Information Sharing techUK and HSCIC Workshop, 15 June 2015 Martin Orton, Andrew MacLaren, Dave Roberts and Peter Dyke
What we do We set standards that protect patient’s confidential information, reduce bureaucracy and improve data quality We operate essential technology services that support the health and care system We collect, analyse and publish national data and statistical information that helps inform decision making We develop the next generation of national data and information systems
Our vision By 2020 we will have revolutionised the way technology, data and information are used to transform the delivery of England’s health and social care services
HSCIC Strategy Establish shared architecture and standards so everyone benefits 3. Implement national services that meet national and local needs 4. Supporting health and care organisations to get the best from technology, data and information 5. Making better use of health and care information 1. Ensuring that every citizen’s data is protected
Transforming the way we engage We will… Radically improve the way we engage with our partners and stakeholders, and Show everyone who uses our services that we are listening and responding to their needs 5
Strategic Account Manager To understand the customer’s or sector’s business, and be the voice of the customer within the HSCIC To be the HSCIC ambassador to the customer, presenting the full capability of the HSCIC to optimise benefit to the customer Strategic level, looking for opportunities to benefit sector, HSCIC and overall system or
Data Sharing Progress Update Dave Roberts
Data Sharing – What we have done? Creation of a Data Access Request Service (DARS) Significant further resource into Data Access team Strengthening independent review of requests (via Data Access Advisory Group - DAAG) New contract & agreement structure in place SLAs (for applications received since 1 st Feb 2015) in place and performance reported on the website. Data release register improved with more detailed information included on purposes. Single application form used throughout process (and becomes the agreement)
DARS – Permanent structure 9 Significantly strengthened Data Access team Permanent Director appointed (start date beginning of July) Dedicated performance management function created New data approvals function created Recruitment to permanent structure almost complete
Data Access Request Service - DARS
Data Sharing – How are we doing? 11 Open Applications (subject to SLAs) Applications received between 1 st August 2014 – 31 st Jan 2015
Data Sharing – what we are doing? Dedicated project team set up to review Customer Service across DARS and develop an ongoing programme of improvement that will look at: –Further guidance and exemplars –Staff training –Improved visibility of process –Account management to ensure single point of contact Better use of technology –Developing online application form and progress tracker Customer engagement –Co-creation workshops. 1:1 sessions to advise on prospective applications? 12
Data Sharing – Legal framework 13 Control of data, legal framework and constraints Release of data to improve health and social care
Data Sharing – Common Issues 14
IGARD Consultation Revised and expanded DAAG We will be consulting on the Terms of Reference for the new group Consultation papers expected to be published next week 15
Information and Analytics Vision Presented by Andrew MacLaren - Director of Information and Analytics
Questions 17
Breakout discussions 1.What are the big issues/causes for concern and how could they be addressed? 2.What opportunities does HSCIC’s strategy create and what else would you like to see? 18