Following the Review Charge Cryo-Design Review and comment on the overall cooling circuit and overall cryo-design. u Temperature Margin s For the 240 MeV/c MICE operating configuration, the temp. margin (even in the nominal case) is too small (0.6K) and the likelihood for successful operation of the magnet is small s For the other MICE configurations the T margin is sufficient s The nominal temperature margin will REQUIRE the utmost care during planning, parts fabrication and assembly. s Re-access the peak T in the coil under all operation conditions u Cooling Cirucuit s Looks OK s A full-scale test (prior to assembling the final CCM) would be very prudent. –In Fermilab Solenoid Test Facility? u Control Heater s Should be mounted in top reservoir. u Re-evaluate need for the 3 parallel circuits u Amend Heat Load analysis to include heat due to charging, heater leads and liquid level probe leads s Revised numbers give us sense that 3 CCs will work u Update PID for the cooling circuit and show all outside connections u Add He gas make-up line. Alan Bross MICE CCM Pre-production review 2/29-3/1, 20122
Cryo-design Shield u Validate that the single electrical circuit break on the thermal shield is adequate u We recommend the use of bumpers between 60K and 4K u Check MLI specification (both shield and cold-mass. Vent Line u Redesign line to eliminate the unconstrained bellows Alan Bross MICE CCM Pre-production review 2/29-3/1, 20123
Cryostat Design Review and comment on the Coupling Coil cryostat design in the following areas: u Validity of the overall design s Make sure that documentation is available to allow operation under appropriate UK codes. s Verify analysis of pressure safety of the He circuit and the vacuum vessel s Establish allowable stress criteria and document it. s Revisit the stress analysis of the cold-mass supports u Is the package suitable for outside fabrication s NO –Weldment assembly drawings detailed are not sufficient –Piece-part drawings are missing adequate tolerance (on the part & how individual parts are put into assemblies – tolerance stack-up). –Piece-part dimensions do not account for post machining steps –QA Procedures need to be improved Travelers Discrepancy reports & how it is mitigated? –Full-time US presence in China during parts fabrication is Highly Advisable (QC monitor) u Does the cryostat support all expected loads? s Magnetic forces due to Fe walls in the MICE hall have not been evaluated Alan Bross MICE CCM Pre-production review 2/29-3/1, 20124
Instrumentation Plan Review and comment on the instrumentation plan u Looks OK from information presented. u Consider moving expansion joint on the cold end of the LL probe u Consider reducing the # of T sensors on the shield for later magnets u Consider adding a heater on the coil mandrel s For test u Add redundant level control heater Alan Bross MICE CCM Pre-production review 2/29-3/1, 20125
Quench Protection Review and comment on the appropriateness of the planned quench protection system u Consider adding heaters to the bobbin to allow for active QP if needed s Needed for the test program in any event. u Bring to a conclusion as soon as possible the # of segments. Conservatism here is advised – go for the lowest possible voltage u Establish the Peak pressure in the He system during quench u Lead and bus protection is of paramount importance & should continue to be evaluated. u Cold diode assembly(ies)/module (as-built) needs to be tested in proper T and B environment(s). u Define system needed to protect magnet during power failure s Fast discharge? u Re-evaluate cold-mass thermo-mechanical stresses and deformations during the quench. u LTS leads and loops MUST be stabilized sufficiently. These areas need to be treated with extreme conservatism. Alan Bross MICE CCM Pre-production review 2/29-3/1, 20126
Note on Testing & Other The test plan, documentation, detailed procedures, mechanical orientation need to be precisely defined. u Consider testing winding in vertical orientation Having results from tests on first coil before starting the wind the second, is recommended Re-evaluate the SC/Cu ration in the new SC order and its impact on magnet performance and operation. Do not HTS leads in the Fermilab STF Alan Bross MICE CCM Pre-production review 2/29-3/1, 20127
Final Report Follow format as before: u Findings u Comments u Recommendations Asked for input from the committee within 2 weeks The hope to have final edit in 1-2 weeks afterwards Alan Bross MICE CCM Pre-production review 2/29-3/1, 20128