Rationale for the Slogan TOWARDS AN HIV FREE GENERATION: RISE. ACT. PROTECT. The approach to messaging for World AIDS Day 2015 is a series of universal statements to inspire and advise South Africans on what each one of us, as individuals and as collectives, can do to strengthen our community systems. Strengthening capacity of community systems is critical and requires a systematic and comprehensive strategy to address capacity, referral networks, co-ordination and feedback and accountability mechanisms.
RISE. ACT. PROTECT.TOWARDS AN HIV FREE GENERATION: Rationale for the Slogan Leading up to and on World AIDS Day 2015, the messaging is positioned as a rallying call-to-action so that we can each identify, understand and respond to the needs of those in our immediate communities who are marginalized and vulnerable. Communities have always played a vital role in response. Local responses need to be seen in the context of strengthening community systems. We each have a unique ability and responsibility to identify, understand and respond to the needs of those who are marginalized and vulnerable in society. To show us how we might each contribute to our communities, and to the countless volunteers and grassroots organisations that have always played a vital role in responding to HIV-AIDS, TB and STIs, the WAD 2015 campaign is celebrating the contributions of various South Africans. These champions are role models to us all!
RISE. ACT. PROTECT.TOWARDS AN HIV FREE GENERATION: Rationale for the Slogan The slogan is also building upon the foci from 2013 to 2016, and beyond… 2013: Testing 2014: Stigma and Discrimination 2015: Local Responses 2016: International AIDS Conference 2016: World AIDS Day 2016 We need to continue with the momentum created, ensuring that local responses are emphasised.
In essence then, the over-arching drivers for messaging on WAD 2015 articulate: Rationale for the Slogan TOWARDS AN HIV FREE GENERATION: RISE. ACT. PROTECT. That an HIV-free generation needs individual and collective action: I rise. I act. I protect. We rise. We act. We protect. That in the spirit of “it’s not over ‘til it’s over”, we must rise, act and protect on all 365 days until the next World AIDS Day and beyond That there is power in local responses That we can be inspired by hearing about local champions, real people telling their stories of how they have risen, acted and protected in their communities…and so can we!
RISE There are many interventions in South Africa. You can access information for free from government, civil society, the private sector and individuals and communities across the country. Use the information to understand what is going on in your community. Understand how you can make an impact. To Rise is to: Be aware of the needs of your community. Know what is going on in your country. Understand that your role is important. Recognize that you can work on your own or be part of a network. The Slogan…RISE Awaken! Advance! Progress! Improve!
ACT We are all infected or affected by HIV-AIDS, TB and STIs. Therefore, everyone must support initiatives that stop the spread of HIV-AIDS, TB and STIs. All our actions, big – small - or somewhere in between, can and will make a positive impact. To Act is to: Go beyond yourself Be a positive agent for change. Be involved. Accomplish things. The Slogan…ACT Now that you know what the needs are and how your help can make a difference, do something!
PROTECT Every moment of every day, no matter where, no matter when, we must protect ourselves, our partners, our family, our friends and our communities from the spread of HIV-AIDS, TB and STIs. An HIV-free generation needs all of us doing our part, at every given opportunity. To Protect is to: Be an advocate Promote preventative behaviours Defend and champion people living with HIV Show compassion to others Be kind and caring Eat healthy foods Exercise Rest The Slogan…PROTECT Be safe. Stay safe. Keep others safe.
RISE. ACT. PROTECT.TOWARDS AN HIV FREE GENERATION: Messages Supporting the Slogan: TOWARDS AN HIV-FREE GENERATION Our country is moving in the right direction but we are still far from an AIDS-free generation We have to keep doing the work Government cannot do it all on its own We must unite behind the goal of a healthy life for all We need to work together We must act responsibly Every citizen has the power to end the epidemic
RISE. ACT. PROTECT.TOWARDS AN HIV FREE GENERATION: Sample Messages Supporting the Slogan: RISE. ACT. PROTECT. I RISE… I want to help I need to be part of something bigger than myself I understand that my community needs me I will learn the facts about HIV- AIDS, TB and STIs I know I can make a positive difference WE RISE… We know that we have the power to make a difference We know that our country wants us to be active citizens We will learn more about what exactly our community needs I ACT… I will get tested; I will know my status If I am negative, I will maintain my HIV- negative status If I am positive, I will seek immediate medical help I will take my treatment every day I am not afraid to ask for help I plan to do my part I will give more than I expect in return I will join a group that does good work in my community I will encourage and praise the people in my community who volunteer WE ACT… We will turn our knowledge into action We have the information we need to take care of ourselves and our community We will support activities that prevent AIDS and support people with HIV-AIDS I PROTECT… I will always think of safety first I will limit the number of my sexual partners I will treat everyone living with HIV fairly I will talk about HIV-AIDS, TB and STIs I will encourage people talk about HIV- AIDS, TB and STIs I will be kind to everyone I meet WE PROTECT… We always put safety first We will correctly use a condom every time we have sex We will take care of one another We will often share information with our loved ones We will discuss HIV-AIDS, TB and STIs at home, at school, with friends, and at work
… An I Example of a Message for Social Media
… A WE Example of a Message for Social Media
And it all starts with each one of us doing our part… THE CHAMPION STORIES
Examples of Local Champions
REGINA MOKGOKONG Stand-in turns saviour Regina Mokgokong started at Tanteni Home Nursing Centre as a temporary volunteer in 2005, intending to help the founder during an illness. Today, this former nurse is the Executive Director, bringing courage and energy to providing needed care. RISE. ACT. PROTECT. TOWARDS AN HIV FREE GENERATION: Examples of Local Stories …
GA-RANKUWA YOUNG ADULTS AGAINST HIV-AIDS Be inspired by love to act Ga-Rankuwa Young Adults Against HIV and AIDS (GAYAAHA) was established in 1998 by volunteers who took action inspired by a collective love for their community and its children. Tryphosa Raseroka, Bafedile M. Mokgare and Tshimane D. Marakalla are proud of GAYAAHA! RISE. ACT. PROTECT. TOWARDS AN HIV FREE GENERATION: Examples of Local Stories