Wednesday, February 06, 2013 GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Osmanpura, Station Road, AURANGABAD M.S Construction Management Subject – Construction Equipment Guidance by Dr.U.J.Kahalekar sir
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 CONTAINS Introduction Categories of Construction Equipment A.Excavating & Transporting Equipment B.Compaction Equipment C.Hauling Equipments D.Hoisting Equipments E.Pumping Equipment F.Equipment used in concrete construction G.Asphalt Mixing Plant H.Asphalt laying equipment Conclusion Reference
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 INTRODUCTION The Cost of Equipment in a project varies from 10 to 30% of the total project depending upon the extent of work. Proper planning, selection, procurement, installation, operation, maintenance plays and important role in the completion of the project. The role of construction equipments in roads, highways, large building, dams, canal etc., will play important role.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Categories of Construction Equipment Excavating & Transporting (Heavy Earth Moving) Equipments. Compaction Equipments. Hauling Equipments. Hoisting Equipments. Pumping Equipments. Equipment used in concrete construction. Asphalt Mixing Plant. Asphalt Laying Equipments.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Types of Earthmoving Equipments 1.Production Equipment : Equipment used for digging, moving the material to the site of construction or to the crushing plant. 2.Service Equipment : These are for the help of main production equipment to achieve optimum capacity. For small works dozers can be used as productive equipment. Motor Grader is used as production equipment in road construction projects, while it is used as service.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 A)Excavating & Transporting Equipment Tractor- Important Equipment for earthmoving, worked by Diesel engines, having horse power ranging from 20HP to 200HP. Types- i) Crawler or truck type ii) wheel or pneumatic type. Wheeled tractor
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment 2)Bull-Dozers: Used for shallow Excavation, Hauling the earth for short distance, pushing earth & uprooting trees. Types:-Crawler Dozer & Wheeled Dozer Crawler Dozer Wheeled Dozer
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Grader It is self propelled or towed machine motor grader, Used for light or medium works. It shapes the ground and spreads the loose material.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Scrapper : It is a device to scrap the ground & load it simultaneously, transport it over required distance. It can dig, load, haul and discharge the material in uniformly thick layers.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Power shovel/ Dipper Shovel's power shovel or front shovel or electric mining shovel is a bucket equipped machine. It is used to excavate earth of all classes except rock and load it into wagons. They are mounted on crawler tracks. It consist mounting, cab, boom, dipper stick, dipper & hoist line..
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Draglines : They are used to excavate soft earth from below ground and to deposit or to load in wagons. Output of dragline is measured in Cubic Meters per hour.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Clam shell : It consist of a bucket of two halves which are hinged together at top. It is used to excavate soft to medium materials and loose materials.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Hoe : It can exert high tooth pressures and hence can excavate stiff material which normally cannot be excavated by dragline. Out put of hoe is greatest when the excavation is done near the machine, because cycle time of operation reduces.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Loader : A bucket is attached to arms, capable of being raised, lowered and dumped through mechanical control. Application-Land filling, road Maintenance. Wheeled Loader Crawler Loader
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Excavator : Are basically digging machine. A superstructure with operator cabin traverse through 360 Degree. Application-Land excavation, pipe laying, ditch cleaning. Backhoe Loader Crewel Excavator
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Excavating /Heavy Earthmoving Equipment Cranes : This are used for lifting the loads, (may be loose material packages, container finished and semi finished product) and placing them at desired place.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Compaction Equipment Compactors are machines frequently used to compact materials such as soil in order to increase its density for construction. 1.In addition, compactors are utilized in landfill tasks. 2.Common varieties are plate tampers (also known as rammers) 3.Vibratory plates, compactors (also known as tamping foot rollers) & 4.Vibratory pad foot compactors. These categories are further divided below….
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Compaction Equipment Smooth wheeled roger These are most suitable for compacting gravels, sand and such like materials. Examples are Three wheeled or macadam rollers and tandem rollers.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Compaction Equipment Sheep’s foot roller It consist steel cylindrical drum with projection extending radial direction outward from surface of cylinder & may be propelled or towed by tractor. It is suitable for silty & clay sand, medium and heavy clay.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Compaction Equipment Pneumatic tyred roller It gives kneading action as well as compression to the soil underneath. It is suitable for moderately cohesive silty soils, clayey soils, gravelly and clen sand.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Hauling Equipments Haulage by road is carried out by trucks, rubber tyred tractor with wagons or crawler tractor with wagons. It transport the earth, aggregate, rock, ore, coal and other materials. Road vehicles used for haulage on construction work are two types. 1.On Highway Vehicle-Design to be used on Public Highways 2.Off Highway Vehicle-Designed to be used construction sites & designed and manufactured to preclude there use on their use on public roads and they may or may not comply highway limitation.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Hauling Equipments. Truck They have high mobility, good speed and adoptability. The truck capacity varies from 0.4 Cum to 20 Cum & speed vary from 10kmph to30 kmph.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Hauling Equipments. Dump Truck These are the truck which are fitted with automatic unloading devices. The loading is normally done by loading shovels or loaders. The truck have capacity as high as 53 tones. These truck can be rear dump truck. Fig. On Highway dump truck
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Hauling Equipments. Scrapper These are important units used also for hauling the material at moderate speed up to 30 kmph.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Hoisting Equipments This equipments are used for lifting the loads, holding them in suspension during transfer from one place to other and placing them at designated location. Uses:- 1.Pulleys 2.Chain hoists 3.Winches 4.Cranes
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Pumping Equipments Pump is a mechanical device to increase the pressure energy on the liquid being handled and it is used construction projects. Different types of pumps are required depending upon the job requirements. Types- 1.Reciprocating pump 2.Centrifugal Pump 3.Sludge Pump 4.Submersible Turbine pump
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Pumping Equipments Reciprocating pump Is also known positive displacement pump because in it liquid is pushed out of the cylinder by actual displacement of the piston or plunger. It creates vacuum pressure which rises the water.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Pumping Equipments Centrifugal pump Priming is done before the start of the pump to remove the air from inside. In priming water is filled in the suction pipe casing & into a portion of delivery pipe up to delivery valve and during priming delivery valve must be closed while impeller rotate & constant speed attains pump & velocity energy converted to pressure energy.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Equipment used in concrete construction. Concrete is basically cement, aggregate & water mixed together and then deposited and permitted to solidify. Operation involved in concrete production batching, mixing, handling and transportation, placing, finishing curing. In huge concreting concrete and quality depends on time of mixing, so mixers are used.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Equipment used in concrete construction. Hand fed tilting mixers This are the smaller capacity mixers. Aggregate, cement and water are fed into the drum by hand. The revolving drum with its mixing blades gives a lifting, combing and agitation to mix the concrete. Loader fed tilting drum mixer These mixers are of larger capacity as compared to the fed tilting drum mixers. Mixer are fitted with a loading hopper operated by rope. Mixing drum is supported on solid iron yoke and can tilted either side
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Equipment used in concrete construction. Hand fed tilting mixers Loader fed tilting drum mixer
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Equipment used in concrete construction. Reversing Drum mixers Used in larger work. Mixing drum in horizontal position & non tilting type. Two sets of blade, one blade mixes while drum is rotated and other discharges the mix when drum is rotated in reverse. Roller Pan mixer Is used for morter. The roller and mixing blades rotate in a pan and not only mix the material but also produce a kneading and crushing action. The drive to the rollers and mixing blade is provided by either diesel engine or electric motor.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Equipment used in concrete construction. Reversing Drum mixers Roller Pan mixer
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Equipment used in concrete construction Truck mixers Concrete mixed batch is transported from the batching and mixing plant to site. Fully or partly mixed concrete is transported throgh truck mixers,when the construction site is far from batching plant. Entire mixing is carried in journey. Concrete dumpers Is used to carry mix from concrete mixer to site. Mixer is kept near the site from the concrete dumpers. This are used for short leads only. This Dumper may be two wheel or four wheel drive propelled by diesel engine has a low centre of gravity.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Equipment used in concrete construction
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Equipment used in concrete construction.-Vibrator For compacting the concrete after its placement concrete vibrator is used. It help volume of concrete quickly placed, give high density, reduce air voids. Types of Vibrators Internal vibrators-Use on large work for flat slab. External or form vibrators-uses for thin section of walls. Surface vibrator-used to finish concrete surface such as bridge floor, road slab, section platform. Table Vibrator-used for consolidation of precast units.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 needle Vibrators Surface vibrator Table Vibrator
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Asphalt Mixing Plant Asphalt plant are used to prepare asphalt. Is a mixer of bitumen and inert mineral matter is utilized in bitumen base course, binder course. Types –Hot mix Cold Mix
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Asphalt Mixing Plant Hot mix- It has accepted a standard surfacing for heavy duty roads and airfields. It is proportionate mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral filler, bitumen. Aggregate & bitumen are heated and then mixed in a unit is known Hot mix Plant. Types-Batch & continuous
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Asphalt Mixing Plant Capacity of H.M.P 60/90T.PH.means the plant has minimum capacity of 60 tons pr hour when dry aggregate having an initial surface moisture content 6 % and thermal temperature 180 Degree Centigrade whereas max. capacity of 90 tones per hour at 2% moisture content. Function-Heating and drying aggregate. Screening & measuring aggregate, the filler and bitumen. Mixing the aggregate & bitumen in proportion to produce homogenous mix.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Batch and Continuous-Mix Plants
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Cold mix It involves mixing of cold or sun warmed aggregate, with hot or cold application of bitumen. Types-Fixed Vane type Paddle Mixer (Pug mil)
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Cold mix Types-Fixed Vane This consist of a rotating cylindrical drum provided on the inside with a set of vanes. The vanes facilitate the movement of the aggregate inside drum, enabling the aggregate to be properly coated with bitumen. These types of mixer are operated manually, like hard drum mixers and are used for preparing mix for patch repairs.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Types-Paddle Mixer It consist of an engine driven pug mill type of mixer. Is fitted 2 shafts rotating in opposite direction on each shaft. Mixer in lined on the inside with a renewable manganese steel plate. Trap door controlled by a lever to permit discharge of mix into a wheel barrow placed below the trap door Capacity from 0.15 Cum to 0.30Cum per batch. Cold mix
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Drum Mixer Drum mixer is popular because initial capital investment is less than convention plant. Components-cold aggregate feeder with mineral filler, dryer with dust collecting system, bitumen storage, heating & delivery system, mix storage unit, operator cabin and controls. Advantage-Expenditure on spare part, men-hour for maintance, requirement of power reduce. Initial cost is less. Good quality coating at low temperature.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Asphalt Laying Equipement Paver Fisher-Is a machine for laying and spreading sub-base, base courses or asphalt for road construction to give accurate depth, even leveling and good surface finish before rolling. Max. speed of paver 150m/min with basic width.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Asphalt Laying Equipment Automatic level and cross fall sensor- It is electro-hydraulic system that enables the paver to lay a mat to a predetermined level and cross fall, regardless or undulations in the road base. Bitumen Distributors-It is mounted on a truck chassis and have a tank with pump, valve system and spray bar Usual size of bitumen distributor tanks range between 5000 to litres.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Asphalt Laying Equipment construction The tank mounted on truck chassis with a heating system oil is fired burners with the direct heat from the flues passing through tank. The tank has two gauges for indicating bitumen temperature and bitumen content In tank. For feeding bitumen spray bar mounted across the machine. When bar is not spraying bitumen circulate from tank to spray bar and vice versa. Thermometer mounted on tank.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Asphalt Laying Equipment Road marking machine-this are the self propelled or hand operated machine used to spray the paint on the road for marking lines. It consist air compressor, compressed air tanks, paint tanks, solvent tank, automatic spray nozzles in addition to drive system of machine prime mover, clutch, gear, stearing and break system. Compressor keep pressure 3.5 to 4 kg/sq cm. Paint spray controlled by compressed air gun in nozzle.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Road marking machine
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Asphalt Laying Equipment Road maintenance van –Is a three wheel, towed or small truck vehicles are becoming popular in advance countries. This useful for maintenance at fast rate and economical and convenient. It cleans patches, sprays bituminous emulsions, carries 2 sizes of stone aggregates, transport two operators and also paint road marking. It consist Engine driven air compressor, tank of bituminous emulsion, with heating assuagements, fuel tank with a device of self refueling, pressure spraying with hand lance, compressed air distributor for path cleaning, shovels, pickaxe, tamper, broom, mixer for cold mixes.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Conclusion Every civil Engineer to have update his knowledge about latest equipment and machinery for achievement of economy and time management. Reference Book of Construction equipment and its management by S.C.Sharma. Book of Construction planning & equipment by Peurifoy.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013 Thanks for Guidance Dr.U.J.Kahalekar sir