INDEX The Mediterranean Climate. Mediterranean flora Mediterranean fauna National parks Mediterranean forests: Cabañeros, the most important mediterranean National Park.
Mediterranean climate Characterized by mild winters, dry summers and autumns and springs with abundant rainfall. Rainfall is scarce and irregular. On numerous occasions usually causing heavy rains and flooding. Average annual temperatures vary from 12 and 18 ºC.
MEDITERRANEAN FLORA The Mediterranean region is characteristically a woodland canopy evergreen species such as oak (Quercus rotundifolia). Other important species are the Kermes oak (Q. coccifera), strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) and the blonde peregrina (Lonicera). Mediterranean pine (P. pinea) is one of the most important species of mediterranean flora.
The biodiversity of the Mediterranean environment is enormous The biodiversity of the Mediterranean environment is enormous. The numbers of endemic species is very important A endemisme is a specie that only lives in a particular ecosystem. 35 species of amphibians; 179 species of reptilia; 25% mammal. In addition, 28% of marine species found in the Mediterranean are endemic. MEDITERRANEAN FAUNA
CABAÑEROS It is located in Castilla La Mancha, between Ciudad Real and Toledo. It is one of the most important mediterranean forest in Spain.
ECOSISTEM Nº1: LA RAÑA LA RAÑA: is a big extension of little plants, with big size trees isolated.
The most important specie is: Holm oak or Evergreen oak, the most representative tree of the mediterranean forest. La encina Quercus rotundifolia
How can we reconised a holm oak? Its little blades are resistant to extreme temperatures. Its fruit is the acorn. Sus pequeñas hojas resisten los fuertes calores y el frío extremos. Su fruto es la bellota.
Other important species are: The wild olive. El acebuche. Olea europaea var. Sylvestris.
ECOSISTEM Nº2: THE FOREST The forest is plenty of several plants and trees, mixed in a closed area. El monte es un área cubierta de arbustos y árboles, dando un terreno cerrado de difícil acceso.
Species we can see: The Cork oak, a tree very similar to the holm oak. It produces the cork. El alcornoque, que produce el corcho. Quercus suber.
Other species: Portuguese oak or Lusitanian oak. It lives in a more wet environment. El quejigo, de hoja semicaduca. Quercus faginea.
Other species: The Strawberry tree. We can eat its fruit wich is red or orange. El madroño, arbusto de hoja perenne y fruto vistoso. Arbutus unedo.
Other important species: The Gum cistus: its blades are covered by a resin. La jara pringosa, con flores blancas y fruto globoso. Cistus ladanifer.
ECOSISTEM Nº3: THE WET AREAS The most important forest in this ecosistem is the melojar. El bosque húmedo por excelencia es el melojar.
The most important tree is: The Pyrenean oak, it belong to the same family that de holm oak. Its fruit is an acorn too. El melojo o rebollo. Quercus pyrenaica.
FAUNA Within the National Park Fauna Cabañeros worth noting several species endangered or vulnerable, as well as endemic.
Some Endangered Species: Iberian Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti), the black vulture (Aegipius monachus) the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus).
Some of the most common animals are: Deers (Cervus elaphus) that inhabit the plains of the Raña.
Vanished species: They are the ibex (Capra pyrenaica). And the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus).