Characteristics of Vertebrates
Group 1: FISH Facts: – Fish are the largest class of vertebrates – There are three classes of fish: Jawless- boneless mouths Cartilaginous- skeletons made of cartilage Bony- skeletons are made of bones and are covered in scales
Fish: Characteristics Have a backbone Cold-blooded Breathe through gills Live in the water Mostly have scales Have fins Mostly lay eggs, some give birth to live young Examples: sharks, salmon, tuna, rays,
Group 2: REPTILES Facts: – 4 main groups of reptiles: turtles and tortoises, lizards and snakes, crocodiles and alligators, and the tuatara – Spend most of their time on land, but some spend most of their time in the water – Reptiles can be found in all types of habitats except for polar
Reptiles: Characteristics Have a backbone Cold-blooded Dry scaly skin Breathe with lungs Most lay leathery eggs, some give live birth Most have 4 legs with clawed toes, but some don’t have any legs Examples: turtle, snakes, alligators, lizards
Group 3: AMPHIBIANS Facts: – Live part of their lives in water and part on land – Live in moist places or near water to keep from drying out – Start off as tadpoles with gills and grow into adults with lungs
Amphibians: Characteristics Has a backbone Cold-blooded: which means it can’t maintain a constant body temperature on its own Breathe through gills (as babies), and lungs and their skin (as adults) Go through metamorphosis: don’t look like their parents when they are born Lay eggs Soft, moist skin protected by a slimy layer of mucus Examples: frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts
Group 4: BIRDS Facts: – Only animal with feathers – Some bones in a bird are hollow, which allows them to be light enough to fly – There are more than 9,800 known types of birds – Parent birds incubate their eggs until they hatch – They care for their young
Birds: Characteristics Have a backbone Warm-blooded- allowing them to live on every climate on earth Have feathers and wings Lay eggs with hard, waterproof shells Take care of their young Walk on 2 legs Breathe with lungs Have beaks or bills Hollow or partly hollow bones Examples: ducks, penguins, warblers, toucan, hawks
Group 5: MAMMALS Facts: – More than 4,000 different species of mammals – Live on land or in water – Smallest Mammal= Hog-nosed bat – Biggest Mammal= Blue Whale – Can live in almost any climate on the Earth – Care for their young
Mammals: Characteristics Have a backbone Warm Blooded- this means that they have a constant body temperature and can live anywhere on Earth Have hair or fur on their bodies Most give live birth Produce milk to feed their babies Breathe through lungs Have different types of teeth depending on what they eat Large well developed brains Examples: deer, kangaroos, humans, dolphins, camels