Introduction to PowerPoint 2003 Professional Development Training for Classroom Teachers
Microsoft PowerPoint is presentation software that creates slide shows which can include text, graphics, video and more. This tutorial was created to help PowerPoint 2003 beginners create their own slide show presentations in a matter of minutes.
Overview of PowerPoint Window
PowerPoint 2003 Interface There are only three sections and one button you need to understand: (1) the slide palette, (2) the slide layout column, (3) the slide column, and (4) the new slide button (see Figure 1). Figure 1: PowerPoint 2003 Interface
The Toolbars
Three different views icons in PowerPoint
Exercise 1: Opening PowerPoint: Click Start, Programs, Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or double-click the shortcut icon on the desktop. PowerPoint will load.
Creating Your PowerPoint Presentation Exercise 2: Creating a Title Slide 1.On the Blank slide, click the words Click to add title. A blinking cursor will appear. 2.Type: Let’s Go to the Movies. 3.Type: Take1, Take2, Take3, in the Click to add subtitle text box. Note: By Default, PowerPoint opens with the Title template slide.
Exercise 3: Save the Presentation 1. On the standard toolbar, click the Save Button 2. When the Save as window appears, (a) click in the file name box, (b) drag your cursor to highlight text and (c) press the delete key to delete text. (Note: when the text is already selected/ highlighted /blue just start typing. 3. Type Movies and click the Save button. The name of the Presentation,Movies, should appear on the top of the PowerPoint window.
Exercise 4: Add a new slide 1. On the Formatting toolbar, click New Slide. 2. When the menu appears, click Two Content
3. On the new slide, click to add title. Type : Types of Movies 4. Click the words Click to add text in the left box. Type Comedies. Press the Enter key on the keyboard. 5.Type the text for the second bullet: Dramas. Press Enter. 6. Type the third bullet: Action. Press Enter. 7. Type the fourth bullet: Animation. The Slide should look like this:
Exercise 5: Apply a Theme A theme is set of colors, fonts, and special effects. Themes provide attractive backgrounds for your PowerPoint slides. 1. To apply a theme to all your slides in your presentations: Click on the Design button. 2. Click the design you want.
Exercise 6: Inserting Clipart onto your presentation 1. On the Menu toolbar Click Insert, a drop down box will appear. 2. Click on picture, another side box will appear click on Clipart..
You will see that the "Insert Clip Art" task pane is visible on the right side of the slide. 3. Type Movie in the text box labeled Search for," and Click Go. 4. The Clipart task pane you will see clipart images that relate to the word you type in. 5. With your mouse, Double Click a movie camera. The camera will appear on your slide.
Exercise 7: Resize the shape of a picture: 1. Move your mouse over the picture and Click once to select it. You will see eight small circles appear along the edge of the picture. These circles are called "sizing handles." There is also one green circle, which is used to rotate the image. 2. Click on one of the sizing handles that appears on a side of the picture, hold the mouse button down, and drag the handle to change the shape of the picture. Your pointer will be a double-sided arrow when you are directly over a sizing handle. 3. Hold the mouse button down, and drag the picture to make it smaller or larger.
Exercise 8: Adding Animation To animate text or clipart within your presentation; 1. Select the second slide in the slide plane, titles Types of Movies 2. Highlight the bulleted text 3. On the Menu toolbar click on Slideshow. A drop-down box will appear click Custom Animation 4. To the left of the slide, the Custom Animation task plane will appear. Click Add Effect. 5. When drop –down menu appears, Click Entrance and Click Fly In.
Exercise 9: Add Slide Transitions 1. On the Menu toolbar, Click the Slide Show tab. A drop-down box will appear, Click Slide Transition. 2. To the left of the slide, the Slide Transition task pane will appear. 3. Click (a) Cover Down, (b) to set speed of transition click the drop-down box and click medium, (c) insert sound, click drop-down arrow and Click Arrow. Click Apply to All Slides Save your Presentation
Exercise 10: Show presentation: 1. Click the first slide in the slides pane. 2. From the Menu toolbar Click Slideshow. A drop-down box will appear. 3. Click View Show Click your mouse button, the slide show should advance to the next slide. Continue to click mouse until get black slide. Click mouse again to return to normal view of presentation. Save Work Click Red X in top left corner to exit presentation
Exercise 11: Open a Saved PowerPoint presentation 1. Open PowerPoint. 2. From the Menu toolbar, Click File and Open. The Open File window should appear. 3. Click the desired file “ Let's Go the Movies” and click the Open button.
Elements of a Good Presentation
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