Microsoft Windows 7 - Illustrated Unit G: Exploring the Internet with Microsoft Internet Explorer
2 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Open a Web page and follow linksOpen a Web page and follow links Use tabs to browse Web pagesUse tabs to browse Web pages Search the WebSearch the Web Block pop-ups and filter phishing threatsBlock pop-ups and filter phishing threats Objectives
3 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Unit Introduction The Internet is a global collection of millions of computers linked together to share information. Using the Internet, computer users can share many types of information. The Web (also known as the World Wide Web or WWW) is a part of the Internet that consists of Web sites located on different computers around the world. A Web site contains Web pages linked together. Web pages are specially formatted documents that contain highlighted words, phrases and graphics called hyperlinks (or simply links) that open other Web pages when you click them.
4 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Unit Introduction (cont.) Some Web pages contain frames, which are windows within a Web page to display other Web pages or content. Web browsers are software programs that you use to “surf the web,” or display and navigate Web pages. Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 is a popular browser from Microsoft that is included with Windows 7.
5 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Opening a Web Page and Following Links Internet Explorer is a Web browser that you use to view, print and search for information on the Internet. In Internet Explorer, you can open a Web page quickly and easily by entering a Web address in the Address bar a Web address is a unique place on the Internet where a Web page resides. A Web address is also called a URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Web pages connect to each other through links that you can follow to obtain more information about a topic. a link is specifically formatted text or a graphic that you can click to move to another location on the same Web page, or to a different Web page. to follow a link, click the highlighted word, phrase, or graphic and the Web page will load, or open.
6 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Opening a Web Page and Following Links (cont.) Elements of the Internet ExplorerElements of the Internet Explorer window include:
7 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Using Tabs to Browse Web Pages As you open Web sites, you can display each site in a separate tab, so you can view multiple Web sites in a single window. You can open Web pages in new tabs by using the redesigned New Tab page with links—use an Accelerator, browse the web privately, reopen closed tabs, and reopen your last browsing session. once you open a tab, you can click to another one to quickly switch between tabs or click the Close button on the tab to exit it. when you open a new tab from another tab, the new tab is grouped together and color coded, which can be ungrouped and the color changed by right-clicking a tab. Ctrl+Click a link to group tabs
8 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Searching the Web The best way to find information on the Web is to use a search engine. a search engine is a program provided by a search provider you access directly from Internet Explorer or through a Web site. many search engines are available on the Web site, such as Bing (default) by Microsoft, Wikipedia, Google, and Yahoo and these can be added on to Internet Explorer. when you perform a search, you submit words or phrases, known as keywords that are a description of what you want to retrieve, known as keywords. type in the Search box to the right of the Address bar and the search engine displays a menu list of text and visual suggestions for the matched sites. when your keywords are found, it lists the matched sites, called hits. the search results of different search engines vary.
9 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Previewing and printing a Web page Print Preview shows you exactly how your Web page will look on the printed page. To preview a Web page, click the Print button arrow on the Command bar, then click Print Preview. To print the current Web page with the current print settings, click the Print button on the Command bar. If you want to set print options using the Print dialog box, click the Print button arrow on the Command bar, then click Print. The command bar is off by default, but can be turned on by right-clicking a blank space on the title bar.The command bar is off by default, but can be turned on by right-clicking a blank space on the title bar.
10 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Blocking Pop-ups and Filtering Phishing Threats The Pop-up Blocker in Internet Explorer prevents most unwanted pop-up windows from appearing. A pop-up window is a window, typically with an advertisement, that gets displayed in your Web browser without your permission. When Internet Explorer blocks an ad, the Information Bar appears at the bottom of the current tab telling you that something was blocked. You can click the Information Bar to temporarily or permanently allow pop-ups, change Pop-up Blocker settings, and get Information Bar help. with the Pop-up Blocker Settings dialog box, you can allow or disallow pop-ups from specific sites, choose to play a sound and show the Information Bar when a pop- up is blocked, and set a filter level to block pop-ups.
11 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Blocking Pop-ups and Filtering Phishing Threats (cont.) Phishing is a technique criminals use to trick computer users into revealing personal for financial information. Typically, a phishing scam starts with an message that appears to come from a trusted source, such as a bank or credit card company, but actually directs recipients to provide information to a fraudulent Web site. Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9 provide SmartScreen filtering to increase security to help protect you from phishing schemes; you can set phishing options on the Advanced tab in the Internet Options dialog box. you can set SmartScreen filtering options on the Safety menu in Internet Explorer and check Web sites to see if they have been reported as a phishing site.
12 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Summary Using the Internet, computer users can share many types of information. In Internet Explorer, you can open a Web page quickly and easily by entering a Web address in the Address bar. A Web site consists of a main Web page and a collection of related Web pages located on a computer with a connection to the Internet. Each Web site has a unique URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
13 Microsoft Windows 7 – Illustrated Summary The best way to find information on the Web is to use a search engine. You can open Web pages in new tabs by using the redesigned New Tab page. The Pop-up Blocker in Internet Explorer prevents most unwanted pop-up windows from appearing. Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8 provide SmartScreen filtering to increase security to help protect you from phishing schemes.