Leadership in Management Chapter 8 Intro To Business
Do Now Is one’s perspective of what constitutes a good leader different from person-to-person? If so, why?
DO NOW: Take a sheet of paper from the stack at the front of the room Read article individually and answer the following questions in your notebook after reading: What is a manager? What is a leader? In your opinion, which comparison of leader vs. manager listed in the article resonates with you most? Why? What is so different about the “new economy”? What is the goal of the new “knowledge worker”?
Pair & Share Create a pamphlet with a partner concerning leaders and managers. Should include: Cover page On inside, left third indicates what a manager looks like and characteristics of a manager On right third, indicate what a leader looks like and what qualities they have One middle flap, indicate if managers and leaders can be one in the same and explain. Is it common for managers to be good leaders? Provide experience/evidence to support. Switch pamphlet with another group and highlight similar points made in your own pamphlet Hand pamphlet back to group that created it after highlighting
Leadership vs. Management In business, leadership means providing direction and vision for a company. Being a manager is NOT the same thing as being a leader. Managing is a job…. Focus on specific tasks and make sure the work gets done. Give orders and carry out orders. Leading is a skill…. Have a vision See the big picture and never loose sight of the goal. Inspire rather than order
Leadership Qualities Motivation Having initiative, or the desire to take action and get things done. Inspiring others with energy and enthusiasm Main quality of entrepreneur Having a goal, motivated by a vision Confidence Its more than acting sure of yourself, its actually knowing what you are doing. The more confident you are, the more confident your employees are going to be in you.
Leadership Qualities Continued Communication A leader must be good at human relations, or the ability to communicate with people. Explain what your goals are to your employees. Good listener. Be informed about what they are doing, and what they need to do a better job, and their suggestions
Leadership Qualities Continued Integrity Most highly valued quality in a leader. Honesty, loyalty, and fairness. Set a good example. Be on time, your employees are watching Take responsibility for your actions, don’t “pass the buck.”
Reflection Which of the four leadership qualities do you possess most? Give examples of how and when you portray that leadership quality Also, give an example of a great leader and an example of a manager and explain what makes those people either a good leader or a good manager
Styles of Leadership Three basic styles of leaderships Autocratic leadership Democratic leadership Free-rein leadership Autocratic Leadership Self-ruling Like to run everything yourself and answer to no one. Make all decisions without consulting anyone. Expect all orders to be obeyed without question. Control workers through fear and intimidation.
Styles of Leadership Continued Autocratic leadership continued You assume employees hate work Lack of trust Rarely give credit to employees Little room for initiative Democratic Leadership Managers and employees work together to make decisions. New ideas encouraged in this workplace You make the final decision but, you explain your reasoning to everyone. Assumes employees want to work and gives them major responsibilities.
Styles of Leadership Continued Democratic Leadership Continued Workers will be more creative, productive and take initiative By showing confidence in employees, they will have confidence in you Free-Rein Leadership A Leader that sets goals for managers and employees and then leaves them alone to get the job done. This shows trust and confidence in their employees. Also known as “hands-off leadership” Make big decisions and keep managers informed, while also being available for questions Giving the managers and employees the power to run things and make decisions is called delegating. Delegate for the right reasons!
Leadership Teams Self-Managed Teams Work groups that supervise themselves. Role of the manager is being replaced by the role of the team leader. Team leader is a team player rather than the boss. Organized in two ways: 1. Each member has a special skill 2. The team selects one team leader The major idea behind self managed teams is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Originated in Japan
Advantages of Self-Managed Teams More goal-oriented than task-oriented Faster and more efficient Simplify the decision making process Learn to participate and cooperate with others Creativity Learn to solve their own problems (self-reliant)
4 CORNERS: WHICH STYLE OF LEADERSHIP WOULD YOU PREFER, AS AN EMPLOYEE? 1.Autocratic 2.Democratic 3.Free –Rein 4.Self-Managed Team
Exit Slip On a post-it note, write the answer to the following question: Are you a good manager, leader, both, or neither? Explain why or why not using the qualities discussed during class.
Questions, Questions, Questions Focus to Use: “All managers are at least satisfactory leaders” Write down as many questions as possible, don’t stop writing questions, and write down any statement as a question (3 minutes) Categorize questions into open-ended or closed-ended (1 minute) List advantages/disadvantages to each type of question (2 minutes) Turn closed-ended questions into open-ended and vice-versa (4 minutes) Prioritize questions (3 minutes) Class Discussion answering questions (7 minutes)