March 30 – April 3, 2015
Quickwrite: How much power do political, religious, and corporate institutions wield in our society? Is it too much, the right amount, or too little? Why or why not? Use examples to explain your point. Daily Notes: N/A Essential Questions: What is power in today’s society? In what ways can one obtain power? How does power influence an individual? How may an individual with power influence our society?
Finish “The Others” and the Dark Romanticism Characteristics that goes with it. (2 nd & 3 rd only) Activity 4 of the Transcendental Handout Introducing Transcendental Project Any Body Biography Posters that needs to be finished (4 th block only)
Complete Dark Romanticism Characteristics Chart
With a partner, come up with a working definition of transcendentalism. DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONNAIRE TODAY. Tomorrow (weather permitting) we will go outside to have a “Transcendental” moment. (Not 4 th block)
You may work by yourself or with a partner (with my approval) Today you will work on: Remember, your society must be based on TRANSCENDENTALISM! 1. Selecting a name for your society. 2. Writing a pledge for your society. (At minimum 5 lines) If you finish your Name and Pledge, begin working on your body biography poster if you are not finished.
Finish Body Biography Poster (today is the last day to finish—will be graded as is otherwise). If you are done with your Body Biography Poster, work on designing your flag for your Transcendental Society.
Name/Pledge of your Transcendental Society Body Biography Poster (complete if not done, 4 th block)
2 nd Block 1. Dark Romantic Chart 3 rd Block 1. Dark Romantic Chart 2. Transcendental Society Project (Name/Pledge) 4 th Block 1. Transcendental Society Project (Name/Pledge) 2. Body Biography Poster
Quickwrite: How much of an effect does the individual have to change their own lives? How much of one’s life is affected by one’s surroundings and the influence of society, compared to the individual’s ability to rely on themselves only, and change their own lives on their own? Explain your ideas using examples. Daily Notes: N/A Essential Questions: How does Transcendentalism influence today’s society? What are some examples in popular culture of Transcendental ideals?
Grades are due this Friday. I will not be giving you a progress report until Thursday—you will have spring break to catch up on anything you are missing. If you have any missing work you KNOW ABOUT ALREADY, then you need to get that done. Especially if it was the Persuasive Essay (test grade). I will not accept anything after Thursday. I also may not get to it as I have ON TIME work to grade first. If you have a low grade, I suggest you do the weekly challenge in order to get extra credit to help. If you know you never turned in a dialectical journal or Native American Myth, you best get that done over spring break. I will be grading those during Spring Break and putting them in when the grade book opens back up.
Activity 3 of Transcendental Handout Defining Transcendentalism Name/Pledge of Society/Flag Design/Monetary System Transcendental Moment followed by Questionnaire
Read and annotate the poem carefully. What is the poem about? How does it reflect transcendental values? Notice the shift in line 5. How does it change the focus of the poem? Write clearly and legibly. When I heard the learn’d astronomer, When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me, When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them, When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick, Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars
Using the same Transcendental Handout… With a partner, come up with a working definition of Transcendentalism. DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONNAIRE!
You may work alone or with a partner with my approval. 1. Select a name for your society related to Transcendentalism. 2. Write a pledge illustrating the values and allegiances of your society (think of the American Pledge). Needs to be a minimum of 5 lines. 3. Design and create a flag using colors and symbols to illustrate the values of your society. Explain your design on the back. 4. Develop a monetary system for your society—create samples of your currency and explain in detail how the system works (is it like our monetary system?)
You have two options… 1. Have our Transcendental moment and answer the questionnaire today… 2. Have our Transcendental moment on Friday after we finish creating our presentations in the computer lab. The difference is, today can only be 10 minutes—Friday can be 20.
Transcendental Project 1. Name 2. Pledge 3. Flag design 4. Monetary System
Transcendental Project (Flag design & Monetary System) Transcendental Moment followed by Questionnaire Class Discussion
You may work alone or with a partner with my approval. 1. Select a name for your society related to Transcendentalism. 2. Write a pledge illustrating the values and allegiances of your society (think of the American Pledge). 3. Design and create a flag using colors and symbols to illustrate the values of your society. Explain your design. 4. Develop a monetary system for your society—create samples of your currency and explain in detail how the system works (is it like our monetary system?
You have two options… 1. Have our Transcendental moment and answer the questionnaire today… 2. Have our Transcendental moment on Friday after we finish creating our presentations in the computer lab. The difference is, today can only be 10 minutes—Friday can be 20.
Answer these questions on a sheet of paper first. 1. How do you demonstrate that you are an individual? Do you think independently of others or do you follow the crowd? 2. What does it mean to be self-reliant? Do you feel like people in today’s society are self-reliant? Why or why not? Provide an example. 3. Do you tend to feel more connected with people or nature more? Is there a difference in being connected with nature versus people? What is the difference, if any? What makes you feel more connected to one or the other?
1. Flag design / Monetary System 2. Class Discussion Questions
Transcendental Project (Flag Design / Monetary System) Listening to “natural” sounds followed by Questionnaire
You may work alone or with a partner with my approval. 1. Select a name for your society related to Transcendentalism. 2. Write a pledge illustrating the values and allegiances of your society (think of the American Pledge). 3. Design and create a flag using colors and symbols to illustrate the values of your society. You must be able to explain your design. 4. Develop a monetary system for your society—create samples of your currency and explain in detail how the system works (is it like our monetary system?)
We will quietly listen to some natural sounds. After we listen, we will fill out the questionnaire on the Transcendental Handout (last page). Due Today In The Tray 1. Transcendental Project (Flag Design / Monetary System) 2. Transcendental Handout Packet
1. Transcendental Project (Flag Design / Monetary System) 2. Transcendental Handout Packet
Quickwrite: Examine the ability or inability that one individual has to change the world. Use examples. Daily Notes: N/A Essential Questions: What influences my decisions in life? How do I influence others’ choices? Who do I rely on most in my life?
While you are working, I will be grading persuasive papers and other assignments. This is important because my mood influences how lenient I am while grading. If I am in a bad mood, it is likely I will grade your papers more harshly. We both don’t want that. So while you are working…keep the volume down, stay on task, and do not bombard me with makeup work or makeup questions. Just put makeup work in the tray.
Transcendental Society Project (3 different types of work, Type of Environment, Criminal Behavior/Punishment) Transcendental Discussion
5. Explain 3 different types of work your society would encourage its citizen to engage in (what three jobs would be the most important or influential in your society?) and why are these the three most important jobs in your society? 6. Describe the type of environment your society would be in. Would it be rural, urban, an island, etc.? 7. Describe 3 behaviors your society would deem inappropriate/criminal, and why. Then explain how your society would punish those who commit these crimes.
Answer these questions on a sheet of paper first. 1. How do you demonstrate that you are an individual? Do you think independently of others or do you follow the crowd? 2. What does it mean to be self-reliant? Do you feel like people in today’s society are self-reliant? Why or why not? Provide an example. 3. Do you tend to feel more connected with people or nature more? Is there a difference in being connected with nature versus people? What is the difference, if any? What makes you feel more connected to one or the other?
Transcendental Society Project 1. 3 Kinds of Work 2. Description of Environment 3. 3 crimes / punishments Transcendental Discussion Questions
Transcendental Society Project (Work, Environment, Crime/Punishment) Body Biographies – Ratings
5. Explain 3 different types of work your society would encourage its citizen to engage in, along with why (what three jobs would be the most important or influential in your society?) 6. Describe the type of environment your society would be in. Would it be rural, urban, an island, etc.? 7. Describe 3 behaviors your society would deem inappropriate/criminal and why. Then explain how your society would punish those who commit these crimes. If you finish your work early, you may complete the work from yesterday, then work on any missing assignments you have.
Today is the last day to finish your Body Biographies. Complete the Group Review Sheet Your Biographies should have… 1. Clothes, Symbolic Images, and a lot of color Significant Quotes Each Group Member Should Have… 1. Their own original written component 2. A Group Review Turned In
Transcendental Society Project 1. 3 Kinds of Work 2. Description of Environment 3. 3 crimes / punishments Body Biography 1. Body Biography Poster 2. Group Review 3. Individual Writing Component
Transcendental Society Project (Work, Environment, Crime/Punishment) Transcendental Discussion Questions Body Biography Group Review
5. Explain 3 different types of work your society would encourage its citizen to engage in and explain why (what three jobs would be the most important or influential in your society?) 6. Describe the type of environment your society would be in. Would it be rural, urban, an island, etc.? 7. Describe 3 behaviors your society would deem inappropriate/criminal and explain why. Then explain how your society would punish those who commit these crimes.
Answer these questions on a sheet of paper first. 1. How do you demonstrate that you are an individual? Do you think independently of others or do you follow the crowd? 2. What does it mean to be self-reliant? Do you feel like people in today’s society are self-reliant? Why or why not? Provide an example. 3. Do you tend to feel more connected with people or nature more? Is there a difference in being connected with nature versus people? What is the difference, if any? What makes you feel more connected to one or the other?
Transcendental Society Project 1. 3 Kinds of Work 2. Description of Environment 3. 3 crimes / punishments Transcendental Discussion Questions Body Biography Poster Group Review
Create some type of propaganda material that would encourage others to become a part of your society. (Examples: flyers, pamphlets, business cards, etc.) Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Once you are done, come get your progress report.
Many of you did not turn in an essay. Many of you turned in incomplete essays or the pre- essay writing. Many of you did not indicate what your final draft was and you wrote in all pencil or had a very messy paper, so I couldn’t tell—and so I did not grade it. Many of you did not cite sources, use transitional phrases, or provide enough information to persuade the reader. I couldn’t read a lot of the essays due to TERRIBLE handwriting.
I will pass out your progress reports. If you notice a mistake and have the GRADED WORK with you, you may bring it to me to put into synergy. Work on any missing work you have—if you have no missing work, then finish your body bio poster. DO NOT come to me and ask me what something is. Figure it out. Look at the dates, check the file cabinet, look at the blog, ask your peers. IF YOU ARE CONSISTENTLY AND DILIGENTLY WORKING ALL CLASS BLOCK TODAY & TOMORROW, I WILL CHANGE THE BINDER GRADE INTO EXTRA CREDIT INSTEAD OF IT COUNTING AGAINST YOU.
Meet at Computer Lab 810.
2 nd Block 1. Transcendental Project Propaganda 2. Body Biography Poster Review / Body Biography Poster if not completed 3. Any Make-Up Work 3 rd Block 1. Transcendental Project Propaganda 2. Any Make-Up Work 4 th Block 1. Transcendental Project Propaganda 2. Any Make-Up Work
Do not touch your computers until you have been given the instruction to do so.
Title Slide / Front – (Name of you Society, Date, Your Names) You must provide an explanation of your Society’s name. You must introduce your pledge, along with an explanation of the pledge’s meaning. Provide an image of your flag, along with a brief explanation of the symbols and colors you chose. Provide images of your currency and explain the value of the money. Explain your society’s 3 important careers and why you chose them. Must provide an explanation of what sort of environment your society would be in and why you chose that environment. Explain your three crimes/punishments. Show an image of your society’s propaganda and give a brief explanation of it.
Take a picture of all your drawn out images and them to yourself to put on your presentation. Transfer all you made this week to the presentation. Make sure your presentation is colorful, eye-catching, and informative. Your society must reflect at least two to three Transcendental beliefs. It is up to you to show us the connection. After you are done, the presentation to You are to work the entire time allotted for this or we will not go outside, but instead go back to the classroom.