To give an overview of School -based PE and School Sports Apprenticeship programme To give an overview of the Partnership between Gedling Sports Partnership & SOLAR To give an insight into the work of a PE and School Sports Apprentice Outline the commitment required from schools and the process to host an Apprentice AIM OF SESSION
Gedling SP are a non for profit charitable organisation Gedling SP are an accredited training provider of the Level 3 Diploma – Advanced Apprenticeship in Supporting the Delivery of PE & School Sport. Gedling SP have a successful programme being delivered in 15 schools in the district this year. Gedling SP will provide a dedicated Course Tutor for each Apprentice and will co-ordinate the recruitment, training, and assessment towards the level 3 Diploma. The Course Tutor and Gedling SP Director of Education will be the first point of contact during the programme for schools. Gedling Sports Partnership
SSN role is to integrate the role of the Apprentices into our wider PE & School Sport programme to enhance the workforce. We will provide training in various local programmes e.g. Change 4 Life & Healthy Lifestyle Clubs, Young Sports Leaders, Personal Best Challenge, Legacy Challenge, Lunch Time Activities to enable delivery in schools. Work with Gedling SP to monitor progress & development of programme. School Sport Nottingham
Role of the Apprentice in School In host school four days a week – one day attending training and working within the School Sport Nottingham events programme. Supporting within PE throughout the school day. Running lunchtime and after school clubs. Supporting with preparation of teams for competitions/festivals. Supporting with administration with subject leader. Updating and content of display boards. Tidying PE cupboards. Taking small cohorts of challenging groups to keep active. Running Change for Life Clubs. In the classroom – supporting within lessons, paired reading.
Apprentices aged 17-19, ideally have G.C.S.E. English and Maths at grade C or higher (or Functional Skills Level 2) and an interest/background in sport Within Gedling, the Apprenticeship model is based upon the one year delivery of the qualification: Level 3 Diploma - Advanced Apprenticeship in Supporting The Delivery of P.E. and School Sport Complete portfolio of evidence covering all aspects of Teaching and Learning of P.E. First 4 Sport are the training provider Undertake CPD to include training from NGBs, first aid, experienced teachers and/or Course Tutor Programme will also provide careers advice, Lead sessions for peers & Self and peer assessment of delivery L3 Diploma Background / Tutor Days
Apprentices at Work
Apprentice Blog… Adam Martin Blog 01/10/ Abbey Gates Primary School My first few weeks at Abbey Gates Primary school have been very enjoyable. All the staff have been very welcoming and all the pupils have been extremely friendly, showing great interest in the work I am doing within their school. Throughout my time here at Abbey Gates I have already had the opportunity to attend my first football match, it was a fantastic game with action at both ends and a final score of 2-2. I have also just started a lunchtime club, girls’ football on Tuesdays, cross county on Thursdays and boys’ football on Fridays. Last week I had a fantastic boys’ football session, they all shown great improvement in their technique and execution throughout the lesson which gave me a great sense of pride and self-accomplishment. This week, I have started my own project called ‘Martin’s Movers’ breakfast club, in which the children pay a small fee of £1 per session to participate in a range of fun, indoor activities before school. Also, during the week I have managed to set up a ‘Change for Life’ club which run during Wednesday lunchtimes. So far, I have received feedback from teachers saying how much the children are looking forward to having an “extra lesson with Mr. Martin.”
Pathway Developed Continue to work in a school environment, coaching role or apply for university Potential of Level 4-6 Qualifications in conjunction with the University of Derby September 2017 Level 3 Apprenticeship
School Commitments To produce a contract of work and organise payroll and DBS checks To ensure Apprentice works in a safe and encouraging work environment To provide access to in-school Safeguarding and CP training To incorporate Apprentice into all aspects of school life To offer support and guidance in all areas of school life To allocate a mentor to the Apprentice with a P.E. background To release the Apprentice for the 1 day a week with Course Tutor Ensure apprentice is given appropriate planning time, break and lunch time Offer access to a computer and if possible
Apprentice Mentor The school will need to provide a Mentor, with a PE background, for the Apprentice and the role of the mentor within school setting will be: To ensure Apprentice is given appropriate workload & create Apprentice’s timetable To support Apprentice within their school setting and be point of contact for both Apprentice and Course Tutor/ Director of Education To attend an introductory briefing with Course Tutor/Director of Education to outline programme Where and when possible, observe and monitor performance of Apprentice Organise a weekly mentor meeting to review progress Ensure Apprentice is given appropriate break times and access to lunch Attend Progress Reviews every half term with Course Tutor
Commitment from Apprentices The Gedling SP expect all Apprentices to follow these minimum guidelines to guarantee a high standard of work. To display a positive attitude at all times Ensure excellent levels of attendance and punctuality Demonstrate a commitment to school and tutoring sessions. Have a willingness to learn and develop new skills Be adaptable and use initiative Demonstrate good organisation skills, ability to keep to deadlines
Finances 1 apprentice to work in school for 4 days per week (tutored 1 day per week by Gedling Sports Partnership) Potential availability of grants up to £2500 can be accessed locally: An Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of £1500 and local authority funding of between £1000 – £2300 The current rate of pay for a 1 year apprenticeship age as from October 2015 is £3.30 per hour, £99 per week Minimum salary based on 30 hours per week (although they will be expected to work more hours!), 52 weeks per year (minimum 6 weeks of holidays provided) Excellent use of PE & Sport Premium
Timetable & Process February – Schools invited to express interest in hosting an Apprentice. March / April – Advert locally & nationally for applications. April / May – Practical interviews (schools involved if desired). May / June – Apprentices allocated to schools. June / July – Introductory meeting between Apprentice, school & Gedling SP Line Manager. July / August – Apprentice induction training. September – Apprentice commences in school.