Calhoun City Schools A tradition of excellence in Academics, Arts and Athletics
College Street School Est. 1902
A Snapshot of Calhoun City Schools Calhoun City Schools educates 4,000 students. We spend an average of $7,317 per student, which is less than most districts our size. Buford City Schools spends an average of $9,587. We are District SACS accredited and we are one of 28 Charter School Systems. CHS is a 2011 National Blue Ribbon School and we consistently earn state and national awards in academics, arts and athletics. All of our schools are Distinguished Title I Schools.
Focus on Stewardship Our expenditures are below the state average per student and our performance is above the state average. We are good stewards of tax payer dollars.
Expenditures Per Student Comparison Calhoun City Schools has one of the LOWEST per pupil expenditure rate in the STATE
FY 16 Budget Planning Calhoun City Schools has endured cuts to personnel and programs since FY 09. With increased class sizes and accountability, we can no longer make major cuts and sustain a school system to meet the needs of our students and community. The state continues to impose austerity cuts; however we have seen some relief this year. We anticipate additional cuts in federal funding.
“Still about $470 million short of funding formula” GA Budget and Policy Institute “Georgia education funding: A decade of cuts” Online Athens – January 17, 2015 School Budget Cuts Make Headlines Across the State……..
CCS FY16 Budget No Furlough Days for Staff Full 180 Day Student Calendar No Reductions in Personnel Streamlined Programs
FY 16 Budget Planning Additional positions are needed due to enrollment and inability to continue to increase class sizes: 4 th grade teacher 5 th grade teacher
Special Education Services Diagnostician needed
Calhoun Online Learning Academy Calhoun Online Learning Academy provides many opportunities for our students. Same staffing plan for next year.
Excellence in ALL Areas Academics Arts Athletics
Excellence in Academics: CCS Grad Rate = One of the Highest in State Calhoun High School’s 2014 Graduation Rate is 92.6%
Comparison Data System NameSchool NameGraduation Rate Calhoun CityCalhoun High School92.6 Floyd CountyArmuchee High School83.8 Cartersville CityCartersville High School71.6 Rome CityRome High School81.3 Gordon CountySonoraville High School86.6 Gordon CountyGordon Central High School85.6 Floyd CountyModel High85.5 Floyd CountyCoosa High School83.1 Floyd CountyPepperell High School82.1 Bartow CountyWoodland High School75.7 All GA SystemsAll Georgia Schools72.5 Bartow CountyCass High School67.2 Bartow CountyAdairsville High School67.2
Excellence in the Arts All schools continue to excel in the Arts. Calhoun High School won the GHSA Region Championship in ONE ACT this year and continues to be nominated for Schuler Hensley Awards for Georgia High School Theatre.
Excellence in Athletics Calhoun High School won numerous region championships and earned state titles in softball, competition cheerleading and football this year. Go Jackets!
Our Budget Challenges While we excel in all areas…… we continue to have budget challenges……
Funding Instruction and Operations Local – Ad Valorem Taxes (40%) Other Local – Tuition, Nurse Funds, Interest (1%) State – QBE & Other Grants (59%)
Federal Title Grants in FY 2015 Federal GrantFY 2015 Funding Homeless Children30,408 Spec Ed Federal Pre-School22,012 Spec Ed IDEA643,010 Elementary Counselor413,195 Title I-A Improving Academic Achievement 786,753 Title II-A Improving Teacher Quality73,854 Title II-A Advanced Placement Grant800 Title VI-B Rural & Low Income83,934 CTE Perkins Grant22,468
FY 16 Budget Planning Escalation of Healthcare Costs Classified $596 pmpm - $7,152 annual 2015 – No Change 2016 – $746 pmpm - $8,954 annual Impacts General Fund $119,000 Impacts Federal Funds $86,000 *per member / per month
FY 16 Budget Planning Healthcare Costs Certified $912 - $10, $945 - $11, $945 - $11, $945 - $11,340
FY 16 Budget Planning Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT) implementation continues Impact on Ad Valorem Tax collections Impact on ESPLOST collections due to removal of sales tax from auto sales
FY 16 Budget Planning State Funding reductions – Funding for public education being shifted from the State budget to the local taxpayer: Austerity Reductions FY 2003 – $6,018,306 FY $2,174,325 FY $2,290,204 FY $2,304,806 FY $2,252,344 FY $1,644,921 FY $1,045,753
FY 16 Budget Planning Local Five Mil Share increases. Locally exempted property (e.g., Freeport, age related, etc.) are taxed at full value: Local Fair Share History FY $3,579,284 FY $3,854,062 FY $3,800,003 FY $3,828,815 FY $3,810,691 FY $3,880,551 FY $3,957,002
Budget for Advanced Degrees and Step Increases Advanced Degrees - $50,873 State Salary Schedule Step Increases - Approximately 146 certified staff members will receive a 3% step increase on the State Teacher Salary schedule and an associated increase on the Local Supplement schedule. Estimated impact -- $274,364 Salaries & Benefits Classified employees also receive step increases – Impact on Salary & Benefits not calculated separately
FY 16 Proposed General Fund Budget Revenues Local Sources – 40% Local Taxes - $11,800,000 Interest on Bank Accounts: $2,500 Nursing services - $34,125 Tuition - $170,000 State Sources – 59% State QBE allotment and grants $17,298,429 Federal Sources - zero for the general fund
FY 16 Proposed Budget Expenditures FUNCTIONEXPENDITURES Instruction$ 19,921,877 Pupil Support Services$ 861,930 Improvement of Instruction$ 1,515,942 Media Services$ 266,257 General Administration$ 415,844 School Administration$ 1,469,526 Business Office$ 795,709 Maintenance & Operations$ 3,002,282 Student Transportation$ 778,110 Central Support Services$ 75,705 Other Support Services$ 56,872 Operating Transfers Total $ 200,000 $ 29,360,054
Millage Rates (FY 2015) Dalton City Schools20.5 Carroll County Schools19.5 Bartow County Schools 19.4 Gordon County Schools Carrollton City Schools19.05 Whitfield County Schools Floyd County Schools18.58 Calhoun City Schools Cartersville City Schools17.93
Funding for Construction Bonds Issued By City – Repaid Using ESPLOST Collections $21 million QSCB (Net Zero Interest) $12 million General Obligation State Capital Outlay Funds – Repaid Using State Capital Outlay Earnings $15.7 million
CMS / CHS Complex Construction Status Project Budget - $54,958,666 Payments thru May 2015 – $53,968,825
Continuing a Tradition of Excellence