Media Literacy by the RBE Library
5th Grade TEKS 14) Reading / Media Literacy. Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts. Students are expected to: 14A) explain how messages conveyed in various forms of media are presented differently (e.g., documentaries, online information, televised news). 14B) consider the difference in techniques used in media (e.g., commercials, documentaries, news). 14C) identify the point of view of media presentations. 14D) analyze various digital media venues for levels of formality and informality.
Lesson I Can Statements I can analyze how various forms of media present a message, in order to experience an emotional response. (a passion to learn more) I can analyze the techniques used in media, in order to create schema. I can discover different levels of formality and informality of various digital media, in order to create schema.
What is media literacy? accessing media analyzing media evaluating media creating media participating in media content
What are the different types of media? Advertisements TV Commercials Billboards Apps ●newspapers ●magazines ●billboards ●radio ●television ●internet/ websites ●video games ●computer games ●apps ●advertisements
Reader’s Response Question #1 List 5 places you access media. When you name the place, state the type of media you encounter in that place. Here is an example: billboard advertisements on the side of the road.
Tools Used in Media images and pictures text and words music and sound graphics video interviews
Visual Tools images and pictures text and words graphics
Reader’s Response Question #2 Look at this magazine ad. What are the primary tools being used to advertise Jif Peanut Butter?
Reader’s Response Question #3 Watch this TV advertisement. What are the primary tools being used to advertise Evian bottled water?
Reader’s Response Question #4 Watch this TV News segment. What are the primary tools being used in this TV news story?
Reader’s Response Question #5 Watch this documentary. What are the primary tools being used in this documentary about Steve Jobs?
Reader’s Response Question #6 Read this online news article. What are the primary tools being used in this online news article? news/ dallas-zoo-confirms-lion- killed-in-fight.ece
Reader’s Response Question #7 Look at the images of these 2 websites. Which one of these is a more formal venue for information? Twitter or World Book Online?
Reader’s Response Question #8 Look at the images of these 2 websites. Which one of these is a more formal venue for information? Origami Yoda Blog or Dallas Morning News website?