I CAN COUNT ON GOD Wuh~ This life can be kinda crazy. Some days it feels like a jungle maybe if you search, then you will find the treasure Our God is.


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Presentation transcript:

I CAN COUNT ON GOD Wuh~ This life can be kinda crazy. Some days it feels like a jungle maybe if you search, then you will find the treasure Our God is big, Our God is strong. Bible tells me, God is number one I can count on God, through anything I can count on God, for what I need I can count on God, ’cause He is my.. Creator, Provider, Protector, Savior, and King! Wuh~ The time is now to discover. The Bible will help us to uncover The greatest treasure is always there Rap: Our God is big, Our God is strong. Our God is number one! Bible tells me, I can count on God! Everybody say God is big. God is strong. God is number one. I can count on God.

OUR GREAT GOD In every season of this life. You are always by our side You hold us close. You keep us safe from harm We lift our hands and believe. That You are more than we can see With every breath let our praise be Yours. Forevermore! Our great God, You are holy. Our great God, powerful Our great God, You are worthy. Our great God, is always good Our great God, strong and mighty. Our great God, deliverer Our great God, we adore You. Our great God, our great God! Creation sings, we are Yours. We give our lives to honor You We put our trust in the King who reigns There’s no one like You, there’s no one like our God(X3)

LIVE DIFFERENTLY Oh~ We can shine a light. We can be a voice We can make a difference and change the world The greatest of all is the one who serves So God, we give our lives to serve You faithfully, yeah (And) We want to be Your hands and feet We want to live differently We want to love. We want to give We want to serve.. those in need Your kingdom come, Your will be done This is our prayer. We want to serve You, God!

GOD DOES GREAT THINGS Everybody get your hands up. Everybody clap your hands(X2) Hey, I’m gonna praise, sing, and shout God does great things - let’s make it loud I can count on God ’cause God is faithful God is good, God is great. God made the world, so celebrate God, I will praise You, when I clap my hands And with all my heart, I’m gonna jump and dance God, I will praise You and give everything It’s Your name we sing. God does great things Hey, teach me Your ways, and Your truth I’m running after You and I will follow God is great; He does great things(X2) With all creation I will sing—Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

COUNT ON HIM He is my helper, in any situation He’s my shelter, when I need a friend He’s protector, watching over me He will keep me safe from harm I will not be afraid. I will not be afraid Oh, my God will always be there (reign forever) Oh, my God is my friend (will supply) Oh, no matter what this life brings I can always count on Him(God) He’s provider, supplying for each need He’s the Savior, that rescues me He’s Creator, and can always make a way He’s the King, who will answer me

TO GOD BE THE GLORY Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him above ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Hey! Hey! Hey! To God be the glory! Great things He has done So loved He the world that He gave us His Son Who gave us His life as a payment for sin And opened the life gate that all may go in Praise the Lord! Hey! Let the earth hear His voice / Let the people rejoice Great things He has taught us, great things He has done And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son But purer and higher and greater will be Our wonder in Heaven when Jesus we see

God Is Big and He Loves Me La, La, La, Hey, Hey, Hey! My God is big and He loves me So clap your hands. Stomp your feet ’Cause God is big and He loves me My God is big even though I’m small He makes me strong so I can give my all And I will serve God, with my hands and feet I’m gonna jump and go tell the world My God is big and He loves me (Yes) I can serve God! Every day (Every day) I can serve God! With all my strength!(of me)

PRAISE THE LORD EVERY DAY From my head to my shoulders, my knees to my toes I’ll praise the Lord every day With my eyes and my ears, my hands and my feet I’ll praise the Lord every day When my mouth talks. I will praise the Lord Where my feet walk. I will praise the Lord With a smile on my face. I will praise the Lord God made all of me to praise the Lord Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah! Praise the Lord!