“When your target is net zero energy, everything becomes simple.” Jan-Willem van de Groep Energiesprong Founder
_the challenge Guaranteed E=0 refurbishments are more attractive investments than piecemeal measures Using collaborative approach between supply and demand side to transform the refurbishment market Forget Business As Usual Invest once, make it affordable, do it fast, scale it up 20 million improvements over 40 years 500,000 improvements per year 10,000 improvements per week ONE improvement per minute Institute for Sustainability: Technology Strategy Board (2011). Introduction to the low carbon domestic retrofit guides. Edition 1. September 2011
_what is energiesprong? Performance-based procurement to deliver energy efficient retrofit at scale through market driven innovation (volume deal) Using industrial approach to whole-house retrofit (improved insulation and on-site generation of renewable energy) Market development programme to improve energy performance in buildings (kicked off in the Netherlands in 2010) :
ASSURED QUALITY 30+ years energy performance warranty NON-INTRUSIVE Refurbishment within one week AFFORDABLE Financeable from energy cost savings (guaranteed) DESIGN Improve look & feel – desirable product _parameters for success
Industrialisation of construction Off-site manufacturing solutions From custom, project-based craftsmanship Industrial product, quality / sales and delivery processes with a fully integrated supply chain To _the approach
_from prototype to scale (in NL): 111,000 deal 2013: Prototypes for terraced houses 2014: Prototypes for 4-storey houses 2015: Prototypes for multi-apartment blocks From 2015: Scaling up to mass market (terraced houses) 2015: Scaling up of second archetype (4-storey houses) 2016: Scaling up of third archetype (multi-apartment blocks) From 2014: Scaling up to 1,000 pilots (terraced houses) From 2016: Scaling up to mass market (4-storey houses)
V1: 2 weeksV2: 1 weekV3 1 day (cost -30%) _innovation, innovation, innovation
_ambition delivered (NL) Competitive dialogue; projects houses; organize process to draw on collective market knowledge and creating opportunity to experiment Improve concepts; industrialize through offering scale and developing components
_energiesprong UK Energiesprong UK is a partnership of leading housing providers, construction companies, trade bodies and expert / policy partners.
Working to broker a UK deal similar to Dutch approach: Financial feasibility, including contractual framework Supply chain integration and cost optimisation Revenue model and energy market integration Planning framework Stock assessment for prototypes and first test volumes _feasibility assessments Milestones from feasibility work: Proof that business case works in UK Confidence that solutions can be implemented within existing regulatory and planning framework Early market response to Energiesprong concept Brokering a concept deal for 5,000 units
Working with UK government to ensure that policy and priorities are shaped to make the market environment for Energiesprong as conducive as possible (e.g. transformation of energy bill into revenue stream, planning approval) Achieving certainty on (changing) policy framework for housing providers to address challenges associated with rent cuts, the extension of Right-to-Buy and the forced sale of council housing Funding core capacity for Energiesprong UK as independent market development team (e.g. none of the existing players can transform the market as they continue to deliver business-as-usual) Brokering a mass volume deal to incentivise construction companies / supply chain to develop and implement innovative solutions that are commercially attractive in the market (e.g. viable without any grant / subsidy) _making energiesprong UK a success
Are you ready for transformation? energiesprong.uk