Welcome to MMS School-wide Title I School Pre-AP / Advanced Classes Enrichment / Remediation TEAM-Math AMSTI (Alabama Math Science Technology Initiative) 21 st Century Community Learning Center Steve McKenzie, Principal Jan Darty, Grades 5 and 7 Assistant Principal Ayena Jackson, Grades 6 and 8 Assistant Principal
5 th Grade Teachers Christen Atkins Gwendolyn Peterson Vivian Crosby Bridget Weatherford Kimberly Gontko Mary Gibbs Elizabeth Hicks Lisa West Claressia Boone Trey McQueen Katrina Myers
6 th Grade Teachers Tracy Berry Ferdinianda Coleman Sheila Varner Susan Crowell Shannon Lackey Kelvin Stokes Lolita Fields Wendy Watts Susan Barnes Lisa McKenzie Craig McDaniel
7 th Grade Teachers Vicki Akins Michelle Beisel Alicia Diggs Natalie Perkins Marilyn Kimberl Kim McNamara Altovise McNeil Gigi Douglas Jane Owens Aron House Samantha Sipper Carolyn Watkins
8 th Grade Teachers Nathan Nuffer Leah Sellers Melissa Nelson Marjorie Smith Jennifer Daniels Debra Davis Brad Porter Janan Hayden Gigi Douglas Aron House Samantha Sipper Carolyn Watkins
Specialty Area Teachers and Counselors Loretta Kiser – 7th & 8th Counselor Pam Craft – 6th Counselor Michelle Law – 5 th Counselor Consulting Teacher – Jackie Hall Yvette Johnson – Media Specialist Sarah Porter – Gifted Education Charlotte Gentry – Title I Sara Russell – Special Education 7 th & 8 th Barbara Sisk– Special Education 7 th & 8 th Vann Watkins– Special Education 7 th & 8 th Barbara Lowe – Special Education 5 th & 6 th Barbara Chance– – Special Education 5 th & 6 th Bonnie Beasley– Multi – Handicap Unit Danielle Harris– Multi – Handicap Unit Cindy Broom – PE 7 th & 8 th Michael Dismukes – PE 7 th & 8 th Brad Mann – PE 5 th & 6 th Flavia Freeney – PE 5 th & 6 th Debbie Burgess - Nurse
School Day Times Start School –7:30AM End School Day – 2:35PM Car riders / 1 st Bus Load – 2:35PM 2 nd Bus Load / Walkers – 2:45PM
Communication between school and home is a key factor for the success of our students!! Homework Planners Please visit our county web site at Our school web site is Each teacher will have their own information link. iNOW Parent Portal School Messenger
Car Rider/Bus Rider Procedures Please follow these instructions very carefully. These procedures are maintained to ensure the safety of our children. All bus and car procedures will be listed in our Millbrook Middle School handbook, which is distributed at the beginning of the school year.
Car riders should be dropped off between 7:15 AM and 7:30 AM in front of their building. Students that eat breakfast in the cafeteria should be dropped off in front of the cafeteria. Students will be escorted to class after breakfast. Students will not be allowed to go to homeroom before going to breakfast. Car Rider/Bus Rider Procedures
Car riders are released in the afternoon at 2:35 PM. Bus riders are loaded at 2:35 PM, therefore we can not accept phone calls to change transportation or check outs past 2:15 PM. All students should be picked up from the campus by 3:00 PM.
How will my child be assessed? Tuesday Folders – Graded Papers (5 th & 6 th ) Progress reports - Every 2 weeks. Report cards - Sent home every 9 weeks. iNOW Parent Portal -Grades updated weekly. Classworks / RTI / PST / PBS
Benchmark tests will be given in reading and math based on state standards (mid-quarter/quarterly). STAR testing gives the teacher specific information on each student’s reading level. Accelerated Reader is used to improve reading ability and foster a love of reading. Easy Tech is used to teach technology skills. Alabama Science Assessment ARMT/Stanford 10 Classworks / RTI / PST / PBS
School Improvement Activities Small group instruction Classworks/ Lexia / Fast Math / Orchard Alabama Reading Initiative Strategies AMSTI / TEAM-Math Accelerated Reader Data Days After-School Tutoring Collaborative planning among staff Professional Development Parent Involvement Walk Through Observations Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Extracurricular Activities Grades 7 & 8 Yearbook / Beta Club / Student Council / Robotics / Football/ Basketball / Baseball / Softball /Track / Wrestling / Band / Cheer
Comprehensive Counseling Program Introduction to Counseling Program Red Ribbon Week Parent Career Week Bullying Prevention Weekly Character Traits Student of the Week Honor’s Program
Student Attendance/School Funding
Schools are funded based on the number of students that attend the 20 days after Labor Day. It is very important that the students attend school.
Alabama Law places the responsibility for regular attendance upon the parent/guardian. If a student is absent a written note or must be sent within three days after the student returns to school.
The complete attendance law including excused and unexcused absences is located in our Elmore County Code of Conduct. A copy of this book is distributed to every parent the first week of school.
What are the school rules? 1.In interactions with adults, do what you are told the first time. 2.Treat others with respect. 3.Report to classes prepared (with materials) everyday. 4.Keep MMS looking its best. The Elmore County Student Code of Conduct and MMS Student Handbook will strictly be enforced. Please read and familiarize yourself with this manual.
Discipline for Grades 5-8 The Elmore County Code of Conduct groups students by grades K-4 and 5-12 for disciplinary consequences. At MMS, 5 th graders will follow the disciplinary guidelines for grades Dress Code: No hats / shorts – skorts must be 2 inches above the knee / Shoulders must be covered / Mid-riff covered (Complete Dress Code will be sent home in Student Handbook)
Breakfast / Lunch / Snack
Breakfast at MMS Students now have the option of eating breakfast each morning at MMS. Breakfast will be served from 7:30AM-7:45AM each morning.
Breakfast / Lunch Prices Full Price Breakfast - $1.25 Reduced Price Breakfast - $0.30 Full Price Lunch - $2.25 Reduce Price Lunch - $0.40 Students that receive free lunch also receive free breakfast.
Students may bring lunch from home or purchase lunch in the cafeteria. It is against federal guidelines to bring carbonated drinks or fast food into a school cafeteria. Please only allow your child to bring food from home.
Lunch money may be paid daily, weekly, or monthly. However, we encourage all payments to be made on Mondays. We do accept checks for lunch. No charges will be allowed this year.
Students may bring snack from home or purchase snack &/or juice from the school. Please only send money for snack DAILY, and separate from lunch money. If your child must follow a special diet for medical reasons, please contact the office.
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES Spelling Bee Golden Key Club Science Fair Office/Library Helpers Robotics Drama Club Art Club Yearbook Staff After School Tutoring
School Items to Purchase Workbooks (5 th & 6 th Grade) must be purchased for $13.00 (change TBA). PE uniforms are available for $ (7 th & 8 th ) PTO Membership is $5.00 per person. We will not sell planners this year; however, students are required to have one. You may purchase them from the store of your choice. Supply Lists are available on our website
We look forward to a great school year!!!!!