Environmental Management CSR5LH003-3 Spring 2013 Eszter Zalai Anil Atilganer Balázs Várhegyi Burak Boz
o General information o Type of environmental issues o Environmental strategy o Waste management o Green product innovations o Transportation and logistics o Partnership with ST1 o Environmental plans and targets
Metro Group o German o 4 th biggest retailer in the world ($US92,905) o 32 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia o 2,200 outlets Carrefour o French o Biggest retail company in Europe, 2nd in the world ($US113,197) o More than 30 countries o 9,900 stores
o Collect and send to recycle * PET bottles * Glass bottles * Plastic bags * Cardboard boxes and catrons o Reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases o Use energy-efficient technologies o Purchasing renewal energy sources o Use a geothermal system for cooling and heating o Protection of the natural resources o Reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases o Reduction of waste o Promote biodiversity o Green products branding o Control energy (e.g. lightning) o Minimize water consumption Metro GroupCarrefour
o Optimising work processes o Modernising technology o Good stewardship of resources o Training (young people and suppliers) o Projects on climate and resource protection o Tools: * environmentally responsible packaging * Recycled paper * Instore signes * Posters + costumer catalogues o Three levels: * Community * Individual business unit * Selected products in store o Tools: * Instore signes * Posters * Costumer catalogues * Leaflets * New labelling system * Training sessions * Influence on the sector with their policy - REACH Metro Group Carrefour
Metro Group o Natural night-time coolness (instead of air- conditional) o Slidetop covers or sliding doors o Long-distance heating o Energy-saving fluorescent tubes o Metals and plastics >> manufacturing new products Carrefour o Mostly from suppliers o First company in life cycle analysis o Selling reusable bags o Low weight paper o Collect waste from their customers
o Commitments to sustainability fishing o Organic products o Fairtrade products o Grünes Land and Real Bio: Wood Products from responsible foresty o „Blue Angel” paper products o „Galeria Home” textiles made from organic cotton Carrefour o Agir * Agir Bio & Eco Planete * 2000 organic foods o Responsible fishing
CarrefourMetro Group
o Proper manner of driving >>> reduce truck fuel consumption o Using alternative means of transport o Combination of ship and rail transport Carrefour o Reducing vehicles * Result? o Prefer water ways * Result? o Alternative fuels * Aquazole, liquefied natural gas
o In what they can be partners? * In alternative fuels * In using waste materials (e.g. plastic and metal) * Out-of-date products (food gets left on the shelf and then can’t be sold any more) * Long transportation distances (operation in many countries) * Will to think environmentally concious
o Success: * reduced the energy consumption by 10% between 2006 and 2009 * Last three years: reduced the greenhouse-gas emission by 5.4% o Programs: * 2015: reducing Co2 per m2 of selling space by 15% * 2020: plans to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions per m2 of selling space by 20 % Carrefour o Targets * Integrating stores into their environment * Waste reduction & recycling * Protecting forests * Protecting biodiversity o Programs * Zero deforestation by 2020 * Reducing energy consumption by 30% by 2020
o Company website o Sustainability Progress Report o Metro Group Environmental Guidelines o Informative leaflets/Handouts o Mentioned in several language o Contact: Jürgen Matern (Head of Sustainability & Regulatory Affairs) Metro AG Department Sustainability /CSR Schlüterstraße Düsseldorf Deutschland Carrefour o o Case study: Best Environmental Practices o Waste management study o tch?v=FOqy_W4IlWU tch?v=FOqy_W4IlWU o Contact Carrefour Head Office 33 avenue Émile Zola TSA Boulogne