PEOPLE STRATEGY People Strategy Developing our People Strategy 27th January 2015
People Strategy and Workforce Transformation People Strategy Supporting delivery of the EMAS Vision, Strategy & Objectives. Responsive to the national and local drivers. Current Workforce Strategy/underpinning workforce related strategies. Our approach to developing positive employment relations and organisational culture underpinning transformation and development of the workforce. The Changing Shape of the Workforce in response to our Vision and Operational Model – Workforce Planning. Stakeholder Engagement. Financial implications. Focus of the People Strategy
Our EMAS Vision That means we will provide: the best care; of the highest quality; and in the most efficient way to the people in the East Midlands who need urgent or emergency treatment and care. To play a leading role in the provision, facilitation and transformation of clinically effective urgent and emergency care delivered by highly skilled, compassionate staff, proud to work at the heart of their local community. “ “
Our Strategic Objectives
What will EMAS look like in the future? Robust delivery of core performance and clinical indicators Centre of the urgent and emergency care system 24/7 multi-professional approach Fully engaged partner across the health and social care system Engaged in the development and provision of admission avoidance services to support unnecessary conveyance Community based provider, and partner, of mobile urgent and emergency healthcare, fully integrated within urgent care networks Reaching our potential
Our proposed future operating model
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Related People Strategies and Plans Workforce Strategy : now need a new People Strategy Learning and Development Strategy Health and Wellbeing Strategy Staff Engagement Strategy Trust Partnership Agreement 2014 Workforce Plan (in development)
People Strategy Vision People Strategy “To develop and support our people to be highly skilled, motivated, caring and compassionate professionals proud to be part of the EMAS family.” We will achieve this by ensuring a safe and healthy workplace, where colleagues feel valued, have a sense of purpose and direction, are able to reach their full potential, and contribute to achieving our strategic vision and objectives. Proposed Vision of the People Strategy
People Strategy Framework to develop positive employment relations and organisational culture Self Actualisation Esteem Respect, Confidence, Achievement Love/Belonging Friendship, Family Safety Personal Security, Employment Security, Health Physiological Breathing, Food, Water, Sleep/Rest Reaching Potential Driving Change and Improvement Reaching Potential Driving Change and Improvement Engagement, involvement and communication Leadership styles and behaviours Teamwork Valuing and respecting others Knowing where I fit Equal opportunities Engagement, involvement and communication Leadership styles and behaviours Teamwork Valuing and respecting others Knowing where I fit Equal opportunities Pay, reward and recognition Line management arrangements and structure Policies procedures and guidelines Health, wellbeing and support Safe and healthy working environment Pay, reward and recognition Line management arrangements and structure Policies procedures and guidelines Health, wellbeing and support Safe and healthy working environment Working patterns and 7 day working, meal breaks, estate, vehicles and equipment. Staff numbers and WF plan Working patterns and 7 day working, meal breaks, estate, vehicles and equipment. Staff numbers and WF plan Career Development/Progression Direction Shared Purpose Career Development/Progression Direction Shared Purpose Developing a Motivated Workforce Dependence upon other Trust strategies to realise the vision
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Changing Shape of the Workforce in response to our Vision and Operational Model Chapter 5 of IBP (Service Model) Health economy landscape Opportunities for diversification Chapter 8 of IBP: (Workforce) Paramedic Evidence Based Education Project College of Paramedics Career Framework Investing in and retaining our People Workforce Planning
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Workforce Planning Model
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Defining and Testing Defining Core Team from EMAS Operations, Strategy and Workforce Directorates defining the workforce elements of the service model through identifying: Activity demand using an evidence based tool The required skills and education levels of the workforce to deliver the service. This work takes into account the national drivers in the emerging change to paramedic education and how this aligns to the College of paramedics career framework. Testing The same EMAS core team working in partnership with Health Education East Midlands to develop a workforce modelling tool that can be used across all Ambulance Trusts through : Identifying base line data to determine Paramedic workforce supply Providing a range of service model scenarios Developing a robust link between activity demand tools and workforce supply model
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Planning and Developing Planning Developing a workforce plan that meets the demands of the service now and provides a sound basis for the future service model 15/16 recruitment and education plan to raise base line establishment and increase the qualified to unqualified skill mix ratio Focus on leadership and management development in 15/16 Continued scoping, defining and planning of opportunities for integrated working across health and social care sector Developing Developing the education to support the needs of the workforce now and for the future: Undergoing a tender process to secure education partner/providers to develop education programmes to support the future service model aligned to the career framework Developing our enabling services to support the education transition of the workforce.
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Developing the Objectives of the People Strategy Objectives in development to focus on: Development and delivery of the Workforce Plan: capacity, capability, skill mix Creating workforce flexibility through contracts, policies, procedures, working patterns, and 7 day working across required enabling functions Line management arrangements and structures (increasing capacity and accessibility) Ensuring colleagues operate in a safe and healthy working environment. Implementation of the NHS Equality Delivery System ensuring principles of equality, fairness and equity underpin our People Strategy. Delivering excellence in education, training and development to support the delivery of high quality healthcare. Understanding leadership styles, behaviours, and improving leadership capability (plans FLM; Middle; Senior Leaders). Developing and improving staff engagement, involvement and communication routes through Listening into Action. Improving the wellbeing of our workforce and reducing sickness rates. Development of the Career Framework and increasing career progression opportunities. Developing talent in our organisation and planning succession into key roles through meaningful appraisal.
People Strategy Vision People Strategy What E xpectations do we have of our Staff? Fulfil the contract of employment Attendance Demonstrate and live the EMAS values Adhere to professional codes of conduct and standards proficiency Engage in their own development and support the organisational development
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Organisational Impact and Benefits Achieving a shared vision Positive organisational culture Healthy, motivated and engaged workforce Increased productivity and efficiency Improved attraction, recruitment and retention Patient care and experience
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Strategy Engagement Board Development 8 th January 2015; Workforce Committee 13 th January Staff Engagement: feedback through Staff Opinion Surveys; LiA; FLMs. Stakeholder Engagement: Healthwatch and OSC Presentation. Seeking best practice ‘buddy’.
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Financial Implications and Risks Education and Training – investment to resource delivery of the workforce plan and leadership development needs Infrastructure – estates and IT Human Resources – model to reflect organisational context Risks Contract implications
People Strategy Vision People Strategy Next Steps Draft Strategy to Workforce Committee in March 2015 Strategy to Trust Board in March 2015 for approval