China’s Neighbors China Facts Land and Climate China’s New Economy People and Culture
China Facts 10 points QUESTION: What is China’s ranking in the world for total land area? ANSWER: What is: The worlds 4 th largest country in total land area.
China Facts 20 points QUESTION: The hottest location in China. ANSWER: What is: the Taklimakan Desert.
China Facts 30 points QUESTION: What water feature borders China on the east? ANSWER: What is: East China Sea
China Facts 40 points QUESTION: This river in China is known as “China’s sorrow.” ANSWER: What is: the Yellow River.
China Facts 50 points QUESTION: China lays claim to the 3 rd and 5 th longest rivers in the world. What is the 3rd? ANSWER: What is: the Yangtze River.
Land and Climate 10 Points QUESTION: Chinese rivers are a valuable and important routes for travel. They are also a major source for loess. What is loess? ANSWER: What is: Fertile soil.
Land and Climate 20 points QUESTION: What is the worlds largest plateau and also known as the “Rooftop of the World ?” ANSWER: What is: the Plateau of Tibet.
Land and Climate 30 points QUESTION: What is the soil like in the Gobi? ANSWER: What is: rocky and many stones.
Land and Climate 40 Points QUESTION: Less than 10% of China is used for farming. Dikes are built to keep the water in these fields. What is the practice of carving steps into mountain sides called? ANSWER: What is: Terrace farming.
Land and Climate 50 Points QUESTION: What are the names and locations of the two main deserts in China? ANSWER: What are: The Taklimakan Desert in the west and the Gobi in the north.
China’s New Economy 10 Points QUESTION: What is China’s capital city and major industrial city? ANSWER: What is: Beijing.
China’s New Economy 20 Points QUESTION: Which two major cities Chinese officials hope will spur economic growth throughout the country? ANSWER: What are: Hong Kong and Macau
China’s New Economy 30 Points QUESTION: Which region in China has a humid climate, a long growing season, and fertile soil? ANSWER: What is: the southern region which is a large rice producing area.
China’s New Economy 40 Points QUESTION: Many Chinese companies are jointly owned by Chinese and who? ANSWER: What are: foreign business owners.
China’s New Economy 50 Points QUESTION: A system of government which controls all aspects of production, distribution and society. ANSWER: What is: A Communist State.
People and Culture 10 Points QUESTION: Nearly all of the people in China are part of this ethnic group. ANSWER: What is: the Han Chinese.
People and Culture 20 Points QUESTION: A famous Chinese thinker whose teachings shaped Chinese society. ANSWER: Who was: Konfuzi aka Confucious.
People and Culture 30 Points QUESTION: Chinese civilization dates back how many years? ANSWER: What is: 4,000 years.
People and Culture 40 Points QUESTION: Clocks, printed books, gun powder, rockets, and the magnetic compass are examples of what? ANSWER: What were: Early inventions from China.
People and Culture 50 Points QUESTION: Who was the Communist leader in China when it became an independent nation in 1949? ANSWER: Who was: Mao Zedong.
China’s Neighbors 10 Points QUESTION: Who was the Chinese Nationalist leader who fled to the island of Taiwan, 100 miles off of the coast of China. The national capital is Taipei? (Find it on the map) ANSWER: Who was: Chaing kai-Shek.
China’s Neighbors 20 Points QUESTION: A large, circular structure that the nomads of Mongolia use for their homes. ANSWER: What are: Yurts.
China’s Neighbors 30 Points QUESTION: About 90% of Mongolians are part of which ethnic group? ANSWER: What are: the Mongols.
China’s Neighbors 40 Points QUESTION: Which of China’s neighbors is a land-locked country? ANSWER: What is : Mongolia
China’s Neighbors 50 Points QUESTION: Before and after Mongolia’s communist government, most Mongolians practice what religion? ANSWER: What is: Buddhism.