1 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Bruno Hoeft (KIT/SCC) Co-Authors: Kostas Stamos (CTI), Tangui Coulouarn (UNI-C) AutoKNF – “end customer” AutoBAHN deployment
2 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Agenda AutoBAHN history and current BoD activities aim(s) of AutoKNF infrastructure sketch dynamic circuit reservation obstacles to be solved Homogenous bandwidth at dynamic infrastructure only realized tests RTT CRC errors Bandwidth border conclusion
3 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) History and current BoD activities AutoBAHN GÉANT2 – multi-domain environment (European-NRENs) – technology independent AutoBAHN evolved to BoD service – Tool-agnostic + multi-domain different tools : AutoBAHN, OSCARS, OpenNSA and OpenDRAC integrative protocol IDCP Current active European BoD HEAnet DANTE GRNet PIONIER JANET NORDUnet Carnet SURFnet
4 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) AutoBAHN tool
5 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) bridging between NRENs Common Network Information Service (cNIS) multi-domain workflow and management automated collect up-to-date network topology data per NREN domain providing data via Domain- Manager to InterDomain- Manager multi-domain internationally across NRENs for reasons of confidentiality shared data are abstracted user-friendly visualization of Network topology
6 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) AutoKNF aim(s) Establish AutoBAHN system based circuit Reservation handling Evaluation of dynamic infrastructure – Stability Error packets, packet corruption, CRC errors Jitter – Boundary of reservation capacity border
7 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) AutoKNF history First discussions about dynamic infrastructure project incl. end customer already in 2009 during GÉANT3 opening ceremony Beginning of 2010 NORDUnet joined AutoKNF During 2010 a 1GE infrastructure was designed At the end of 2010 (1st of Dec.) a starting point of the project was defined, since: KIT : two end hosts and a shared Router/Switch DFN : static infrastructure to Frankfurt NORDUnet : static infrastructure, end hosts and Switch GÉANT/DANTE : dynamic infrastructure and the necessary software parts First sketch of AutoKNF
8 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) AutoKNF infrastructure
9 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) BoD Circuit reservation (1) PIONIER GEANT EXEMPLAR JANET HEANET GRNET
10 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) BoD Circuit reservation (2)
11 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
12 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Homogeneous bandwidth at dynamic infrastructure only error: Failed (23) --> log: " [ERROR] :42:03,911 (Timer-6) net.geant.autobahn.intradomain.ResourcesReservation - Problem while adding reservation to a Tool“ [ERROR] :08:21,306 - /autobahn/resourcesreservationcalendar) net.geant.autobahn.calendar.ResourcesReservationCalendarImpl - ResourcesResCalendar removeReservation failed: null [INFO ] :08:21,524 (Thread-266) net.geant.autobahn.idm2dm.Idm2DmClient - IDM -> DM: removing reservation end Two error lines of the logfile: - The first indicates the error and when it occurs - The second moves the reservation to the Failed (23) state StateStart timeEnd TimeStart port Start mode Start vlanEnd portEnd modeEnd vlan Capacity [Mbits/s] Mtu size [bytes] FAILED(23)Mon Nov 14 18:10:00 CET 2011 Mon Nov 14 19:10:00 CET 2011 KIT (GEANT.Port.9)VLAN406 Copenhagen end host at NDGF (NORDUNET.Port.5) VLAN
13 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Homogeneous 10GE dynamic infrastructure New HW purchased – 10GE interfaces for GÉANT MCC in Frankfurt – 1GE / 10GE transition switch at DFN PoP Frankfurt – Successful circuit reservation was now possible
14 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) RTT General purpose research internet 27.4ms AutoKNF approx. 35ms – path elongate by 1/3 -- distance by air: – KA – FRA – COP approx. 850km – KA – FRA – AMS – COP approx km Loaded dynamic infrastructure rtt 84ms Reason not resolved yet
15 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) reservation Bandwidth border – Point-to-point switched Layer 1 connections (STM-1 to optical wavelengths, 1GE, 10GE) -2*155Mbit (STM-1) 310Mbit/s -unidirection full capacity applicable -Bidirectional 10% to 1/3 less
16 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 24 hours test run 86,4 terabit in 24h, 86,4 *10 12 extreme low error ratio > No CRC Error No input/output error No packet drop
17 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) overload infrastructure Only output packet drop max ratio of 0,013 average ratio : 0,0006
18 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) pending actions Open question : rtt 84 ms ? MTU size different to 1500Byte – Extreme small packets (64byte payload) – Jumbo Frames Bidirectional reduced capacity AutoKNF dynamic circuit between GridKa and NDGF AutoBAHN via IDCP to OSCARS – NORDUnet – FERMILAB (/Internet 2)
19 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Conclusion at AutoKNF A reservation via the “AutoBAHN client portal” is very well structured Use of dynamic infrastructure is more or less self explaining dynamic infrastructure is as stable and robust as a direct point2point light path – no additional error ratio Trouble shooting is not yet a standard activity of [Eu]NRENs AutoKNF was only possible with the commitment of all collaborating people from GÉANT, NRENs and KIT
20 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Bruno Hoeft (KIT/SCC) Co-Authors: Kostas Stamos (CTI), Tangui Coulouarn (UNI-C) AutoKNF – “end customer” AutoBAHN deployment
21 | Bruno Hoeft, TNC2012 | Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Bidirectional 1GE Circuit Behavior at 1GE reservation only 7*STM-1 1085Mbit Bidirectional traffic is not taking part