SAFEANDJUST.ORG Proposition 47 Overview
Background: Why Prop 47? Between in California: –1500% increase in prison spending –65% return to prison within 3 years Overcrowding = population cap mandate –Realignment alone did not achieve mandate Collateral consequences of felony convictions = severe barriers to stability
What Prop 47 Does: Reclassify SAFEANDJUST.ORG | 4 6 crimes are reclassified from from felony/wobbler to misdemeanor: –Simple drug possession –Petty theft under $950 –Shoplifting under $950 –Writing a bad check under $950 –Forging a check under $950 –Receipt of stolen property under $950
What Prop 47 Does: Exclusions SAFEANDJUST.ORG | 5 Excludes anyone with: a prior conviction for murder, rape or child molestation on the sex offender registry with a prior forgery or identify theft convictions excluded from check crimes
What Prop 47 Does: Retroactive Retroactivity Clause: Incarcerated people can petition a judge for release People with old records can petition for record change to remove old felonies –In most cases, no hearing required –Submit a copy of record with completed county reclassification forms –Legal help to fill out forms is recommended
Why Retroactivity Matters California has more than 4,800 post- release prohibitions for people with felony convictions –58% are job related –73% are lifetime bans Barriers to job, education, housing and more
What Prop 47 Does: Reallocate Reallocation clause: Prison cost savings calculated on annually Reallocated to: –65% BSCC for mental health, drug treatment, diversion –25% BOE for programs for at-risk youth –10% VCF for trauma recovery victim services 2014 LAO estimate –$100 to $200 million per year 2016 Proposed Budget –29 million (initial estimate)
Prop 47: Impacts So Far Nearly 5,000 fewer in state prison Court mandated population cap achieved for the first time and a year ahead of schedule Reduced county jail crowding = fewer early jail releases for violent and serious offenses Nearly 200,000 applications for record change statewide
This Taskforce is All About Public + Private Partnerships
The County’s Prop 47 Strategy From Motion by Supervisor Solis Reclassification Task Force (not us) Reclassification Task Force (not us) Jobs Task Force Jobs Task Force 800,000 potentially eligible residents Identify them Assist with reclassification Link to services if necessary Convene employers & educators Build Pub. Priv. Partnerships to: Provide pre-employment linkage and training Guarantee apprenticeships / paid internships if completed Job Ready People + Jobs Productive Citizenship!
The Job of THIS Taskforce is to Build the Prop 47 Job Pipeline Training On the Job Tr. Education Training On the Job Tr. Education Internship Apprenticeship Soc. Enterprise Internship Apprenticeship Soc. Enterprise Long-Term Employment Commitment To Hire And Investment From Philanthropy And Private Sector Commitment To Hire And Investment From Philanthropy And Private Sector “Supplied” by other Taskforce I People with Reclassified Records! LA Trade Tech Community Colleges? PV Jobs WDB’s Other CBOs Homeboy? LA County Fed? LA Chamber? Uber? Time Warner Cable? Citibank? Metro? County? California Endowment? Productive Citizenry!
Examples We Can Learn From: LA County’s Youth Opportunities Program –Probation identifies youth in juvenile halls & camps –Department of Community & Senior Services subsidizes short-term work experience –If completed, hired into 1-year apprenticeship at Dep’t of Public Works –If completed, result in long-term employment LA County Fed’s Veterans Program
Thank You All For Your Commitment!