Homeland promised to them? After all the persecution they deserve a homeland.
Been Palestine for a long time. Historical place for them.
Maps? What does each one want? Can this be solved without violence? What would it take?
Happened on June 5 th to June 10 th Israel invaded Egypt and began a lightening war. Egypt closed waterways that were important to Israel such as the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba. As a result, Israel gained controlled over the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, The West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. This war changed Middle Eastern nation’s view of Israel. Palestinians realized that Arab governments could not get back their land back from Israel. This is when they joined guerilla fighting organizations such as the PLO.
Happened on Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday, October 6, This was between Egypt and Israel. The Yom Kippur War started when there was a surprise attack on Israel when Arabs attacked Israel. Egypt and Syria were the leaders of this. These Arab nations captured the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights, lands that Israel had captured during the Six Day War. The Israelis cut off the entire Egyptian army near the Suez Canal and pushed the Syrians back out of the Golan Heights. UN called a cease fire.
Took place from September 1980 to August Iran and Iraq were part of this. This has been called the longest conventional war of the 20 th century. It cost one million casualties and 1.19 trillion dollars. Over 50 towns and cities were ruined. Iraq invaded Iran because of border disputes. Iran wanted Saddam Hussein overthrown (US supported him). This war became a war of attribution; who can last longer. The UN called for an end to the conflict. Iraq used chemical weapons against the Iranians. The UN said both sides used them. The UN also said that Iraq used mustard gas.
This was also Desert Storm. This began Iraq invaded Kuwait in August Iraq was slant drilling petroleum across Kuwait’s border. The value of the oil that supposedly taken illegally from Kuwait was $2,400. Iraq further stated that Kuwait was hurting Iraq’s economy by keeping oil prices low because of overproduction. Kuwait wanted help from the UN to say that Iraq was drilling for oil in Kuwait. The U.S. also helped Kuwait. Iraq announced the union of Kuwait and Iraq. The UN declared the union of Iraq of Kuwait null and void. Saddam Hussein said that said that foreigners held in Iran and Kuwait would be used as human shields on military bases.
Saudi Arabia was our ally and the U.S. used this as a base. Other nations helped as well like Great Britain. Other Middle Eastern countries helped such as Egypt and Syria. There were 30 nations in the coalition to fight against Iraq. Iraq took the opportunity to fire missiles on Israeli cities. Iraq also set 571 oil wells on fire in Kuwait. Saddam Hussein said that he would withdraw troops form Kuwait if Syria withdrew from Lebanon and Israel withdrew from Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and Lebanon. The US and UN said no and Iraq was removed from Kuwait in Feb Iraq lost this war at the end.
This is a small disputed land that had been Syria’s before the Six-Day War. Afterwards 80,000 Syrians fled and now there is a population of about 33,000 living in the region. The area is important for boundary security, for Israel, between Lebanon and Syria, and for water rights. Syria believes the Golan Heights is their territory. Israel offered the return of the Golan Heights to Syria in 2000 if Syria recognized Israel and promised peace. Syria refused.
This is a long region of coastal land adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea. About 1.4 million Palestinians live there. The area is more than twice the size of Washington DC. This strip of land does not belong to an country although it was occupied by Israel for 40 years. The Israeli government has been controlling the airspace and coastline of the Mediterranean Sea; the Palestinian Authority controlled the border with Egypt and had jurisdiction within the area. In 2005, Israel started to dismantle some of the settlements in the Gaza Strip that had been created after the Six-Day War in The homes occupied by the Israelis would be destroyed and high rise apartments buildings would be built to house the Palestinians that had waited for the return of this small bit of land.
The West Bank is the name of the area west of the Jordan River. The area is smaller than the state of Delaware. The government of Jordan named it after it was taken by Jordan in In the 20 th century, this region was part of the British mandate. It was to be part of Palestine after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. This area was taken over by Israel in 1967 in the Six-Day War. Israel continues to occupy this region today. Israel has overall control even though the Palestinian Authorities has some jurisdiction.
The area is mostly Palestinian -84% with a minority Jewish population. Part of Jerusalem is in here and Israel claims to annex it, however the UN do not recognize the annex. Jerusalem…3 religions…importance of this cannot be overstated!