, and a lot more.. – Several online courses and a new module in Community Work – Virtual Learning Material – Research, Dissemination and Exploitation
Development of a module in Community Work Curriculum plan 15 ECTS credits Duration 25 January – 7 June 2010 Aiming to develop a community of learning /reflecting community work methods Task-centred approach – project work and cooperation among nations
The Curriculum Plan: Understanding of Community Work One of the definitions in literature: ‘Community’ can be understood in different ways, as geographical areas, interest groups, organisations or institutions. Community work rests on a basic democratic ideal, anti-oppressive practice, equality and solidarity with the affected individuals. It aims to generate and communicate new insights with a view to effecting change. Community Work is about: = planned process, participation, empowerment, growth and change by action, human rights etc.
The Students 51 students from 9 countries applied 7 teachers participate– sharing the students in 3 groups Severe drop out: 1 March, 35 are still in the course Only a minor group of students had learned anything about CW before they started on the course BA students from 2 – 3 year, some MA students and professional social workers.
“Social Presence” The teachers present themselves with pictures, video or a short written presentation The students do the same. By including pictures and stories – the experience of presence in a common classroom increases.
Principles of learning Situated learning perspective Problem-based learning, case-based, group work and discussions, chat, reflection and other ways students can be active participants in their learning process. Portfolio assessment A transparent classroom
Weekly programmes and tasks
Task Week Task 4a) What does Community mean to you? Give examples from your own life. Present your thoughts in the theme discussion. Task 4b) Participate in the chat arranged this week and brainstorm about the concept Community. Which are the communities you know and think of.
Virtual Learning Material – The Virtual Book
Screen lecturs (10-20 minutes)
The Green Park Community: a dynamic blog with many stories
Tasks – working with the community case Week 6 -9 Task 6a) Mapping the Green Park Community Blog. Visit the Green Park Community. Become acquainted with the people living here. Make a note about what you can see/observe: What catches your attention, describe what you see and make an analysis of this. Write a note 1200 words and present this in your e Portfolio. 6b) Read the notes from task 6a of the other students in the group. Present your impressions from the Green Park to the group of students. What are the situations addressed here? What are the issues for people using the park? Come to an agreement with your group about the subject you want to work further on in your project. Add in your Reflection blog a note about the news things coming up from the group discussion. 6c) Use the theoretical perspective you wrote about in task 5a. How does this perspective influence your ideas and action in the Green Park Community. Write a paper (500 words) and upload in your e Portfolio. 7) Look for some existing projects relating to the subject you have chosen. Find examples from your country or in literature and papers. Which organization has taken initiative for those projects. Where are the community workers employed? What methods are used in these projects……
Tasks - working with the community case Task 8: Planning a meeting with the stakeholders in your project Task 8a) One student in the group opens a Google doc for the group members. Invite the rest of the group and the teachers into the document as co-writers. Then make a plan for the first meeting with your group and people from the Green Park community, who will be involved in the project (as a role play). Define the roles of the participants in the role play and define who will take the role as the community worker(s). Try to use Appreciative Inquiry as a method. Make a link to the plan (google doc) in your ePortfolio.
The EUROPE Magazine
Tasks Week 14 Task 11a) Write an article together with one other student, about your job as community worker and the project you are going to work with. This is not going to be a scientific article, but an article where you present your work for the Green Park Community. You can include illustrations in the article. (300 words) Present the article in the electronic EUROPE MAGAZINE. Task 11b) Make a reflection in your blog about your intention with this article
Questions and summary Q1: Is it possible to teach and learn Community Work in an online course? Q2: How can this be done? Summary: It is possible with a good structure of the online course. When the learning material invites students to integrate theories and practice and stimulate the interactivity and simulation of a living community.
Webpages and contact information: Web pages SW-VirCamp VIRCLASS Contact information: Rina Visser-Rotgans: Anne Karin Larsen: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme - Call for Proposals 2008 (EAC/30/07) Erasmus Programme: Erasmus Virtual Campuses under the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Reference number: LLP NO-ERASMUS-EVC. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the EACEA Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.