Flight Hardware
Flight Profile - STS
Flight Profile - SLS Earth Mars 34,600,000 mi International Space Station 220 mi Near-Earth Asteroid ~3,100,000 mi Moon 239,000 mi Commercial Partners 130 t
Flight Profile - SLS
Orion Capsule RS-25 Core Stage Engines Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) Core Stage Basic Components STS Orbiter Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) External Tank (ET) SLS
SLS Configurations Launch Abort System 70 t 320 ft 130 t 384 ft Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) INITIAL CAPABILITY, 2017–21 EVOLVED CAPABILITY, Post-2021 Fairings (27.5’ or 33’) Right-sized for the payload RS- 25 Core Stage Engines 5-Segment Solid Rocket Boosters I nterim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage Core/Upper Stage Avionics Upper Stage Advanced Boosters cargo crew
The Orbiter Weight: 153,000 lb / 69,400 kg Height: 57 feet / 17.4 meters Length: 122 feet / 37.2 meters Width: 78 feet / 23.8 meters
The Shuttle Crew Component The only pressurized and temperature controlled part of the Orbiter Equipment Bay Flight Deck Middeck
The Orion Capsule Crew Component
Payload Payload is defined as “any mission critical equipment, not necessary for spacecraft operation”.
Payload Deployment and Retrieval Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS) aka the Canadarm was used to deploy and manipulate large payloads in space. pre-programmed or manually controlled powered electrically 50 ft. of graphite ISS has SRMS. Orion does not have plans for one.
Electrical Power System STS: FUEL CELLSSLS: BATTERIES AND SOLAR PANELS Electrical Power on the Orbiter is provided by Fuel Cells. Fuel Cells convert Oxygen and Hydrogen into water and electricity. The Orion Capsule will use batteries and two solar arrays with photovoltaic cells to provide electricity like on the ISS.
Environmental Control & Life Support System (ECLSS) ECLSS provides: Cleans CO 2 from the cabin Provides drinkable water Keep the temperature between 65°F - 80°F Pressurizes the cabin
Solid Rocket Propellant Simplest types of engines Case of fuel that burns quickly Expel hot exhaust gas through nozzle Substance is typically rubbery Examples (solid in at least 1 stage): Delta (ULA, satellites) Space Shuttle (largest built and flown to date) Antares (Orbital Sciences, launches Cygnus) PSLV (India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) Shavit (Israeli rocket)
Solid Rocket Boosters STS: SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS SLS: SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS 4 segments Reusable Poured as a double batch. 5 segments Non-reusable Initially going to use the SRBs that are in inventory. SLS will be developing new side boosters (either solid or liquid) for the 130t version.
Liquid Rocket Propellant The propellant is stored as a liquid. The igniter gives off a spark and the propellant combusts and is expelled through the nozzle.
Liquid Propellant Tanks STS: EXTERNAL TANK (ET)SLS: CORE STAGE Stores liquid Oxygen and liquid Hydrogen for the SSMEs. The Orbiter is attached to the side of the ET. Will house the tanks for the liquid Oxygen and liquid Hydrogen AND houses the Core stage engines. The Orion Capsule will attach to the top of the core stage.
Liquid Propellant Engines STS: SPACE SHUTTLE MAIN ENGINESSLS: RS-25 CORE STAGE ENGINES Connected to the propellant tanks in the ET. Initially SLS will use the same SSMEs attached to the bottom of the core stage. New, advanced engines will be developed.
Hypergolic Rocket Propellant Ignite on contact with no ignition source Easy start/restart capabilities Liquid at room temperature Examples : Space Shuttle (OMS and RCS engines) Titan II (Project Gemini) Delta II (satellite launcher)
Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) STS: OMS ENGINESSTS / SLS: RCS ENGINES Two OMS Engines on the back of the orbiter Used for BIG movements in space. 44 thrusters on the nose and tail of the Orbiter Orion has RCS thrusters as well. Used for changing the orientation of the orbiter / capsule