It is the policy of the university that purchases should be made using the E-Buy system. If the E-Buy system cannot be used for a given purchase of $1,000 or less because the item(s) to be purchased are not available through E-Buy, the Procurement Card (P-Card) may be used, subject to the restrictions in the policy. Any procurement with special purchasing restrictions must be ordered through the Purchasing Department on a purchase order and recorded through the Banner System. THEREFORE, THE P- CARD SHOULD BE USED FOR EMERGENCY PURCHASES ONLY. THE P-CARD IS FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY: (WHAT IS CONSIDERED AN EMERGENCY). Only if the cardholder has items or a purchase that cannot wait the 24 hour period it takes to order from E-buy, or an immediate necessity for the Department. Purpose of the Procurement Card
Authorized University personnel who makes frequent, low-dollar purchases for University business and are issued a P-Card will hold the role of the Cardholder. A Cardholder makes purchases, has a legitimate business purpose for all P-Card transactions, regularly review his or her transactions, allocates transactions to the correct accounting codes, provides a business purpose when necessary, and maintains their P-Card receipts for review and audit purposes. It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to see that his/her transaction packet is turned in completed and before the deadline to the Budget Manager/Reconciler. No Cardholder may approve or reconcile his/her own transaction Logs The Cardholder should make sure that all receipts are itemized and if not contact the vendor to try to obtain an itemized receipt or your Transaction Log and packet will be incomplete. Incomplete Transaction Logs turned in on the deadline and not completed before 5:00pm will be considered late. Contact p-card administrator for further instructions. All small receipts are to be attached to an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper. The Cardholder is responsible for all actions taken by the Reconciler on his or her behalf.
What is a procurement card? _______________________________________ The Fayetteville State University Procurement Card is a Visa Credit Card issued through Bank of America. The Visa card allows employees to purchase goods and services under the delegated limit directly from vendors. The card is issued in the university and cardholder’s name. The cardholder is responsible for the security of the card and the transactions. Activating the card requires a 4 digit PIN which is the last 4 digits of your Banner ID#. You may activate your card by calling the customer service number located on the back of your card. The last four digits of Your Banner ID# will be the security code Bank of America will ask for if you need information on your card.
Benefits of the P-Card ______________________________________________________ Cardholders can obtain goods quickly and efficiently Purchase requisitions and check requests are not required The number of purchase orders, invoices, check requests, and checks processed are reduced Eliminates vendor registration form Can only be used for emergency purposes.
Cardholder makes purchase(s) Cardholder review charges and forwards to Reconciler the completed transaction log listing the FOAP’s to be charged for each purchase with original receipts and a signed bank statement attached. The Cardholder is the only person who should make purchases with the P-Card. Giving a card or card number to any other person or using a card not assign to you may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to revocation of procurement card privileges and/or termination of employment. Always keep the procurement card in a safe and secure place.
Procurement card purchases may not exceed $2,500.00/single transaction. Daily and monthly purchase limits are based on issuance per person. Daily and monthly number of transactions are unlimited. Caution: Do not “split” a transaction. A purchase, exceeding your $2, single transaction limit, can not be separated into two or more transactions to avoid the P-Card limit. Splitting a transaction will result in the suspension or cancellation of your P-Card. Note: You can only spend the amount of money you have in your budget. Example: If you have $6,000 in your budget you can only spend $6,000, not $10,000.
Limitations of Transaction Amounts ______________________________________________________ The number of transactions is unlimited, but transaction amounts are limited as follows: Single Transaction/Purchase is $2,500 Daily and Monthly transactions are decided by the levels charts provide on the website and approved through the Purchasing Dept. Please contact the Administrator with any questions. Valerie Colorado –
Use the p-card the same as a regular credit card; however, the credit is tied to the University’s credit and does not affect personal credit. For allowed purchases only, Not for personal use. If the procurement-card is proven to be used for a personal purchase those funds must be returned to the university by the cardholder and the employee is subject to disciplinary action. Purchasing with the card does not change the rules and regulations required by the university purchasing policies. You must obtain an itemized receipt with pricing for every purchase. All current purchasing policies and procedures must be followed.
CARDHOLDER Read and abide by the university’s purchasing and procurement card policies. Always try to obtain the best possible value for the university with the procurement card. Safeguard the card against fraud and misuse at all times. Keep the card in a secure location and keep the card number confidential. Exercise caution in sharing account information. Ensure that state sales tax is not charged when making a purchase. The university's tax-exempt number is printed on the upper right hand of the procurement card. Sales tax exemption #400050
Cardholder (Cont.) Obtain and keep receipts and maintain detailed information for each card transaction. A receipt must be obtained for each purchase or transaction. Obtain a monthly statement sent to you from Bank of America. Review charges, completes reconciliation packet, and forwards to Reconciler Resolve all incorrect charges and product returns with the merchant or vendor as quickly as possible. Call the bank immediately if the card is lost or stolen and notify the procurement card administrator.
Purchase in Person The cardholder shall determine if the procurement card is the most appropriate tool for the purchase. The cardholder shall verify that the total amount of the purchase including shipping, handling, postage, freight, insurance, etc., does not exceed limits set on the card. The cardholder shall obtain a receipt at the time of purchase or pickup and a packing slip if the items are shipped.
All vendors accepting VISA are registered with their bank under a specific Merchant Category Code (MCC) identifying the type of services they provide. The university has blocked all categories deemed inappropriate for use such as travel and entertainment categories, ABC stores, off-track betting, etc. The P-Card will be declined if presented to a type of vendor that has been restricted. The procurement card cannot be used to purchase from vendors that fall under a blocked category on the MCC list. If a particular vendor does not accept the card, please contact the Procurement Card Coordinator. When appropriate the vendor block may be removed allowing the purchase to be completed.
Should a problem arise with a purchased item or charge, every attempt shall be made to first resolve the issue directly with the vendor. Returns: If a cardholder needs to return an item to a vendor, contact the vendor and obtain instructions for return. Note that some vendors may charge a restocking or handling fee for returns. Returns: Credits: If the vendor accepts an item as a return, a credit for this item should appear on the current or following month's statement. Credits: Disputed Charges: If a cardholder finds a discrepancy on a monthly statement, the cardholder should contact the vendor and attempt to resolve the problem directly. All disputed items should be documented. A copy of the form and letters shall be kept as documentation. Disputed Charges:
Human Resources sends an to P-card Coordinator, stating the cardholder is leaving and their effective separation date. The Procurement Card will be cancelled upon the cardholder’s termination. If an employee transfers to a different department, a new application and MOU form must be completed to transfer you to your new department.
Purchasing items for FSU business use only Never lending or sharing your p-card or its number. Keeping all purchases to less than your assigned transaction limit. (Splitting purchases into multiple transactions to avoid the transaction limit is never allowed). Provide reconciled monthly statements, with attached itemized sales receipts, packing slips, and other similar documentation, to your Cardholder Supervisor.
Continued Reviewing and responding to notification Returning the p-card when reassigned or terminated, or upon department request. Knowing and understanding responsible buying practices, including the Purchasing Policies and Guidelines. Understanding funding sources for your card’s account.
Kevin Crutchfield Materials Manager Barber Building – Office Ms. Willie McIntyre, Purchasing Director Business and Finance – Purchasing Department Barber Building – Office Valerie Colorado, Procurement Card Administrator Business and Finance – Purchasing Department Barber Building – Office 131, cubical “C”
We encourage you to go online to the Business and Finance Purchasing website to review Purchasing and Procurement Card Policies in detail. Thank you