WCCHS Language Arts Honors/AP Summer Reading Night 2015
English I Honors Focus: Preparation for AP Classes and Tests Active/Critical /Analytical Reading and Thinking Skills Analysis of “Author’s Craft” Techniques and Choices Primarily Argument Writing Skills Effective Researching Skills Public Speaking Skills Grammar / Vocabulary Building All Students Will Refine Their 21 st Century Skills All Students Will be Academically “Stretched”
English I Honors 1. E1H Reading Packet Please follow along... Mrs. Stewart’s annotation key “Marking a Text” model for OMAM
The inside front cover of Mrs. Stewart’s copy: Of Mice and Men.
“Marking a Text”
Assignments Assignment A – Introduction: Due by June 15 th. Use your personal address Assignment B – Focus Questions: Due via hardcopy on the first day of school Assignment C – Essay: Due via hardcopy on the first day of school
English II Honors Focus: Preparation for AP Classes and Tests Active/Critical /Analytical Reading and Thinking Skills Analysis of “Author’s Craft” Techniques and Choices Primarily Argument Writing Skills Effective Researching Skills Public Speaking Skills Grammar / Vocabulary Building All Students Will Refine Their 21 st Century Skills All Students Will be Academically “Stretched”
Summer Reading Expectations Critically read and annotate the two English 2 Honors texts 1984 Annotations should focus on literary themes and techniques Fast Food Nation Annotations should focus on the Rhetorical Triangle (speaker, audience, message, and appeals to ethos, pathos, logos) See the materials packet for a sample annotation
Summer Reading Expectations Critically read the choice text Columbine, Dave Cullen Breakthrough, Jack Andraka Catch-22, Joseph Heller Ready, Player One, Ernest Cline Purchase They Say, I Say by Graff and Birkenstein for the first day of class
Assignments Assignment A: Annotations for both books due on the first day of school Assignment B: 1984 Reading Guide due on the first day of school Assignment C: In-class essay on Fast Food Nation during the first week of school
AP Language Focus: Preparation for the AP Exam and college courses Active “Close” Reading Rhetorical Analysis/Understanding Rhetorical Situation Synthesis Argumentation Public Speaking Skills/Research Skills Grammar / Vocabulary Building Technology integration All Students Will be Academically “Stretched”
Summer Reading Expectations Critically read and annotate the AP texts Into the Wild Annotations should focus on literary themes and techniques Two Longform articles Consider how rhetoric works in real life situations Annotations should address the rhetorical situation
Assignments Assignment A: Annotations due first day of class Assignment B:Essay completed during the first unit with peer/teacher editing Assignment C: In-class essay, Q3, on Into the Wild in September
AP Literature Focus: Preparation for AP Exam and college courses Active “Close” Reading Skills Rhetorical Analysis of fiction and poetry Public Speaking Skills -demonstrating a “scholarly mindset” Research Skills Grammar / Vocabulary Building Technology integration All Students Will be Academically “Stretched”
Summer Reading Expectations Critically read and annotate the AP texts How to Read Literature Like a Professor Read this text BEFORE reading the novel. Then, utilize the text while reading Tess – to “find the patterns” Tess of the D’Urbervilles Annotations should focus on literary themes and author’s techniques
Assignments Assignment A: Annotations due first day of class. Assignment B:Essay completed during the first unit with peer/teacher editing in September Assignment C: In-class essay, Q2, on Tess of the D’Urbervilles in September
Addresses E1HPatrick Clifford at Lauren Stewart at E2HMark Begovich at Katie Wood at AP LangNicole Osborne at Brian Turnbaugh at AP LitNicole Osborne at ?sMary Howard, language arts chair at