Discussion References Introduction Methods Results The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of women’s perceptions of rape- proneness among males. In three virtual scenarios female participants were in fact more likely to commit virtual sexual assaults than males. We found that fewer participants chose to commit the sexual assaults as the invasiveness of the sexual acts increased, the sex effect remained. These results are consistent with the findings that women have a higher fear of crime and fear of men (Dobbs, Waid, & Shelly, 2009). Limitations and Future Directions One of the limitations to this study is the sample size was predominantly Hispanic; generalizabilty to non—Hispanic populations is not known. Replications of this study may want to focus on a non—Hispanic sample or more ethnically diverse sample. Further this study was conducted with college students, potentially reducing the generalizability of these finding to other age or education groups. Finally, of this study was conducted in a laboratory setting, using a virtual social situation; it is not clear how representative these findings are of real—world behavior. Participants Participants were 178 students, recruited from social science classes at a midsize university. The sample was 95.3% Hispanic, and 52.2% female, (47.2% male 5.6% not reporting sex). Six non-heterosexual males (7.8%) were eliminated from the study. Participant age ranged from 18 to 32 or older. (Mean =22.7, median= 20, positively skewed). Materials Computerized virtual social task a text-based simulation, delivered via desktop computer, of a common college social environment in which several situations arise requiring the participant to make decisions (via pressing keys). Among several innocuous (e,g., whether to play cards or billiards) and risky-but-nonsexual (e.g., whether to ride with an intoxicated driver) situations were three opportunities to commit sexually coercive acts with non consenting female, with increasing degrees of physical invasiveness: fondling a woman who was clearly intoxicated (scenario one), Fondling a woman in a crowded place with no chance of being identified (scenario two), and having sexual intercourse with an unconscious, intoxicated woman (i.e., committing rape; scenario three). Procedure All participation was completely anonymous. Male participants the virtual social task, implicitly assuming the role of the protagonist. Female participants completed the same task, but were instructed to respond as if they were college-age males. Participants decisions to commit sexual coercion (Yes or No) were recorded. Hypotheses We predicted that females completing the task as if they were males would commit virtual sexual aggression with greater frequency than the male participants. Accuracy of Female Perceptions of Males’ Proneness to Commit Sexual Assault in a Virtual Simulation Marina Ibarra, Drake Benson, Isabel Peña, Dr. Darrin L. Rogers University of Texas - Pan American. In all the three scenarios, female participants chose to commit the sexual assaults at a higher rate than male participants (see Figures 1-6). The difference was statistically significant for scenario one (52.7% VS. 21.8%; X 2 (1) = 15.80, p<.001) and scenario two (54.1% VS. 11.7%; X 2 (1) =19.76, p<.001) For scenario three, the effect was present, but only marginally significant- (23.7% VS. 12.9%;X 2 (1)=2.4785, p=.06). Our hypothesis was generally supported; females did, in fact, commit virtual sexual assaults at higher rates than males. Sexually Coercive acts such as sexual harassment and rape have been an ongoing problem. For example, one study found that 3% of college women experienced attempted or completed rape during a college year (Fisher, Cullen & Turner, 2001); Research shows that women more fearful of crime than men, even though they have lower levels of victimization (Dobbs, Waid, & Shelly, 2009). Researchers theorize that females fear crime, due to their inability to properly defend themselves against an attack, and therefore tend to feel vulnerable (Culbertsone, Vick,& Kooiman, 2001). Traditional gender roles suggest that men should be sexually dominant and women submissive, ideas strongly reinforced by entertainment media (Impett, & Peplau, 2003). Kim et al (2007) examined television sitcoms and found that, most male characters fit the gender role stereotype, by aggressively pursuing sex. These stereotypical depictions of men, may skew women’s perceptions. Despite this, these perceptions may be based on a core of truth regarding male sexual aggressiveness. For instance, some men may be sexually aggressive even when they do not desire to engage in sexual activity due to fear of having their masculinity questioned (Kennet, Humphreys, & Branley, 2013).The purpose of this study is to examine the accuracy of females’ perceptions of male rape-proneness by comparing male and female behavior in a laboratory-based virtual sexual situations.. Sexually Coercive acts such as sexual harassment and rape have been an ongoing problem. For example, one study found that 3% of college women experienced attempted or completed rape during a college year (Fisher, Cullen & Turner, 2001); Research shows that women more fearful of crime than men, even though they have lower levels of victimization (Dobbs, Waid, & Shelly, 2009). Researchers theorize that females fear crime, due to their inability to properly defend themselves against an attack, and therefore tend to feel vulnerable (Culbertsone, Vick,& Kooiman, 2001). Traditional gender roles suggest that men should be sexually dominant and women submissive, ideas strongly reinforced by entertainment media (Impett, & Peplau, 2003). Kim et al (2007) examined television sitcoms and found that, most male characters fit the gender role stereotype, by aggressively pursuing sex. These stereotypical depictions of men, may skew women’s perceptions. Despite this, these perceptions may be based on a core of truth regarding male sexual aggressiveness. For instance, some men may be sexually aggressive even when they do not desire to engage in sexual activity due to fear of having their masculinity questioned (Kennet, Humphreys, & Branley, 2013).The purpose of this study is to examine the accuracy of females’ perceptions of male rape-proneness by comparing male and female behavior in a laboratory-based virtual sexual situations.. Culbertson, K., Vik, P., & Kooiman, B. (2001). The impact of sexual assault, sexual assault perpetrator type, and location of sexual assault on ratings of perceived safety. Violence Against Women, 7(8), Cullen, F. T., Fisher, B.S., & Turner,. M.G. U.S Department of Justice.(2001). The Sexual Victimization of College Women. Retrieved from Dobbs, R.R., Waid, C. A., & Shelly, T,.( 2009). Explaning Fear of Crime as Fear of Rape Among College Females: An Examination of Multiple Campuses in the United States. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 2 (2) Impett, E. A., & Peplau, L. A. (2003). Sexual compliance: Gender, motivational, and relationship perspectives. Journal Of Sex Research, 40(1), doi: / Kennett, D. J., Humphreys, T. P., & Bramley, J. E. (2013). Sexual resourcefulness and gender roles as moderators of relationship satisfaction and consenting to unwanted sex in undergraduate women. Canadian Journal Of Human Sexuality, 22(1), doi: /cjhs.933 Kim, J. L., Sorsoli, C., Collins, K., Zylbergold, B. A., Schooler, D., & Tolman, D. L. (2007). From Sex to Sexuality: Exposing the Heterosexual Script on Primetime Network Television. Journal Of Sex Research, 44(2), Table 1. Frequencies of male vs. female decisions to commit three acts of sexual coercion. Table 2. Proportions of male vs. female decisions to commit three acts of sexual coercion.