Marine Birds Marine Vertebrates: Lecture 6
Amniote relationships
Birds vs. other reptiles Feathered wings (airfoils) Honeycombed bones (hollow spaces) Reduction of organs Females have one ovary Absence of teeth Endothermic Higher metabolic rates needed for flight Respiration: efficient, one-way flow Circulation: four-chambered heart Acute visual systems Coordination of flight
What defines a marine bird (or “seabird”)?
Osmotic balance: seabirds Acquiring water Diet How would a diet of Osteichthyes promote osmotic balance? What about an invertebrate diet? Drink Marine birds do not require fresh water –May drink if available Actively avoid drinking seawater Mechanisms for water expulsion? –Penguin regurgitate example Metabolically-produced water (e- transport)
Osmotic balance: seabirds Water loss Skin Sweat glands Exhalation Able to control? Excretion of water and ions Kidneys Long/densely-packed “Loops of Henle” Intestines (no role) Salt glands (supraorbital, NaCl, 2X seawater)
Thermoregulation How does the thermal climate of seabirds compare to terrestrial birds? Tropical Polar Fat and feathers Special oils BMR
Sensory systems Vision Odor
Seabird Orders Sphenisciformes Penguins! Pelicaniformes Pelicans, frigatebirds, gannets, boobies, cormorants Procellariformes Albatrosses, petrels, storm-petrels, fulmars, shearwaters Charadriiformes Gulls, skuas, jaegers, auks, guillemots, puffins
Focus: Sphenisciformes Anatomical adaptations for diving Bones Hindlimbs Forelimbs Air sacs Feathers Carotid arteries Size and diving
Penguins: Distribution 1 Galapagos Humboldt Magellanic Gentoo Rockhopper Macaroni African Little Fjordland Snares Island Erect Crested Rockhopper Yellow-eyed
Distribution 2: Antarctic penguins Gentoo Chinstrap Adelie Emperor King* Macaroni* Gentoo Rockhopper Royal *Broadly distributed
Focus: Adelie Penguins Feeding: Interrelationship of ice, phytoplantkon, krill and penguins Breeding Adelies and global climate
Focus: Emperor Penguins Feeding Breeding Comparison with Adelies Decline and global climate
Order Procellariiformes Overview The tubenose… Focus: Albatrosses General Feeding Foraging Flight Black-browed albatross Photo: K. Haberman
Order Procellariiformes Focus: storm petrels Feeding Nesting Wilson’s storm petrel Photo: K. Haberman
Focus: Southern Giant Petrel (defense) Order Procellariiformes Southern giant petrel Photo: K. Haberman
Order Procellariiformes Focus: prions (feeding) Fairy prion Photo: Hadoram Shirihai
Order Pelecaniformes Focus: Brown Pelican
Order Pelecaniformes Focus: Cormorants Blue-eyed shag Photos: K. Haberman
Order Charadriiformes Focus: Gulls Kelp gulls Photo: K Haberman
Order Charadriiformes Focus: South Polar Skua South Polar Skua Korean Antarctic program
Order Charadriiformes Focus: Puffins Common puffin Photo: K Haberman
Order Charadriiformes Focus: Oregon coastal seabirds Pigeon guillemots Photo: K Haberman Common murre Photo: Nick Kontonicolas