ONLINE HOUSING BENEFIT AND COUNCIL TAX REDUCTION APPLICATION Jim Jardine Private Sector Manager North Lanarkshire Council Finance and Customer Services
BECS Claims is designed to: Open up access to Benefits service Provide accurate advice on entitlement Improve claim processing times
Link on front page of North Lanarkshire Council Website
INPUT DETAILS Initial Stage – No personal details Asks for Income details and details of rent charged Only asks claim specific questions Provides detailed calculation and summary of award and claimants contribution
SAVING A SESSION Save current session Secure with a password Return to session at any time Information held for 12 weeks Get assistance by sharing your session
Benefit Calculation and Claimant Contribution
Proceed to make and submit application Second Stage Asks claimant for personal details Asks for more details re Income Asks for more details re Capital Asks for details of landlord/agent, tenancy and property Still only asks claim specific questions Doesn’t ask for information already input i.e. Income, rent details.
Asks if payment wants benefit paid direct to landlord
Confirms calculation
Evidences required Personalised for each Householder Guidance on where to present Evidences Click box to confirm has read evidence required Declaration EVIDENCE CHECKLIST
What happens next? Claims submitted electronically every 15 minutes Online receipt of form being submitted provided receipt of form sent to your address Forms sent directly to NLC benefit processing Allocated to member of staff within 48 hours Processed within 48 hours of all evidence being received from claimant