The visual in Thomas Hardy’s novels: Far from the Madding Crowd and Tess of the d’Urbervilles
Chapter 1: Hardy and the visual ▪The visual arts and their influence upon literary art “Painting is mute poetry and poetry a speaking picture.” Simonides of Ceos ▪The visual in Hardy’s literary work “Hardy himself said that very often characters and plots would come to him as a series of images which he would sometimes note down as sketches” (J. B. Bullen) ▪Techniques used to create the visual in Hardy’s novels 1. J. M. W. Turner: Stonehenge 1825 – 1828
Chapter 2: Seeing and understanding in Far from the Madding Crowd “It is a man’s sincerity and depth of vision that make him a poet”. “The gifted man is he who sees the essential point, and leaves all the rest aside as a surplusage.” (Thomas Carlyle) 2. Thomas Webster: A Village Choir Giovanni Battista Moroni: Portrait of a man (The Tailor)
Chapter 3: Light and dark in Tess of the d’Urbervilles ▪Painting influence “The paintings of J. M. W. Turner were an important source of inspiration for the effects of light and colour in Tess of the d’Urbervilles” (J. B. Bullen) ▪The effect of light and darkness ▪Colour and the solar myth 5. Titian: The Rape of Europa J. M. W. Turner - The Angel Standing in the Sun 1846
Conclusions: Techniques as changing of the point of view, the use of light, darkness and colour are used to create the visual in Far from the Madding Crowd and Tess of the d’Urbervilles, for the reader to be brought closer to the fictional world.
Bibliography: Bullen, J. B. (1986) The Expressive Eye: Fiction and Perception in the Work of Thomas Hardy. Oxford: Oxford University Press Burt, D. S. (2009) The Literary 100 Revised Edition A Ranking of the Most Influential Novelist, Playwrights, and Poets of All Time. New York: Facts On File Halliday, F. E. (1972) Thomas Hardy: His Life and Work. Great Britain: The Pitman Press, Bath Jefferson, B. F. (1898) ‘The Visual Image in Literature’ The Sewanee Review [online] 6 (4), Available from [24 October 2014] Konstantinovic, Z. Scher, S. Weisstein, U. (1981) Literature and the other arts. Innsbruck: Verlag des Instituts fur Sprachwissenschaft der Universitat Innsbruck vol. 3