Helping children with Diabetes, what is it and how do you take care of it if you have it Wael Aboughali, MD UT Houston Family Practice Joint Primary Care Fellow
What is Type I Diabetes ? Type 1 diabetes is caused by an autoimmune disorder-a problem with the body's immune system. In a healthy body, specialized cells (called beta cells) in the pancreas make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that allows the body to use energy from food.
Type I Diabetes In type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakes beta cells for invaders and attacks them. When enough cells are destroyed, symptoms appear.
Where is the pancreas ?
Where are the beta cells ?
What is Insulin ? Insulin is a hormone your body makes to help you lower the sugar in your body after you eat. If you don’t have enough insulin you can’t lower your sugar and you get too much sugar in your body.
Insulin in the blood
What is type II Diabetes ? In type 2 diabetes, the beta cells still produce insulin. However, either the cells do not respond properly to the insulin or the insulin produced naturally is not enough to meet the needs of the body. So insulin is usually still present in a person with type 2 diabetes, but it does not work as well as it should.type 2 diabetes
Type II Diabetes Some people with type 2 can keep it under control by losing weight, changing their diet, and increasing their exercise. Others take one or more medications, including insulin.
Some people need extra insulin
Myths about Diabetes A diabetes myth - diabetes is not caused by eating too much sugar. This myth probably began when people with diabetes were absolutely forbidden from consuming sugar. Children can still have all of her favorite sweets as long as they are scheduled in an eating plan.
Diabetes and Symptoms Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.
Diabetes Symptoms Frequent urination Excessive thirst Extreme hunger Unusual weight loss Increased fatigue Irritability Blurry vision
Symptoms Review
What happens if we don’t take care of diabetes ? If you don't take good care of diabetes, over time, it can cause some problems. How you take care of diabetes now affects what happens later on. You may feel just fine, but diabetes is a strain on the body and it can cause problems later on.
Nerve Problems with Diabetes One problem is a painful nerve condition that leads to loss of feeling in your hands and feet.
Eye Problems If diabetes is not managed properly it can lead to blindness after many years of high sugar.
Heart problems Diabetes is a major reason why people get heart attacks. Heart disease is very common in people with diabetes.
Who gets diabetes ? People with type 2 diabetes in their families are at greater risk of developing diabetes themselves. Other risk factors for type 2 diabetes include being overweight, physically inactive, or belonging to certain ethnic groups. African American, Latino, Native American, and Asian Americans are at higher risk.