An important point … working together From the very beginning the achievement of South Africa’s development goals was, and continues to be, founded on the understanding and principle that all key sectors of South African society, the state, business, labour, local and international NGOs and CBOs work in partnerships towards the social and economic transformation of South African society. The relevance of the Not for Profit Sector in the pursuit of South Africa’s development goals and in tackling the many socio- economic challenges the country faces remains paramount.
The point of departure and main focus South Africa’s human, social and economic development goals Challenges faced by South Africans living in poverty Unemployment (very high), poverty (extensive) inequality (availability and quality of services) Breaking the structure and patterns of the apartheid system Bringing about real positive changes to the lives of South Africans
A rich history of the Not for Profit Sector in SA Vehicle and driver for change and the fight for social justice NPO Act of for non profit organisations to flourish Poverty Hearings Ten Point Plan War on Poverty Peoples Budget, etc
The Ten Point Plan (January 2000) 1.Rebuilding of family, community and social relations in order to promote social integration. 2.An integrated poverty eradication strategy that provides direct benefits to those who are in greatest need 3.A comprehensive social security system 4.We must respond to the brutal effects of all forms of violence against women and children 5.Our social welfare programmes must include the provision of a range of services to support the community-based care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS as well as those affected, such as AIDS orphans.
The Ten Point Plan (January 2000) … 6.A national strategy to reduce the numbers of youth in conflict with the law 7.Making social welfare services accessible and available to people in rural, peri-urban and informal settlements as well as ensuring equity in service provision, is critical to the transformation process. 8.Redesign services to people with disabilities
The Ten Point Plan (January 2000) … 9.All our work must be based on a commitment to co-operative governance that includes working with different tiers of government and civil society. The Department will work in partnership with communities, organisations and institutions in civil society. A particular challenge here is to work with organisations that are located and have the competencies to reach beneficiaries. Capacity will have to be built where needed and will result in re-allocation of resources 10.Train, educate, re-deploy and employ a new category of workers in social development to respond to the realities of South Africa's crisis. Review the training and re-orientation of social service workers to meet the development challenges of South Africa and link these to our regional and global demands.
South Africa’s social and economic development goals Reconstruction and Development Programme South African Constitution Vision 2014 Millennium Development Goals The triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality 12 outcomes National Development Plan
Working with the Not for Profit Sector … towards a new framework Re-emphasising the Ten Point Plan Transforming the NPO sector -Resources, capacity and voice equitably spread and shared -Shifting more resources, greater capacity and opportunity to poor areas where challenges are greatest Addressing unemployment, poverty and inequality Focus on social groups and geographic areas where unemployment is highest and poverty extensive
Patterns of Multiple Deprivation in SA … The Eastern Cape
Towards a new framework for our partnership Strong partnership for positive change Ongoing dialogue, engagement and consultation Meeting South Africa’s human, social and economic development goals Strive towards - Building capacity - Providing Resources - Voice to shape and influence partnership - Opportunity for NPOs to flourish - Greater impact at the local level