Understanding Student Evaluations of Teaching: Perspectives from African American Faculty Armon R. Perry, Ph.D., MSW Sharon E. Moore, Ph.D. Sherri L. Wallace,


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding Student Evaluations of Teaching: Perspectives from African American Faculty Armon R. Perry, Ph.D., MSW Sharon E. Moore, Ph.D. Sherri L. Wallace, Ph.D.

LOUISVILLE.EDU Review of the literature Share faculty narratives Discuss individual and institutional implications Share individual and institutional recommendations Engage in question and answer Agenda

LOUISVILLE.EDU Student evaluations (SEs) are the primary instruments used by colleges to quantify the quality of instructors’ teaching SEs also play an important role in the promotion, tenure, and job security of professors in colleges and universities Consequently, extraneous factors, such as instructors’ race, can affect the composition and educational atmosphere at colleges and universities Literature Review

LOUISVILLE.EDU Littleford et al. (2010) found that students’ first impressions of their professors, even when they are based solely on their instructors’ race, do influence their judgments of their professors Littleford et al. (2010) also found female students regardless of race or ethnicity, generally viewed African American professors more positively than did male students The most common way to express resistance is to assign low ratings to instructors Literature Review

LOUISVILLE.EDU The intersection between race and gender can also significantly impact the ratings on SEs. Bavishi et al., (2010) found that students who hold stereotypical views, as explained by occupational role/status characteristics theory Utilizing “social role theory” as a framework, Bavishi et al. (2010) found that women of color often face a “double stigma” or “double jeopardy” because of students’ perceptions of their level of competence, interpersonal skills, and legitimacy Literature Review

LOUISVILLE.EDU Individual Receiving SEs that are negatively influenced by one’s race can have significantly detrimental effects on a faculty member’s development Given that faculty receive pressure to secure high ratings on student teaching evaluations, the fact that one’s race can negatively influence those ratings at best is an unfair inconvenience, and at worst, potentially disturbing, and anxiety provoking It is likely that for many, the role that instructors’ race plays in student evaluations forces many faculty of color to question and second guess themselves and their abilities Faculty effectiveness as a teacher can be severely truncated by the threats and punishments (e.g. unfavorable teaching evaluations, questions regarding competence and integrity, and possible dismissal) associated with being assertive and potentially provocative Implications

LOUISVILLE.EDU Institutional Unfavorable teaching evaluations impacted by race limit tenure and promotion opportunities Having fewer tenured or tenure track African American faculty on campus means that there may be fewer mentors for African American students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and could also mean that fewer students are exposed to diverse and inclusive content to balance the disproportionate amount of Eurocentric content that many are currently receiving Perceptions of African American faculty incompetence persist while the competence of White faculty is taken for granted or presumed which serves to reinforce the stereotypes that African American faculty are inferior to their colleagues Implications

LOUISVILLE.EDU Demographic Data


LOUISVILLE.EDU Acknowledge that Othering occurs Develop multiple methods for assessing teaching effectiveness Further diversify student bodies and faculty Ensure that teaching centers provide services including observation, consulting, workshops, lectures on teaching, and grants for the development of new courses Faculty of color should seek out and establish a trusting relationship with a senior faculty member to provide career and psychosocial mentoring Use interim evaluations to secure formative information about ways to improve your teaching during the course of the semester Use feedback from specific items rather than a global impression when deciding what to change Recommendations

LOUISVILLE.EDU Bavishi, A., Hebl, M.R., &Madera, J.M. (2010). The effect of professor ethnicity and gender on student evaluations: Judged before met. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 3(4), Dubois, W.E.B. (1897). Strivings of the Negro people. The Atlantic Monthly, 80, Ho, A.K., Thomsen, L, & J. Sidanius. (2009). Perceived academic competence and overall job evaluations: Students’ evaluations of African American and European American professors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(2), Hobson, S. M., &Talbott, D.M. (2001). Understanding student evaluations: What all faculty should know. College Teaching, 49(1), Littleford, L.N., Ong, K.S., Tseng, A., Milliken, J.C., & Humy, S.L. (2010). Perceptions of European American and African American instructors teaching race-focused courses, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 3(4), University of Louisville. (2015). Just the facts. Louisville, KY: University of Louisville Office of Institutional Research and Planning. References

LOUISVILLE.EDU Questions or Comments?