The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics Reason mathematically Can solve.


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Presentation transcript:

The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics Reason mathematically Can solve problems by applying their mathematics

4+ Foundation Stage Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single- digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.

4+ Foundation Stage – Helping at Home Encourage your child to see the maths in everyday contexts: Reading and predicting house numbers Sorting objects Counting steps up and down Playing board games where ‘counting on’ is needed Finding and making patterns Making collections of objects to support counting and understanding of number Setting the table with the correct number of cutlery etc…

Year 1 Number and place value Counts to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or one, or from any given number Counts in multiples of twos, fives and tens Given a number, identifies one more and one less Addition and subtraction Represents and uses number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20

Examples of work from Year 1

Year 1 – Helping at Home Lots of practical opportunities – counting, knowing what a number to 100 is inside out, especially the number that comes before/is 1 less than. Lots of counting backwards, especially over tens numbers. Supporting your child with the number facts they are learning – concentrate on the tricky ones and lots of repetition until they are fluent. If they are still using fingers (which is fine), then they need more practice. When you’re in the car, how many ways can you make 8? Continue to see the maths in the environment around them. Use money to support their number facts and for general counting. Be inventive! Counting up (and down when secure) in 2s, 5s and 10s. Learning to tell the tine to the nearest 15 minutes – o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to the hour.

Year 2 Number and place value Counts in steps of two, three, and five from 0, and in tens from any number, forward and backward Compares and orders numbers from 0 up to 100 & uses and = signs correctly Uses place value and number facts to solve problems Addition and subtraction Solves problems with addition and subtraction - See the calculation policy Recalls and uses addition and subtraction facts to 20 and 100: Knows facts fluently up to 20. Multiplication and division Recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for the two, five and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers Solves problems involving multiplication and division

Examples of work from Year 2

Year 2 – Helping at Home Continue to support your child with the number facts and times tables they are learning. Lots of quick fire practice of facts – concentrate on the tricky ones and keep recapping the ones they already know. Lots of counting up and back initially for times tables they are learning, and once they are secure with the pattern, start to learn individual facts. Use both multiplication and division facts. Concentrate on the tricky ones. Retention of facts is key. This takes time! Learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. This is a vital skill they now need to know by the end of year.

Year 3 Number and place value Counts from 0 in multiples of four, eight, 50 and 100 Recognises the place value of each digit in a three-digit number Solves number problems and practical problems involving these ideas Addition and subtraction Adds and subtracts numbers mentally developing to adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers using the formal written method Multiplication and division Recalls and uses multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables: Can multiply two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, progressing to formal written methods

Examples of work from Year 3

Year 3 – Helping at Home Continue to support your child with the number facts and times tables they are learning. Lots of quick fire practice of facts – concentrate on the tricky ones and keep recapping the ones they already know. Lots of counting up and back initially for times tables they are learning, and once they are secure with the pattern, start to learn individual facts. Use both multiplication and division facts. Concentrate on the tricky ones. Retention of facts is key. This takes time! Lots of time telling – using both analogue and digital clocks. Also working out time differences.

Year 4 Number and place value Counts in multiples of six, seven, nine, 25 and 1,000 Counts backwards through zero to include negative numbers Orders and compares numbers beyond 1,000 Rounds any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000 Addition and subtraction Solves addition and subtraction two-step problems in context, deciding which operations and methods to use and why Multiplication and division Recalls multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12

Examples of work from Year 4

Year 4 – Helping at Home Continue to support your child with the number facts and times tables they are learning. Lots of quick fire practice of facts – concentrate on the tricky ones and keep recapping the ones they already know. Lots of counting up and back initially for times tables they are learning, and once they are secure with the pattern, start to learn individual facts. Use both multiplication and division facts. Concentrate on the tricky ones. Retention of facts is key. This takes time! Discuss the maths your child is doing in school. Ask them to explain methods to you to aid their understanding; this will support them in their understanding. Lots of time telling – using both analogue and digital clocks. Also working out time differences.

Year 5 Number and place value Reads, writes, orders and compares numbers to at least 1,000,000 Interprets negative numbers in context Addition and subtraction Adds and subtracts whole numbers with more than four digits, including using formal written methods Calculates numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers (eg 12, ,300 = 10,162) Multiplication and division Solves problems involving multiplication and division including using a knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes Solves problems involving multiplication and division

Examples of work from Year 5

Year 5 – Helping at Home Continue to support your child with the number facts and times tables they are learning. Lots of quick fire practice of facts – concentrate on the tricky ones and keep recapping the ones they already know. Lots of counting up and back initially for times tables they are learning, and once they are secure with the pattern, start to learn individual facts. Use both multiplication and division facts. Concentrate on the tricky ones. Retention of facts is key. This takes time! Discuss the maths your child is doing in school. Ask them to explain methods to you to aid their understanding; this will support them in their understanding. Lots of time telling – using both analogue and digital clocks. Also working out time differences.

Year 6 Place value Rounds any whole number to a required degree of accuracy Uses negative numbers in context and calculates intervals across zero Calculation Multiplies multi-digit numbers up to four digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication Divides numbers up to four digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders according to the context Solves addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why Uses estimation to check answers to calculations and determines, in the context of a problem, an appropriate degree of accuracy