2007 – 2008 Assessment and Accountability Report LVUSD Report to the Board September 23, 2008 Presented by Mary Schillinger, Assistant Superintendent Education
Two Accountability Measures State –Academic Performance Index (API) –Goal 2008 – API score of 620 or higher Federal (NCLB) –Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) –District and School-wide –Targeted subgroups –Meet yearly AMOs -
API Academic Performance Index
What is API?? Number ranging from 200 – 1000 Represents overall performance of a district or school No Child Left Behind (Federal) sets annual API targets The target for 2008 is 620 All comprehensive schools in LVUSD scored above 800 with the lowest API score being 839 and the highest being 944.
2008 STAR Program Standardized Testing & Reporting (STAR) California Standards Test –Eng/Language Arts gr 2 – 11 –Math gr 2-9 –Science gr 5, 8, 10 –History/Social science gr 8 & 11 Special Education Students –CST or –CMA - Calif. Modified Assess or –CAPA – Calif. Alternative Perf. Assessment
STAR – Several Measures STAR has five components: CST – California Standards Tests CAT/6 – Calif. Achievement Tests ** –CMA – (2 % Cap) gr 3 – 8 (Calif. Modif. Assess.) trial only – not included in API / AYP calculations *** –CAPA – (1% Cap) Calif. Alternate Perf. Assess.) –STS – Standards-based Tests in Spanish ** A bill with the new CA budget would eliminate Cat/6 in grades 3 and 7 *** State Board may vote to include in this year’s API
Perspective………. Statewide – Only 36% of schools in California are at 800 or above
District Growth API
Elementary API Scores 07 Base08 Growth Change Bay Laurel Chaparral907894(13) CLC856 NA Lupin Hill (5) Rnd. Meadow904890(14) Sumac (17) White Oak Willow Yerba Buena All Schools continue to perform well above State / Federal Averages
Secondary Schools API Scores 07 Base08 Growth Change A. C. Stelle A. E. Wright Lindero Agoura High Calabasas H (6) Indian Hills No Data Available All Schools continue to perform well above State Federal Averages
Numerically Significant Subgroups API
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Federal Mandate / NCLB AYP Based Upon: –Participation Rate –Student Achievement – Annual Measurable Objectives –Maintaining API Score (620 +) –Graduation Rate All Schools Met AYP
Requirements for Adequate Yearly Progress…..AYP Participation rate – school wide and each numerically significant subgroup of 95% participation in STAR Meet % proficient requirement in Language Arts and Math Increase API by 1 point or meet the minimum API criteria For High School: –Also meet 82.9% graduation rate
AYP Targets…..
Growth in API or Minimum API
% Proficient / Elementary Schools
Percent Proficient Secondary Schools
API Growth District ELA & Math (English Language Arts & Math)
How Do We Use This Information? STAR = Universal Screening It is just the start:
Cluster Scores Drill Down
% of 8 th Graders taking Algebra I School 05/0606/0707/0808/09 ACS AEW Lindero
Drilling Down……..
Data Management System Multiple Measures Longitudinal Assessment Reporting System Moving to web based system Every teacher will have a sign in code that allows access to their students achievement data –“As Tested” (last year’s students) –Current students Will be able to determine achievement by content standard skill areas
MMARS Active as of September 22, 2008 Faster, more in-depth access to data Facilitates grade level, department level, teacher level, and student level planning and progress monitoring
Examination of Longitudinal Data “Drill Down” to determine the specific deficit areas for students falling below proficient level. Look for weaknesses in skill acquisition and instruction Grade Levels / Departments collaborate to develop interventions
Response to Intervention Strategies Identification of “At Risk” students Diagnostic assessment to determine skill deficits Interventions that MATCH the deficit area(s)
Response to Intervention Frequent Administration of skills based assessment to determine longitudinal growth and success of interventions Building structures for grouping and time for intensive, research based interventions January 2009 will be able to put data from skills based assessments into the Multiple Measures Longitudinal System
All Schools…….. All schools will use data over time (Longitudinal Data) Each school will develop intervention systems that match the specific needs of their individual students. SPSA Plan requirement to address how each school is moving into a Response to Intervention model SPSA Plan requirement to delineate the skill based assessment(s) they will use to “Drill Down”
If parents have questions they may contact their school principal.