Changes in Religion The Protestant & Catholic Reformations
Directions for Notes As we view each slide, look for clues to the changes in the Medieval Church. As we view each slide, look for clues to the changes in the Medieval Church. Listen to the clue questions. Listen to the clue questions. For each notes slide, add the information across your page. For each notes slide, add the information across your page. Place arrows after each notes slide to show the flow of events through the Protestant Reformation. Place arrows after each notes slide to show the flow of events through the Protestant Reformation. Notes From One Slide Notes From One Slide Notes From One Slide Notes From One Slide Notes From One Slide
Corruption in the church existed (selling indulgences, destroying education) Corruption in the church existed (selling indulgences, destroying education) Some priests immoral and did not know how to perform jobs Some priests immoral and did not know how to perform jobs Great Schism created 2 popes and divides power Great Schism created 2 popes and divides power Monarchs and reformers question church’s authority Monarchs and reformers question church’s authority
John Wycliffe & others begin to question the church’s authority (right to set rules) John Wycliffe & others begin to question the church’s authority (right to set rules) Some charged with heresy (speaking against church) and put to death – Jan Huss Some charged with heresy (speaking against church) and put to death – Jan Huss Causes leaders to ask for church to reform Causes leaders to ask for church to reform
Martin Luther (a German monk) questioned Catholic Church and corrupt ways Martin Luther (a German monk) questioned Catholic Church and corrupt ways Theory of Justification by faith said people did not need to buy indulgences or other church abuses Theory of Justification by faith said people did not need to buy indulgences or other church abuses Posted 95 Theses (statements on church wrong-doings) on door of church Posted 95 Theses (statements on church wrong-doings) on door of church Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther from church Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther from church
Luther continued to protest Luther continued to protest Wrote pamphlets about his beliefs Wrote pamphlets about his beliefs Led to widespread revolt across Germany Led to widespread revolt across Germany Protesting followers of Luther (and other reformers) began Protestant branch of Christianity Protesting followers of Luther (and other reformers) began Protestant branch of Christianity Luther’s followers became Lutherans Luther’s followers became Lutherans
Invention of Printing Press by Johan Gutenberg helps spread Protestant ideas across Europe Invention of Printing Press by Johan Gutenberg helps spread Protestant ideas across Europe Peasants revolt from Catholic Church and join new leaders Peasants revolt from Catholic Church and join new leaders New Christian branches form (Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anabaptists, Anglicans) New Christian branches form (Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anabaptists, Anglicans)
John Calvin French Priest Successor of Martin Luther A part of the second generation of the Protestant Reformation
John Calvin’s ideas are introduced in Geneva and helps spread Protestantism John Calvin’s ideas are introduced in Geneva and helps spread Protestantism Theory of ‘predestination” Theory of ‘predestination” Live life proving you are one of God’s chosen for salvation Live life proving you are one of God’s chosen for salvation
What would you do? You are in charge of the Catholic Church. Your arch nemesis Martin Luther has pulled so many members away from the Catholic that the coins are no longer ringing in the collection plates and the sale of indulgences has plummeted. The situation of the Catholic church is looking bleak. You and your cardinals must devise a plan to get members back to the Catholic church. With a partner devise a plan to convince people to return to the Catholic church. What changes will you make? How will you make the Catholic church an attractive religion? What will the new Catholic church have that these new Protestant branches do not? Make sure your plan is well thought out and detailed, the whole of Christendom is counting on you!
Catholic Church begins to lose members Catholic Church begins to lose members Call together meeting (Council of Trent) to reform church Call together meeting (Council of Trent) to reform church Abuses ended and reformed finances of church Abuses ended and reformed finances of church Church set up schools to train monks, priests Church set up schools to train monks, priests
Jesuits very well trained by Catholic Church Jesuits very well trained by Catholic Church Educated in all disciplines to have full understanding of the “world” Educated in all disciplines to have full understanding of the “world” Worked to win back members in Europe Worked to win back members in Europe Spread Catholic faith across Africa, Asia, and Americas Spread Catholic faith across Africa, Asia, and Americas
Catholic extreme policies tried to stop the spread of Protestantism Catholic extreme policies tried to stop the spread of Protestantism Inquisition judged and convicted heretics Inquisition judged and convicted heretics Imprisoned, exiled, or executed those with unorthodox views Imprisoned, exiled, or executed those with unorthodox views Index of Prohibited Books named books forbidden to read, including Protestant Bibles and scientific writings Index of Prohibited Books named books forbidden to read, including Protestant Bibles and scientific writings
By the end of the Reformation and Counter (Catholic) Reformation, Europe is diverse with different Christian branches. Each branch will work to gather members and spread their religion around the rest of the world as exploration and colonization begins.
The Church of England (Anglican) Disliked Luther, wrote a book against him. Disliked Luther, wrote a book against him. Pope awarded him “Defender of the Faith” Pope awarded him “Defender of the Faith” Wanted a son, tried to divorce wife because she only had a daughter. Wanted a son, tried to divorce wife because she only had a daughter. Pope said, “No.” Pope said, “No.” Henry VIII formed new church, divorced wife and got remarried... 5 times. Henry VIII formed new church, divorced wife and got remarried... 5 times. Ransacked monasteries, churches and land for the crown. Ransacked monasteries, churches and land for the crown. Can’t get a divorce? Make your own church! Can’t get a divorce? Make your own church!
How does the Council of Trent compare to your plan? Which plan do you think would be more affective and why? Which plan do you think would be more affective and why?